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Now Is the Time to End the Filibuster

By Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are barnstorming the country on their “Help Is Here” tour, promoting the new, $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package. This, their first victory lap, may turn out to be their last. The Republican minority in the U.S. Senate seems firmly committed to deploying the filibuster to block all forthcoming Democratic legislation. The filibuster is not enshrined in the Constitution; it could be altered or eliminated through a simple majority vote of the Senate. As Republicans nationally ramp up an unprecedented attack on democracy, with at least 253 laws in 43 states, at last count, aimed at restricting voting rights, primarily targeting voters o f color, and with the certainty of extreme gerrymandering forthcoming as Republican-controlled state legislatures coordinate partisan redistricting, the need to eliminate the filibuster has never been more urgent.

The filibuster has long empowered white supremacists to protect and extend slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, and all their modern manifestations, from voter suppression to mass incarceration. When Congress was founded, both the House and the Senate required only a simple majority to pass a bill. In 1805, Vice President Aaron Burr, while facing murder charges for killing Alexander Hamilton in a duel, suggested that the Senate remove its “previous question” rule, as it was almost never used. That minor edit created a fatal loophole in Senate procedures, ultimately allowing the minority party to obstruct progress by endlessly extending debate through what was later dubbed the filibuster.

In 1841, South Carolina Senator John Calhoun, perhaps the fiercest defender of slavery in U.S. history, figured out that he could rally his fellow slave state senators, a minority in the Senate, to grind proceedings to a standstill with long speeches and other procedural obstacles.

“For the first 200 years of its existence, the Senate was majority rule,” Adam Jentleson, author of “Kill Switch: The Rise of the Modern Senate and the Crippling of American Democracy,” explained on the Democracy Now! news hour. “Even as the filibuster started to develop in Calhoun’s time, all that senators could do was delay a bill. They had to talk on the floor, and eventually they had to give up.”

That changed after World War I. Southern senators targeted anti-lynching laws, managing to block 200 attempts over the years to formally designate lynching as a federal crime. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul single-handedly blocked passage of the Emmet Till Antilynching Law in June of 2020, even though the bill passed the House by a vote of 400 to 4.

Southern Democratic “Dixiecrats,” led by South Carolina Senator Strom Thurmond, also filibustered major civil rights legislation. Thurmond holds the record for filibustering, delaying passage of the 1957 Civil Rights Act by speaking for 24 hours and 18 minutes. The 1964 Civil Rights Act was filibustered for close to 75 days before it finally passed.

The filibuster has been used more and more to block not just civil rights legislation but practically all progressive bills. As the filibuster is currently practiced, a Senator does not need to hold the floor to stop a bill, but needs only to place a phone call to the Senate staff. Thus, a single senator has the power to secretly kill legislation, even a bill with overwhelming public support.

Congressional Democrats hope to pass a slew of bills: The For the People Act and The John Lewis Voting Rights Act, to protect voting rights; the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act; bills to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour and major infrastructure bills that will include elements of a Green New Deal to combat catastrophic climate change. Democratic Congressmembers Pramila Jayapal and Debbie Dingell have just introduced a Medicare for All bill, which, amidst the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, has growing support.

None of these has a chance if the Senate filibuster stays in place. Democrats will need all 50 of their Senators to change it, and, currently, conservative Democrats Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kirsten Sinema of Arizona have pledged to reject an outright ending of the filibuster. President Biden publicly supports a return to the “talking filibuster,” requiring senators intent on filibustering to actually hold the floor, speaking without interruption. Manchin says he is open to that, and, presumably, Sinema could be convinced as well.

Kentucky Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has pledged a “scorched earth” response to any change in the filibuster. McConnell, like slavery’s arch-defender John Calhoun 180 years ago, wields raw power with a ruthlessness almost unparalleled in U.S. Senate history.

