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I may have posted this here earlier, I can't remember...

Have you ever met a religious person who states that dinosaurs are made up bc we do not know what they sound like? How would you answer such a question?

VineetHonkan 7 Dec 11

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For the most part we do not know what dinosaurs sounded like or looked like. Their color is a big mystery, but what does that matter?


You will never convince them no matter what you say, so just say' "yeah, whatever dude" and walk away.


I'd walk away.


It is very hard to fossilize sound waves...or so I have heard.


I'd say Jesus mujst have been made up too, because we don't really know what he sounded like either.


I've never met a Xian quite that ignorant yet but I'm sure they're out there. If I did meet one, I'd reply, "We have a mountain of fossil evidence that's been unearthed over the last 350 years that proves the reality of hundreds of dinosaur species. What they sounded like is unimportant.

Show me some proof that your God is real.


you laugh and change the subject


We may not know exactly what they sounded like, but with the skeletons, we can approximate what they looked like, and how big they were.


Thankfully I haven't because I could possibly give myself a hernia laughing at their idiocy.


I would just look at them and say "using that lack of logic I wish I couldn't hear what you sound like"


I'd ask if he applies the same criterion to Jesus (or whatever gods or goddesses), and then point out that even if such a character existed, there is no evidence that the doings and sayings attributed to them were not made up.

Exactly what I was going to say. I don't recall hearing any of Jesus's CD's, do you?

@TheoryNumber3 But God did supply his voice for that Ten Commandments movie though:

Only about a half step away from the 4th grader I overheard pondering to his friend "I wonder what heaven looks like? Hey, I think I'll Google it!"

@Rossy92 And he's still collecting royalties!!

it's a 'she'.

@VineetHonkan Given the way the Buybull/Babble denigrates womankind...unlikely. But I like the idea of transgender even more!
("Smooth" coat in one of your pics btw.)


I don't waste my time with people that ignorant. UNLESS they're paying me $75/hour for counseling. And even then, I have a short fuse.


Is that something you actually encountered? I've never heard this argument before.


It may be that the religious person was relating to that philosophical question of "If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

And the answer to that is "Yes, it does. Just because there may have been no people there to hear it does not mean that the multitude of forest animals, big and small, in the soil, above the soil, did not hear it. Parochial putz!

@BirdMan1 No so "Parochial" . The answer is not so obvious: []
Also consider: []


Well, I would respond personally by immediately putting LOTS of distance between myself an such a complete idiot.


I would be quite unable to answer. Since when I laugh really hard, I generally start to choke.

Modelling is a legitimate technique which allows scientists to ask more question. Of course religionists think they have reached a conclusion.


I remember in childhood that the anti evolutionists said that fossils were put on the Earth by Satan to fool humans. Only later did they say dinosaurs and humans lived together. And now. GeeZeus rides a T-Rex with his AR15.


Shit, I grew up with dinosaurs in the back cover of the bible, that's some of the weird Xstian shit you deal with as a child in the JW cult. The pic is from the back of a JW text from the 60's


Hmmm ... that is interesting. There is an immediate impulse to reject that thinking just based on the ridiculousness of it .... but hold on .... they are asking for empirical evidence .... That's NOT a wrong approach ...... I would just also point out we do not know the sounds of:

Supreme Beings

and at present dinosaurs do not exist .... so ... how consistent is this person going to be?? Just curious ....


The interesting thing I was just doing a cursory search on google and found out that dinos sounded either like crocodiles, or geese.


Their bones sound like evidence.

Leelu Level 7 Dec 11, 2020

Ask them if they have heard their god talk to them. They need to give you testable evidence they god is real.


My sister-in-law is a sixth grade teacher. She says dinosaurs are a hoax because "they've never found a whole skeleton. "

I was actually shocked. I had never met anyone who doubted dinosaurs existed. I had heard about them being placed by Satan to cause doubt before.

That's what I meant...the bones were placed there from the niphelem (in other words, they are the bones of giants, and every single scientist/paleontologist/etc is in on it)...


Insanity pure and simple!!


Scientists have an idea of what dinosaurs sound like, I heard a christian say god created the dinosaurs, either way It's plain ignorance what christian's have to say about dinosaurs, they teach them not to read science books, and refusal of the teachings of evolution, a lot of religion is control, they don't want them to know the truth. not to question their religion, not to read certain books. the atmosphere was different millions of years ago, had more oxygen, and that is why everything grew larger in those day's I have heard. I heard another christian say satan, put the dinosaur bones in the ground, more religious ignorance, I'm sticking with science. satan doesn't exist, It's an old superstition, and is used to control and scare christains into obediance


My best friend in high school and her family believe that.

The reason why we get along so well is because we don't talk religion or politics.

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