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Sierra4 8 May 23

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I heard in passing that one of these locales, not saying Denver, the locale was paying $67,000 per tent. And it wasn't even anything special, just an ordinary tent. And that begs the question, why can't people who are homeless be given access to some orher arrangement? What good does this type of arrangement do for the homeless? A good investigative reporter should get on the case and figure out the true dollar cost of these set-ups and compare various social programs in other places to find the most effective remedies that are working in getting people back into safe, clean, and permanent living arrangements.

Edit:I found something similar to what I just mentionef. Not exactly $67K, but $61k annually. I wonder how many San Francisco taxpayers felt the money was used properly. It definately seems overpriced and just not very useful long-term. What is the value? With $61,000 you get a tent and bathroom in a parking lot for a year? This money could have went to permanent housing.

In the specific instance in this article in Denver, if you look at the city budget, you wonder why there is even a need for it. Is this encampment being paid for by church funds? This is a big undertaking for the church and something that should already be covered under gov realm considering their budget.

Around my area property owners destroy older useless buildings and blame it on the homeless. The claim is that it burnt down because they were making meth in there. The property owner then gets insurance money to make a new building and everyone declares that we really do need to do something about the homeless. The hypocrites say we should help them, but you see no living quarters going up for them.


I don’t understand the fear people have of homeless people. I do not want anyone using the bathroom outside in my neighborhood but I can’t really see any other issue. I wonder if people just assume homeless people are dangerous. In any event, I think this idea is fantastic and I wish we’d create tiny neighborhoods all over the place so homeless people have a safe, warm/cool space to sleep at night with access to plumbing and ideally, social services, if they should want any. And those refrigerators with free meals.

Because homeless people are mentally ill for the most part. That means unpredictable behavior & a lack of cogent standards. Sanitation is another concern. We must provide tax dollars for treatment & care. AGAIN.

Yes! Reagan Closing down all but four mental hospitals in California!!!

Then the different communities within California started giving the homeless bus ticket out of the state!!!

Now various communities outside of California are returning the favor by giving the second and third generations of the homeless bus ticket back to California!!!

Karma can be a bitch!!!

@OldMetalHead Actually it was President Carter wanting to empty the institutions after Geraldo's Rivera's expose`. Then Raygun cut the funding for Carter's humanitarian intentions. This is the result of the failure of capitalism. This is where we need socialistic programs to check the unbridled greed & avarice of capitalism.


It's sad that people feel unsafe because of a homeless camp going up in their hood.


My best friend from college(and we're still close) lives within a short walk. He's an advocate and has been pushing for micro housing in this area. Might happen soon?


Sick of NIMBY groups did the same here for homeless shelter

bobwjr Level 10 May 23, 2021

Why does America have such a high homeless problem ?

Leetx Level 7 May 23, 2021

Quite a few reasons.
Among them, lack of mental health outreach for those who need it.
A complete lack of compassion for one's neighbors.
Callous indifference.

Very well said.... I completely agree. The war on drugs has ruined more lives then drugs....@SeaGreenEyez

President Raygun eliminated federal funding for institutions & out patients with mental illness. So without those monies there is no incentive to provide for them. We have veterans who have PTSD & can't hold down a job. Homelessness is the result. That is the RepuDlican Party for 'ya. Hooray for me & phuque you. The grand 1% need more tax breaks.



The obstructionist cause a problem to blame on the left!!!

You can not murder or kill them as the Nazi’s did, so the fascists sickem them on communities that do not have the resources to handle these issues, then blame the opposition for all these problems the obstructionists republican fascists create!!!


I can't imagine anyone wanting a homeless tent encampment in their neighborhood.

Just out of curiosity, where would you be comfortable with one going up in your community?

So how would fix it?

This isn’t in a neighborhood. This is in a church parking lot. Nobody’s front yard is getting commandeered.

@KKGator No place

@KKGator, @Jolanta I don't consider it my problem to fix

@FreethoughtKaty Of course it is a neighborhood. What surrounds the parking lot?

@Alienbeing Wow.

@Alienbeing the whole world surrounds it, by your apparent definition. No one is having their property infringed upon. A church can do as they please with their parking lot and housing the unhoused is certainly a noble cause.

@FreethoughtKaty Your reply regarding "the whole world" makes NO sense. A neighborhood is not limited to your neighbor's property. It is AT LEAST make adjacent blocks, and you know that.

A church can do what it wants to do with their property, but they can also be sued to stop any particular action.