The filibuster has been a tool of white supremacists for far too long. A fleeting opportunity to end it has arrived; for the growing, diverse majority in this country, it has become an intolerable impediment to progress, and must end now.


nogod4me 8 Mar 19

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It is time for the Democrats to get tough. Being a Centrist is nice but it does not get you anywhere.


As your post points out (perhaps you missed it) the filibuster is glorified by the party currently in the minority, and cursed by the party holding the majority. That fact is not related to white supremacy; more correctly it is related to majority/minority politics.


The filibuster reminds me of court scenes when a lawyer prevents a defendant or defense witness from speaking by always objecting to their testimony, and then twists truthful words into the prosecution lawyer's own ugly version of 'reality.'


Does anyone still want to believe that this is the number 1 country?

Sadly I once thought that. But now it’s becoming a third rate nanny state, if it isn’t already. And even worse is that for years third world countries have struggled to make themselves modern, world powers, where the US is going backwards. But the republitards since at least the 80s have been trying to drag morals and standards of living back to the 50s.


Why didn’t anyone want that when the republicans were in power.

How loud do ya think they’ll cry for them back when the Republicans take back control???

They wanted it but didn't have the numbers to make it happen, as you well know...BTW disingenuous claptrap is the same as LYiNG, why are you continuing to emit Alternate Facts like your orange gawd?

@AnneWimsey Are you sober?

@CourtJester are u still posing as a doctor ?

@Pralina1 Are you still not willing to meet me at the hospital or do you just want to play the cry baby liberal card?

@CourtJester oh I can meet u at any hospital u tell me to .
And as a trauma / critical care / ED nurse for 22 yrs , w plenty of traveling assignments , i can get a job at your hospital too . Wouldn’t that be great ?
Y don’t u tell me what type of medicine u do ?

@Pralina1 so when are you coming to Birmingham?

@Pralina1 I’m waiting

@CourtJester when r u gonna tell us about the medicine u are practicing ?

@Pralina1 I’ll make the claim but I won’t make it factual seams to be your MO. Ya big liberal wussy.


TLDR, the democrats need to end the filibuster for good.


ha we're being robbed blind, and ppl care about filibuster? ok

Yes.. people are concerned about human rights. You will always be robbed blind no matter what but it would be a step forward to not be shot in the back by police as you run away unarmed. Ya’ think?😕🤔


I wish the Dems would grow some balls. Their "Kumbaya" tactics haven't worked in thirty years. McConnell's threats are bullshit. He can't do anymore than he has been doing for years. Run all over that waste of skin.

The "Kumbaya tactics", as you put it, are, in my opinion, simply political theater and cover for the Dem leaders in congress to collude and conspire with the Repubs to screw the working class and the rest of us on behalf of the same donor class that both parties serve. Since the 1980s I have seen no evidence to dispute that conclusion.


The South lost the Civil War, but won reconstruction, and continue to push their bogus, racist BS!


The filibuster is impeding the leftist dictatorship.

So I guess you prefer the American Healthcare system over your free medical care..cause you know, our system is so, so socially responsible capitalistism..

@Charlene Can you support your conjecture?

@PBuck0145 that was SARCASM, Duuuhhhh

@PBuck0145 Support your own before you place the demand on others.

@PBuck0145 ahh You posted it on Your Profile, " I believe in socially responsible Capitalism" line in particular.

@PBuck0145 As an Aussie I can support her conjecture SINCE we have had a Universal Medical Care System, known as Medicare, in place for DECADES and absolutely NO-ONE has gone Bankrupt because of it.
Here WE do NOT really need that so-called 'Private Health Insurance' UNLESS we deem that we truly NEED it or are just too darned uppity to accept being in a Hospital Ward with other 'commoners, etc.'
From January 2000 to January 2001 my 15 year old daughter went through Chemotherapy for Mature B Cell Lymphoma requiring 9 x 21 day Cycles of Chemotherapy, each being of 7 days of Hospitalisation, 7 days of with an injection of G.C.S.F. EACH day as an Outpatient and 7 days of Recovery.
Each dose of Chemotherapy given by Intravenous infusion cost between 3,000 and 6,000 DOLLARS each time, each G.C.S.F. injection cost $1,000 EACH PLUS I.V. Transfusions of either Whole Blood or platelets AFTER each Chemotherapy Treatment as well.
And that is NOT including the Fees for the Hospital Room, the Nursing Staff, the Doctors, the Meals, etc, etc.
My SOLE Income at the time was approx. $850 per Fortnight btw.

