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Customer service point of view.
I have worked various public facing jobs over the years and I think it's a point of view everyone could benefit from hearing, so here goes.

There is a troubling attitude toward customer service workers that is so ingrained and pervasive that people become offended when you point it out. We are often treated as servants. "The customer is always right" has morphed into systemic abuse of clerks, waitresses and service staff in general. People will do and say the most awful things to them,knowing they'll get away with it because the service industry is fanatic about not offending customers.

I have witnessed workers being sexually harrased and stalked, physically accosted, threatened and assaulted by out of control customers and management. Even those who don't cross that line often fail to treat customer service people with any respect. It's not ok to be horrible to people because you don't like the prices,procedures or anything else about a business. The people you see and talk to DO NOT MAKE policy. They're just the sad sacks who have to put up with your tantrums over it.

Something many people may not know is that the service industry has been on a massive labor cost cutting rampage in the last decade. Most people can't get full time but are expected to have completely open availability at a low wage. Good luck getting a 2nd job to pay rent. Corporations don't mind turnover and even encourage it because it keeps them from having to give out raises, pay for benefits etc.

So that customer service worker who doesn't seem to care enough about whether or not the bread you want is in stock most likely is living on the edge of poverty, has no healthcare, next to no job security and knows very well that he could be fired at any time for any little thing.

Getting sick is a big one. People get fired for calling in sick all the time. You want to know why that bakery employee is working despite barely being able to stand? Because sick leave in most cases is draconian. You only get a handful of days, that are often tied in with vacation and family leave. Many places require a doctor's note if you call in for 3 consecutive days. Good luck with that when you're broke and don't have any healthcare, or an enourmous deductible that has to be met. So you can thank the service industry for the frequency of colds and flu.

In conclusion folks, customer service workers are broke,most likely sick, struggling with all sorts of financial and emotional problems resulting directly from basically being slave labor and generally despised by the public and their employers. So maybe try not to be such dicks. Also support your local labor movement.

OpposingOpposum 9 Apr 16

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43 comments (26 - 43)

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This my dear is why I said fuck it to retail a long time ago.

Individually, that's a good solution. If everyone had something else to go do retail would have to improve working conditions to entice employees back.

@Blindbird and there ya go my friend sadly having so many people wanting these jobs makes it easy for employers to be cunts

@josh23452 "needing"

@Blindbird eh I say no one needs a job that treats em like ass.


I've declined second and third dates with people who treated service workers like crap. It's very telling about their character and I ain't got time for it.

Lani Level 5 Apr 17, 2018

Oh yeah. Nasty or creepy to the "help"? There will be no 2nd date.


I think most people build up a lot of frustration and hostility each day - work, family, existential angst, etc - then pick the easiest target to vent on.
Who better than someone paid to be pleasant like service personnel.
It's a dick move on their part, but then they feel justified because "I'm paying for this".
Now that it's nearly official government policy ( in the US ) it's only getting worse.
Seems many people like being assholes.


I couldn't agree more. You are right in all you comments. I see this every day. I deal with it every day. I am in customer service but I wouldn't say that I am the best example of how to do it. I will push back on these rude and ignorant (for whatever reason) people who are usually entitled and self centered and that of course only encourages them to continue their attacks. I am not a mean person but I will stand up for myself and that has earned me the title of 'that mean lady'. Standing up for oneself = mean!!! A title that I am quite happy to own. I am fortunate in that my boss (business owner) while valuing the customer does not expect the worker to have to tolerate rudeness from customers. I am thankful that most of my customers are respectful and appreciative of my help. Lastly my co-workers, in the retail industry, are some of the most decent, hardest working people I know or have known.

Yes. Being assertive is frowned on as a woman and doubly so when working service jobs! I can be a "mean lady" when the situation calls for it as well. 😉

@Blindbird Yes. How sad is that? Hopefully it will change now that the expectations put on women are being challenged.


I support a living wage.

To address the rest of your post; I think that the way people treat service workers in any industry reflects on their character not the service.

I don't know how I compare to other customers in that department, but I don't know that in the two restaurants that I frequent, my drinks always get refilled quickly and my food is served very quickly. Of course, I still wait during rush periods, but not as long as most.

I've also encountered my fair share of mistakes on the part of service providers, but I try to keep in mind that we all fuck up sometimes, and if you treat people like human beings they will quickly fix things most of the time.

JimG Level 8 Apr 17, 2018

I wish I could give you more than 1 point for your comment Jim. Spot on, imo

Thank you!


Always treat customer service people with respect. Working in outside sales always treated grocery clerks, grocery managers and all managers with respect. No one should face customer's abuse.


Lifes rough out there... it is what it is... its that way at high paying jobs... i was a utility foreman. I made good money but I basically worked for all foreman, secretaries, any prick trying to suck up to his boss. The security. Note: You got bullshit at every level. I try to be nice to all people. But i want to inform you that low wage jobs aren't the only jobs with bullshit. High paying jobs catch hell too.

