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Can you recognize logic when you see it?

You do get suspicious when a loser in an election asks officials to ‘ Find Votes ’ which they have meticulously guarded. 
When there are two local directories in any local area, one does lose a sense of BEST direction.
An opinion backed up by reproducible facts is stronger than some others. 
For the ordinary person to freely choose a specific God from a multitude of gods is an impossible task . Preaching means persuasion. ' Free Thought ' means you reach YOUR choice.

I am feeling low in that I have a logic deficiency. Can you feed me some more? - any subject!

Mcflewster 8 Jan 4

Enjoy being online again!

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I would like to play a board game, but I don't have the one I want to play.

@Flowerwall Please put the name of the board game here so that we can all search for it


for (var i=0; i<x.length; i++) {
stdout.write( "and a "+i+"\n" );

Hip hop!


Watch Star Trek, specifically watch Spock or Data.


The evidence has to be falsifiable. That's where I start.


I have two principles when it comes to logic in the sense that you use the word.

  1. Does it follow the rules of inference?
  2. Is the evidence falsifiable?

Unless the answer to both questions is "yes", then it is not logic in that sense of the word.

Donald Trumps "find me the votes" is irrational. Anybody's choice of any particular god or gods is equally irrational. Both constitute logical fallacies. See also [] .


I recommend finding Rationality Rules on YouTube. He’s fairly good at revealing logical fallacies. There is a decent backlog of debunking videos to nurture that logic!

Here’s an example of a recent one


Mvtt Level 7 Jan 4, 2021

There is good and there is evil.

Common source-Google search definition for moral.

concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.

  1. principles of right and wrong behavior.

  2. the goodness or badness of human character.

The word "and" is a conjunction, conflating the 2 criteria for the definition of moral. Pertaining to just #1 above

a. Right and wrong are can be subjective in there is more than one way to skin a cat. One way may be a qualitative value of "good", that is to say better than another way, but the fact of 2 different ways to skin a cat does not automatically make one way wrong and the other way right.

b. In view of a bolt and a nut, or simply a screw, there is only 2 directions. Turned one way is the right way to loosen, turned the other way tightens. To hammer the screw in like a nail, would be disregarding the threads or right way to insert a screw.

Pertaining to #2 above: Goodness and badness (evil) is more indepth would have to write another time. Short on time for writing right now to finish.

The video is about comparing atheism with morality. We know we are gods therefore gods exist. Atheism by definition doesn't believe we exist.

Why does atheism not believe we exist? Atheism does not know what a God is. It's like telling a gorilla "we are homo sapian ". The gorilla does not understand language like that, so telling an atheist "we are gods" is not something an atheist can comprehend.

Is then this lack of atheist comprehension a "moral" flaw? To say qualitatively, our intelligence and communication understanding is better than gorilla. So, the moral standard of illogical atheist comprehension may not be a matter of "wrongness" but a lesser qualitative value of good. So to say, illogical atheist, like gorilla can not comprehend as good as gods. So, the atheist behavior related to comprehending language is qualitatively lesser or lower, or of lesser or lower moral value, but does not specifically mean it is incorrect. It is just not knowledgeable of the higher degree of understanding.

Morality, derived from lessons, experiences, etc, etc, gained, learned and taught over the thousands and thousands of years of the Evolution of Human Kind NOT from the Big Sky Daddy.
Knowing Right from Wrong comes instinctively to ALL but there are, sadly and unfortunately, those who elect NOT to listen, etc, etc, to their conscience.
The sad TRUTH is that the Theists are always taught, have it DRUMMED in to the heads in actual FACT, that, a) they must NOT attempt to think for themselves, b) MUST ONLY listen, obey and NEVER EVER question/seek answers, etc, etc, and, c) ALL others who are unlike them ARE always 100% WRONG and MUST be brought either to account or 'persuaded' by what ever means necessary to join their 'flock' and THAT is the TRUE and blatant Immorality that is RELIGION.


Logic tells me none of us is perfect at logic. It takes practice and will at best always be a work in progress. Logic depends on solid factual information to reach valid conclusions. We live in a cyber age of massive misinformation. So one key to employing logic well is to check your sources and corroberate, the more broadly the better.

Accept that we are fundamentally emotional thinkers and only potentially logical ones. Our capacity to reason is a recent overlay to our more primitive emotional brain. It is not a character flaw, so no need to feel defensive about that. As much as possible, repeatedly check your emotions and question passionate assumptions

Finally, read! Read a lot. Read varied sources and subjects. Reality does not conflict with itself, so if you are seeing conflicting claims, at least one, possibly both are in error.


Unfortunately, humans have always been run by emotion. Even Mark Twain saw that. So many serious problems seems to be reduced to emotional standpoints and it is infuriating (see, emotion). Even environmental issue have become polarized. Zero Population Growth, one of the first and a highly respected group that was focused on an issue most people knew, understood and accepted and one based on clear evidence and reason became polarized. Certain pro-growth industries saw the population stabilization drive as dangerous and used emotion to divide the movement through emotionalization. Then it's mission statement and name (now population connection) was changed and now it has become a contentious issue. This is just one example of how money and special interests are infiltrating our world and turning everything into emotional hype.

Maladaptive emotions can’t help make good decisions. These unhelpful emotions are usually developed in childhood and hard to correct in adults!

@Freedompath Of course one needs to be mentally healthy to adopt healthy ways of viewing the world.

@JackPedigo ....and mental health is a complex matrix. Practicing logical reasoning is actually one of the primary tools for restoring/building mental health. That is what cognitive therapy is all about. We need practice, Freedomath is absolutely correct. Reality testing is a skill that benefits from hearing various ierspectives to compare and analyze, with the hope of correcting or fine-tuning our own.

@MikeInBatonRouge I agree but good luck in trying to bring the therapy to 336 million Americans and never mind the 7.7+ billion and counting human inhabitants on this planet. It appears we are headed for a "Mad, Mad World."

@JackPedigo no argument there. Logic is too easily derailed by selfish vested interests playing to people's emotions. Emotion usually wins out over logic. This is why scientists the world over have to watch clear scientific knowledge get ignored time and again by public policy makers.

@JackPedigo I think we are already over that line. When did humans not act as if they were mad. William Wordsworth, who was in Paris and watched as one of his friends was beheaded concluded that action is driven by emotions, not reason.


Logic is a learned skill... from being in tune with everything that happens around us. Book information can clue us in on what to look for, but we need experiences that seal the understanding.

And as such it needs to be taught. Unfortunately, the prime teachers need to be parents.


This post looks vaguely familiar. It's like deja vu all over again

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