@Triphid, You are incorrectly assuming that the assumption posted by @Charlene is true. It is not.

@PBuck0145 hey I'm just going on What You Posted on Your Profile snowflake..Isn't "Free Healthcare" a Marxist idea?

@Charlene Under the International Bill of Human Rights, Article 23, clause 1, if memory serves correct, " All person SHALL have the Right to Health Care, Free of Charges, whether unruly or not, no matter who they may be or WHERE they may live."
And, btw, 'snowflake,' the U.S.A. is a CO-signatory to the Bill of Human Rights as is Australia.

@Triphid We're also signatories of the Geneva Conventions Laws regarding Torture, we conveniently ignored that particular law after 9/11..n'est pas snowflake?..

@Charlene Only in the United States of Absurdity can one conveniently 'forget' those things one has sworn to uphold, imo.

@Triphid Much like Australia for the signing the same U.N Human Rights law on Not interning refugees on islands under squalid conditions and pretending they don't exist..

@Charlene No healthcare is free......even in Canada, Europe and Scandinavia.

That’s the reason they pay higher taxes in those countries. The school systems are different also. 4 year community college is part of many school systems there in the vein of the K-12 here in the USA.

@CuddyCruiser Nooooo, reeeaaaalllly???..🙄🙄🙄..,,I don't know about you, but I'd rather pay higher taxes so EVERYBODY GETS Healthcare, Free College and a Better standard of Living than Going to the Pentagon and the 1fucking percent..

@Charlene I agree with you. But most in this country still think it’s free in the other countries. I would pay more in taxes myself for all those mentioned things as well.

This country is biding its time with the current system. And, it seems to me, that when the roof caves in eventually, everyone’s gonna be running around like chickens with no head trying to figure out what caused it in the first place and how to fix it. Sadly, I’m not optimistic when it comes to this.

@CuddyCruiser Ignorance runs deep in the U.S..especially in Red states..

@Charlene Tell me where I can get free medical care. I want some.

@Alienbeing 🙄🙄🙄

@Charlene So where is the free stuff?

@Charlene Hmm, shall WE recall the American 'treatments' of the Native and Original Americans here?
Or, would rather we 'gloss' over that subject, Snowflake?
Or, perhaps the more recent episodes of the 'treatments' of Refugee children from Central/South America?
How about Gitmo Bay then Lady Cream-puff, shallwe discuss that as well?

@Triphid sure, as long as we can discuss Australia's treatment of the same..

@Alienbeing guess you're not on Medicare..

@Charlene Yes, I admit our predecessors made some very horrific, etc, decisions BUT you are NOT the country where Boat-People were arriving ALL the time are you?
Yes, they mis-treated the Aboriginal peoples, Yes, the English Nobility sent many of our ancestors over here in chains to worked like slaves and treated like cattle.
No, we HAVE NOT set up Military Bases in OTHER People's Countries so THEY will get hit first when a War starts.
But, at LEAST We are doing our best to set things here to rights, WHAT are you doing over in the United States of Absurdity?

@Charlene So, YOU felt the need/necessity to 'play' the 9/11 card did you?
Btw, Gitmo Bay existed LONG before 9/11 fyi.

@Triphid really set thing right?.. ask how right things are "right" with the Aboriginal peoples today, or the ""Boat People" or do you mean Vietnamese people? Or how about the LGBTQ population, particularly in NSW?..guess we should pull out of the ANZUS coalition by your statement. Not sure how South Korean would feeling we pulled out there, or Ukraine, or NATO..even though the Trumpster did His best to get us tossed....