@Alienbeing apparently they can’t be stopped because the judge ruled in the church’s favor. Guess some homeless people now get a safe place to sleep. The horror! And since you give off -those- kind of ick vibes: Thoughts and prayers! Womp womp! I really don’t care do u? Fuck Trump and fuck white supremacy. 😘

@Alienbeing It is all our problem to fix it. But maybe you are one of the 1% who only thinks about yourself.

@FreethoughtKaty I don't care a bit about the story in question, my comment addresses what I would do if such an issue affected my neighborhood.

Your assumption regarding Trump shows how shallow you are. Numrous timesin this site I said Trump was the worst President ever. I never voted for him.

MY point, not your assumptions, is I like my neighborhood as it is. If you want ten homeless shelters next to you , fine,I don't care. Your white suprmecy assumption is equally stupid. Obviously you think anyone not in favor of homeless in theior neighborhood.

Your bubble is your problem, not mine.

@Jolanta Read what I said, not what you assume I said. I said I don't want homeless in my neighborhood.


As for your 1% remark, I wish, unfortunately I'm not anywhere near that wealth, by FAR.

@Alienbeing I know your type. You’re about as opaque as water. 😘

@Alienbeing Yes, it is always someone else problem with some poeple.

@Jolanta When you welcome a homeless encampment to your neighborhood, let me know.

@FreethoughtKaty You know my type. I am sure you have no clue. You know nothing about me except that I don't want homless in my Town. You comments about Trump and White Supremecy prove you know nothing about me, but does indicate you think anyone who disagrees with you must like Trump and be in favor of White Supremecy. What a shallow way to look at things. Additionally note my original post only said I could not imagine anyone wanting a homless shelter in their neighborhood.

Please tell me about how many homeless people stay within a 2 mile radius of your home. I'd bet none. Do you want one?

By the way I hate Trump, never voted for him and do hope he sees prison time. Your White Supremecy comment is plainly your effort to change the subject.

@Alienbeing you might simply give up instead of resorting to fallacies. Fallacies do not flatter anyone who uses them. I also do not respond to fallacies as they are the product of dishonesty or poor-thinking and both possibilities make honest, logical discourse impossible. 😬 You might also consider becoming a more decent human. It’s free.

@FreethoughtKaty Please quote the fallacy. Your attempt to change the subject is pityful.

Do you want homeless shelters in your neighborhood or are you merely typing?

I am much more decent human than you appear to be simply because I am honest, not a NIMBY person such as you appear to be.

@Alienbeing “Please tell me about how many homeless people stay within a 2 mile radius of your home. I'd bet none. “ 😘 Also, you must not have read my comments. As I stated very clearly, I would welcome with open arms tiny neighborhoods just like this, created specifically for homeless people. I do not fear homeless people and I certainly do not despise them. Remember: basic human decency is free!

@FreethoughtKaty I reread your replies. I am wondnering why you brought up White
Supremecy while discussing homelessness. You must consider the predominance of homeless people are not white. How racist of you. Actually the reverse is true, but I guess to feel good about yourself you must interject race, even though it is not part of the issue being discussed.

Your reply danced around my question but never answered if the was a homeless encampment near your home. However I am glad to hear you would welcome such an encampment. If I become aware of any homeless people looking for a place to stay I will refer them to you.

Last, not wanting a homeless encampment near my home is unrelated to human decency. Rather it is related to human intelligence. Such encampment would affect property value. Merely because you don't care about such values in NO way means carieng about values is indecent.

@Alienbeing I don’t answer fallacies and I generally make a point to tell people like you “fuck white supremacy” because you’re entirely transparent. I know precisely what kind of person you are. 😘

@FreethoughtKaty You know nothing and you could not. Stay in your moronic bubble. Good luck on real estate values, you need it.

@Alienbeing I own quite a few rental properties and I am not even thisssss tiny bit concerned about their values. Good luck tracking down your final horcrux before it gets destroyed!

@FreethoughtKaty Your lack of concern does not concern me. However considering how your long distance analysis of me, I am skeptical of your ability to recognize risk.

@Alienbeing your assessment of me makes no difference to me. 🤣 You think much too highly of yourself. Good luck with that!

@FreethoughtKaty I don't need luck, my career was quite successful and my retirement is going very well.

Your attutude and superficial approach to economics clearly how you need luck and much more.

@Alienbeing I’m doing great, but thanks for your concern. 😘 I do not have your horcrux.

@FreethoughtKaty I'm not really concerned, rather amused by your inability to know that homeless shelters ALWAYS reduce nearby property values.

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