I'm aware. I'm also convinced we need to stop the bullshit. People have been out here taking shit when they're just trying to do their jobs for far too long.
The big point here is that people are working for slave wages though. Unable to afford living costs,healthcare or a sick day. Anyone who works full time should not be living in poverty. The people at the top of the corporate food chain are all take and no give AGAIN much like a hundred years ago. They need to be reined in and taken to account.

@Blindbird Vive la résistance!

@RavenCT I got my pitchfork ready.

Somehow, though, I'd think abuse from clientele and co-workers would be a little easier to endure on a man's wage than it is on a woman's. And many man just never receive as much, or the same kind of, abuse as a woman simply because she seems less intimidating.

I worked for a UK national supermarket chain and everyone started on minimum wage which was the same for men and women. You could then get pay increments based on a yearly review of your performance

@eeyorn. The USA military do the same thing...




I have walked out on dates for being rude to a waiter or waitress at dinner. That's a huge red flag for me.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 17, 2018

Wish I had found this when I first replied.

Fastest way to end a date ever.


I have worked as a server, a delivery driver, and a social worker. Some elements of the general public are downright sociopathic. I was fired from the server position for getting into a fight with a customer, who was so insulting that I had to defend my honor. With the delivery job, I had numerous occasions where customers would yell at me like I was a 5 year old, then when I yelled back, they would call the store and complain about my "rudeness"
And with the social service job, I ended up physically and psychologically burned out, by rude pushy psychos.
The customer is not always right, but is a fellow human being, who must understand that the customer service worker is his fellow human being, and being insulting, and launching personal attacks could get him into some serious consequences...including violence.


There have been times when I am so pissed that I cannot hold it in. The first thing I do is tell the person what is happening and appologise for being so upset. It is the company I am pissed at not their representative. I find the person on the other side usually appreciates this, yelling at them does no good. I have almost always found caring for this other person helps as they have agreed with me.


The people we interact with the most at work are never called "customers." One of the top best things about my job is not having to make "customers" happy. We're nice to people but we will not put up with nasty people on the phone. The other day somebody called all bent out of shape about something and one of the other ladies in the office said if we don't have at least one pissed off person call a day we're not doing our jobs!

You really do have to wonder about the intelligence level of someone that will call and scream at ladies that can take their money.

As a matter of fact, if you call and scream at us, we'll use every tool at our disposal to hunt you down and take your money! And happy dance through the office when we get it. LOL!!


This! I've had a man raise his cane at me, been called a liar too many times to list, been waved over, fingers snapped at me, etc. All manner of comments and hand gestures intended to humiliate me by bullies that know they can get away with it.

In the past, men have "accidently" touched my ass and/or breasts, grab me by the arm or shoulder to keep me where they want me. make comments about how I must be in bed.

And I am expected to not only tolerate it but actually fucking thank them for shopping there. Half the time, the store management is treating the female staff the same damn way.

I once had a customer whistle at me. I turned around, looked him square in the eye, and said "I'm not a dog. Please don't whistle at me". He looked both shocked and embarrassed to be called out on his actions. I've also had messy customers, when seeing me straighten the mess they made, say to me "it's job security", to which I answer "no, making a purchase is job security, not cleaning up after you".

@AzVixen52 Yeah I get those. I don't comment because I work for a company that wrote me up after a roommate made a false call against me. The camera showed I was not on the floor at the time specified so the acknowledged I was innocent but then wrote me up for not keeping my personal life out of the job.

I take it because I make over twice the minimum age and the shit I have taken has ensured my children never would


This needed to be said, thank you. Be kind, period.


I know this is ancient history now, but I saw something that applies here today.

JimG Level 8 Apr 21, 2018

I worked for Sainsbury's in the UK, one of our largest supermarket chains, for 8 years and hear you loud and clear. All employees started on minimum wage, and might get a pay increment each year, depending on a yearly performance review.

I never got to work on the Customer Service Desk itself, and wouldn't have wanted to. But as a shelf-stacker and till operator, I got my (un)fair share of abuse from customers who were pissed off because we'd sold out of an item that was on sale - probably the biggest gripe that I faced. Sainsbury's were very good in their employee training and we would often be able to turn a disgruntled customer into one of our greatest fans by offering to save the item for the customer when it was next in stock

At the time I was just starting to get into Buddhism, which helped me a lot. A smile can go a long way, and patiently and honestly explaining a situation kept me in good stead.

But then there were total assholes who just weren't interested in engaging at all.


Used to do industrial sales and when dealing with a person on the other end and you need their help yelling never works nor abuse. Treat them and make them fell like only they can fix this problem even if it is their fault

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