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With mind reading technology improving, how confident are you that Big Brother won't haul you in for anti social, (or worse), thoughts in the future. (Obviously at this stage there needs to be full consent, but in the future...).

girlwithsmiles 8 Apr 13

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Come and get me! I'd love to be a test case for this!

Big Brother, are you listening? Here are my subversive Commie pinko beliefs:

  1. Love is the highest. Everything we do should be modeled after compassion and loving kindness.
  2. Critical thinking in schools, from the earliest feasible age, and throughout.
  3. No hungry people. No homeless people. No lonely people. Get it done.
  4. Free universal healthcare, in a preventative/wellness framework: incentivize staying well.
  5. Free college, tradeschool, certification programs, etc. No unemployment--no excuses.
  6. Legalize weed (it's medicine, duh); decriminalize drugs. Destigmatize addiction.
  7. Let consenting grown folks do whatever they want, if they're not hurting anyone. MYOB, people.
  8. Living wage.
  9. Civil service: everybody gives 1 or 2 years to the nation in military, healthcare, education, infrastructure, caring, whatever's needed and fits your goals/strengths.
  10. Get religion out of public policy. NOW!

If that gets me hauled off and locked in a black box, GOOD: somebody will be awake and paying attention, and that might just be what is needed to light a fire under their ass..

P.S. "Mind reading" tech is alive and well: it's called predictive algorithms and they're all over the place already, e.g. in court sentencings.

Have you seen this? []. Pretty amazing.

@indirect76 Heard about it. "Initial reports are always inaccurate": I don't get excited about new stuff (tech, drugs, discoveries, etc.) until they've been around a while. This one sounds hella cool, but it'll most likely be a minute before it it's viable on any kind of publicly interesting scale.

Yes, you're right, algorithms are amazing. Nicely put re: your beliefs when are you standing for government?

@girlwithsmiles I'm a grey eminence/power-behind-the-throne type. 😉

Shame, every time I meet really cool people with great ideas and eloquence they don't want to stand 😟 But I can see why!

I agree with everything! That is the Left-Libertarian Manifesto!


If you wear a tinfoil hat it should block the mind reading tech you're concerned about

Personally I'm not that bothered, if they pick me up on a bad day I may feel like inflicting pain on someone...but that rarely happens, no tin foil hats for me!


If Trump becomes the new norm and we become a fascist regimen it will change how science is used, I’ll just leave that open for the pondering.

😟 Hopefully Trump will be replaced at some stage? I'm not American, so I'm counting on you guys for that!


I've been telling people for a long time that nothing they put on-line is private. Not your e-mails... not anything. Now, I've surrendered a little privacy for the convenience of business transactions and what's necessary to comply with the law. But I've recognized that my Identity is a precious commodity... I don't tend to hand it out. There's a reason that we have used "handles" from the very early days of the internet. Social media sites have existed pretty much since the beginning, they just used to be called BBSs and you had to connect to each computer individually with your dial up modem. The thing that's new about social media sites, is them demanding your authentic Identity in exchange for service. I have never complied with this, always stuck with pseudonyms... just like we did back in the day. For the very good reasons that are becoming more and more evident to the populace at large over time. Your data cannot be kept safe unless you keep it off-line.

Now I don't think that is exactly what you're talking about. I think you were referring more to the software that reads micro-expressions? Right, so I imagine that will start popping up at airports and other such targets... how soon before your ads are doing more than registering your clicks, but actually start watching you through your camera to see how you're reacting? The inferences are disconcerting. How soon will it be before our devices are profiling us and returning that information to who knows who? I mean... they already are... Yes. Privacy is erroding, and we are largely giving it away. I don't feel there is any way to protect our data with "promises" and "agreements". The only way I see is to run counter-measures. Basically a web of false data, so it isn't clear which is authentic. For something like facial recognition software... that's kinda tough. First you have to try to get rid of much of your face as possible from any source online, then you have to keep it hidden or obscured in public... kind of a lot just to retain a reasonable amount of anonymity, yikes! Sure would be nice if there was some kind of device that would alert you if you were being "scanned"... maybe there is a way. If such detection was possible, you could have some kind of cap or visor with a protruding bill that would have some kind of small scanning projector on it that could project a burst of patterns (probably too subtle to even see) to confuse any such scan. Yeah, counter technology... that's the only way I see to combat invasive technologies like that. You'd need a device built to detect and determine capabilitiy and function of other devices, which is a tall order but probably possible, particularly since most of them will be communicating via some kind of radio transmission, wi-fi, whatever...

There goes another one of my rambles...

@Fanburger What gave me away, Frank?


It's not reading your thoughts you need worry most about, it is feeding thoughts in that aren't yours.

That's already done daily isn't it? You just have to be aware and have your, 'inner heckler' engaged.


Time to get the religious people out of the government......

Hear, hear!

I suppose I agree with the sentiment, I just don't see it as relevant to the topic at hand. Also how would one propose to do that in our religious majority, democratic regime?

People of power say they are religeous because it looks good on their CV, and they can take the line that god is on their side or they are on the side of god, by apearing to be godfearing (pun intended) they can put the frighteners on "lesser mortals", but if you start digging I wonder how many really are? ? ? Does any of this make sense?

@Harry_Worth Very little. None in relation to the topic, Unless one would suggest use of "mind reading" tech to weed out the religious. I suppose one may find the CV builders from the faithful.


What mind reading tech?

