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Sick whiny fuckers, I'm too mad to post this under silly. It's the LAW that a president must issue a proclamation on prayer day and Biden knuckled under 100% but because he omitted a single word, they're oppressed.[]

Buttercup 8 May 7

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I’m not a religious person as I’m atheist but I’d rather have someone like Mike Huckabee who is a Baptist minister as president than that crooked, senile, incompetent SOB Biden!


Biden being inclusive, whiny is not a strong enough word.

MizJ Level 8 May 8, 2021

Well, good on him I say.
The ONLY time the Chrustians ( Christians) have TRULY been persecuted/ oppressed is in their own tiny little minds.


Why is this a law? In my county seat they violated another law by having a day of prayer inside the county courthouse.

Looks like a clear violation of the first amendment to me.

@Buttercup Yep


He is a practicing Catholic, but not a bigot. I'll vote for him again & the VP Harris twice more.

Probably me too, it's tragic and ugly how low the republicans have fallen. I would like to have more choices though.

@Buttercup Personally I think we need a viable 3rd party. Fiscal conservative, social liberal. I am hoping conservative democrats align with liberal used- to- be- Republicans & form one. The Republican Party has gone off the rails & half of the nation with them. It ain't over yet.

@Mooolah not in our lifetime, I am afraid.


Ah didums


They are desperate to have their big lie validated. It's the old argument by authority fallacy. How sad to never be able to tell the truth to oneself out loud.


Too bad, so sad. Fuck them christians.


First off... why is this a law?
Secondly... kudos to him for trying to tone down the evangelical agenda.

Leelu Level 7 May 7, 2021

It does say of all faiths, so therefore any mention of "God" would be an anomaly. It's not merely atheists who have no god!

It would be disrespectful for Hindus and other religions with multiple gods too.

@girlwithsmiles Precisely. Maybe this should be circulated through the corridors of Washington.


Of course they go freaky, as asses often will. Biden is a practicing catholic and has attended church more in one year than his predecessor did in a lifetime. The Amerikkkan Taliban is still pushing for their own form of Abrahanic law. And Abrahanic law is little different from Sharia law, as Sharia is based off of Abrahanic.


No god, what a surprise.

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