@Charlene Was the U.S. ACTUALLY INVITED into South Korea or the Ukraine, etc?
Fyi, I am part Aussie Aboriginal, part American Cherokee and Navajo, part white, part lots of other nationalities as well, though I am Heterosexual.
We DO have the ANNUAL LGBTQI Mardi Gras here in N.S.W. PLUS, here WHERE I live, we ALSO hold the Annual " Broken Heel Festival" as well.
I can honestly say that I know a number of local LGBTQI people around this town and from elsewhere as well, so, please feel most free to "put that in your pipe and smoke it."
Our Kiwi brothers and sisters from across the 'creek' a.k.a. N.Z. tossed YOUR Nuclear ships OUT of their Harbours a few decades ago and, imo, Australia SHOULD have done exactly the same as well your Spy Base at Pine Gap in the Northern Territory.
As to my Aboriginal Peoples, Australia has now in place the Marbo Rulings, Aboriginal Land Rights, etc, etc.
" Boat People" is a terminology used for foreign Refugees who CHOOSE to come to Australia by PAYING passage on boats operated by People Smugglers, they come from numerous places like Asia, India, Pakistan, etc, etc, literally crammed into UN-Sea-worthy vessels, etc, etc, and are trying to circumvent the Immigration Points of Entry and were LANDED in remote, harsh regions on our vast coast-line btw.

@Triphid Noooooo? REEEALLLY?..Guantanimo Bay Reaaaaally Existed BEFORE 9/11? Like what? You mean like 2 million years Before 9/11? Well I'll be damned..🙄🙄🙄🙄
In Fact yes, the U.S WAS Invited into The Korean conflict by the U.N..

@Charlene I am and I pay for it. How do I get it free?

@Charlene Gitmo Bay was being used during the Gulf War and Operation Desert Storm WHICH occurred LONG before 9/11 FYI.
So, how about hopping down off your cross, you never know some other person may like to hang out on it for a spell?

@Triphid Gitmo is the last remaining piece of real estate held by the U.S since the Revolution in for coming down off the cross, I was Never on a cross..

@Charlene May be so, BUT instead try getting down off of your soap-box then.

@Triphid wasn't on a soap box either..

@Charlene Yeah, well sure sounds like it.

@Triphid this tit for tat is getting ridiculous, both of our countries are and have been fucked up from the get let's stop with "who's country fucked up worse"..

@Charlene That may be so, BUT did you NOT seek to impress that the Australian Medicare system, while NOT perfect btw, is merely a Marxist concept and, i.e. BY association, a Communist Concept as well?
FYI, Marx issued his his Manifesto as a Theory, a Hypothesis, Lenin then twisted and contorted it to suit his own ends and means thus, via Stalin, creating the Soviet Socialist Ideologies of Communism.

@Triphid actually I was pointing out the idiocy of PBucks comment on his reponce to the O.P. of ending the Filibuster. He stated that the filibuster was impeding the "Leftist Take Over" of America. I asked him if he preferred our Healthcare system over Canada's system.
You should read his profile..he's also a big Trump fan..

@Charlene I see your point quite well re-PBuck ,imo, AFTER taking a look at the profile plus his earlier comment that the filibuster is impeding the Leftist Dictatorship.
So what would he call the years of the tRump Rule then if not a Dictatorship then?
Imo, ANYONE with half a working brain cell to their name would know and realize that tRump was 100% Bat-shit Crazy, an Egocentric, self-deluded, socio-path with a severe and incurable Personality Disorder amongst countless other things, all BAD, as well.
So, shall we just call our recent 'differences' a kind of verbal 'de-railment' and give being friends a go instead then?

@Triphid I see it more as verbal sparring over minor points, in a discussions on PBucks shortsightedness,not a derailment..😁


I respect that they are aggressively pushing their plan.

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