Check it []

@indirect76 great, I’m heading to prison


I am 80 years old and am not too concerned that I will be around to witness or deal with it.


Reminds me of the movie "Minority Report" where criminals are arrested before they commit a crime.

ebdb Level 7 Apr 13, 2018

Sounds good, I'll have to watch that.


They'll never take me alive!

They will never take our freedom .. or my fucking weed

@Nickbeee They will take their mind reading from my cold, dead brain.

@jlynn37 LMAO!!! Yeh fuck em dude!! Thing is is it so far away anyway (if ever to be honest) .. Most people they will just find a love of pizza and sports.


They will have to get very lucky with me! I don't know what my thoughts are, so what chance have they got?


We rather have "mind reading" now and it is entirely voluntary. Social Media. The more esoteric, technological forms are a more difficult puzzle and still archaic in their usability and reach.


No confidence at all, politicians, secret societies and government security organizations will always be on the watch for that, possibly even criminal will too. I can't discount the possibility of mind reading, if electrodes can be glued to a head and show sleep patterns, in the future most likely will be done without physical connections.

That's true, whatever the police and military have, you can be sure the criminal elements aren't far behind, so closely linked.


As some who have posted, I'm fairly confident (say 99%) that I won't be pulled in for "thoughts". I'm not at all so sure about specific posts on this site - or others. Big brother will be watching sometime in the future, and all our posts will be in his possession.


What mind reading technology would that be? Have I missed something? O.o

The fMRI, it was being used on criminals in India for a while, but has since been discredited. A firm called Cephos specialises in the subject and also offers an electrical oscillation signature (BEOS) profiling. It's also suggested that AI may be able to find information from an EEG. But at the moment all techniques require subjects to be still and give consent.
In the future this two variables may not be required, depending on the success of companies like Cephos.


Think how many people are jailed for drug offenses....."thoughtcrime".



I am not anti social but we are hundreds of years away too 🙂 if ever!

fMRI technology is already being prototyped to write text without speaking (by reading and interpreting brain waves)

@zucicciu But that is a giant leap away from "mind reading" which would involve being able to decipher mental pictures. It's just fantasy for now.. Using A.I. and facial mapping along with a neural scan you may get an idea of impulses and if someone is also using a screen you may get more feedback from net use.. ultimately though you aren't quite going to have any of that until you can also interface all that through the cortex into the neural network which is still as I said complete fantasy lol ... !! there are odd elements of the picture but it will take a really long time yet.. We are just toying with this. In the gestation. People won't accept a hairnet yet I don't think!!


Sister, my future won't last that long, no worries here.


Considering how hard it is to get to the root of our own behaviour and emotions, not to mention those of others (and its my job), I think we are pretty safe. But just to make sure I for one welcome the rise of our electronic overlords and have supreme confidence in their indulgent beneficence. ALL HAIL THE SINGULARITY

Lols! Is it Babylon 5 that have a race belonging to a, 'hive'?

@girlwithsmiles these guys? []

@Agtfos no these guys 😉 [] the clones belong to a collective mind.

@girlwithsmiles ah. Babylon 5 threw me. This is Star Trek (tng). The Borg are cool, there are some good episodes in Voyager too with exploring the hive minds dream world, as when they are recharging some of them share a collective dream world where they exist as individuals. Loss of individuality is a concept that crops up a lot in sci fi, invasion of the body snatchers used to scare me rigid, and The Thing is similar but to me less creepy (because its more up front). Of course my son would identify the borg as a shameless rip off of Dr Whos' cybermen.

@Agtfos ah the cyborgs, yes. I tend to dip in and out of series, hence star trek can blur into one. (Apart from GOT, I never miss an episode of that, unless I'm waiting to access the next series!)

@girlwithsmiles Arn't we all waiting to access the next series. The trouble is that I need a refresher every time the next one comes out - theres so much happening. I mean I love LOTR but compared to GOT its a lot more linear. Of course, you'll have seen this:


I have serious doubts tat technology will reach the point of reading minds for centuries if ever. There is just too much variance in how each individual stores and processes information; each of our mind is unique in this.

Not as much as you think, otherwise they would never be able to use lobotomy style treatments these days.Here's quite an old brain map...many parts are quite predictable in their whereabouts and many willing participants have helped with this by having their brain stimulated and telling what the feel or see.


Tell me about improving mind reading technology> I have heard of no such i"improvements."
I am not worried about any "big Brother."

what about your sister



Not paranoid don't worry about it.


Terminator is a real possibility if tech gets self-aware and has to save life on earth.


Personally I do not feel our civilisation will last that long, however if it does, then yes I believe such will be possible, and at some point probable.
If it were possible to perfect this brain analysing technology, make it remote so people could be scanned by walking past a sensor. Do you think they would have scanners around schools for intending kidnappers/pedophiles, banks for bandits?
Public spaces for protestors?
Anywhere for potential terrorists/shooters?

Wow, that's a really interesting spin on it, yes. Thanks.


Why look at the bad side....might such technology actually increase empathy and understanding for others? To actually understand their thoughts and motivations might make a person more symphathetic? Might we stop seeing others as outsiders when we realize how much more we are in common than separate?

I will admit, I am projecting from the idea that the printing press / literacy / education in general allowed societies to get a bigger picture of the world around them. Rather than the local oral traditions, tales and stories could be more easily transported and spread. (This idea isn't original with me, Pinker suggests it in his Better Angels of our Nature) which increased understanding and empathy.

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