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I just saw on social media that BLM is now a hate group. How is it possible for people to wrap their brain around that? Wasn’t it White Lives Matter that is labeled as a hate group? Not BLM.

MsHoliday 8 June 12

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Conflating the BLM with the KKK is, well, racist AF.


Ignore 99% of what you see on social media and your life will be much better. The ONLY people who say "skin color means nothing" are racist whites.


BLM has, for the most part, stuck to their charter. However, some members have sought to express solidarity with Jihadists, and that is hate-mongering. That song has faded as BLM went mainstream.


How many blacks are in the KKK? How many whites are supporting BLM?
What do the initials KKK mean? What do the initals BLM mean?
More gaslighting.


I just saw on social media that lizard people in human suits are running the world....seems about the same, no?

If it's on the internet, it must be true.


Yes, White Lives Matter has been designated as a hate group for a couple of years now, and this poster/meme is similar in theme to the "Blue Lives Matter" campaign.

The loathsome Candace Owens has been espousing that BLM is a hate group, but I haven't seen that view recognized by any official organization other than hate groups.

Lauren Level 8 June 12, 2021

When you hear about white people being dragged out of their homes, the women raped and the men hanged or worse by members of masked BLM groups, let me know. Then there would be equivalency. Until then, there is no comparison.

@Barnie2years Exactly. It's a false dichotomy, which seems to be the go-to argument of people who have no rational reason upon which to base their argument.


Don’t believe everything you see on social media.


There is a world of difference between how malign the KKK is and bLM. I do not see BLM as a hate group.Some of their members might be white haters. ALL of KKK members are Black haters.

Oddly enough; the democrat party created both for the same reason. Division for power.

@CourtJester Thjat is an outright lie!!! The KKK was created by southern loser in the Civil War. That was the single source. BBLM was created by Black Americans who were an still legitimately are concerened about he senseless killing of Blacks. Your lack of obhjectivity is appalling.

@wordywalt You’re partly correct with the loser comment. The KKK was a wing of the democrat party. The Republican Party came to be predominantly to end slavery.

Open a history book. Your spelling and lack of historical understanding is appalling.

@CourtJester Again, you misrepresent. The KKK was founded by Natan Bedford Forrest, one of the last holdout generals in the Confederacy who refused t surrender until well after Lee had surrendered. Getr your facts ad history correct. Thr pople who joined then and now were connected by their deep and persisting racism. Political party had nothing to do with it.

@CourtJester The KKK was created by democrats a century ago. Those people would all be Republicans now. Thanks to Nixon's "southern strategy"
Perhaps studying some history would work to your benefit.

@RonWilliam53 YOu continue to willfully misingterpret history. Agin, the KKK was created by Nathan Bedford Forrest ], a Confederate general, and jios followers. Their embracing of salvery and of rcism was their defining attribute, not what political partu they sideed with.

Further, you equating of the Democrat party of the mid to late 1800s with the Democrat party of today is totally absurd. It is the Republican party of today that has become the party of racism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, privilege and outright moral decay.

By thje way, I studied American intellectual and political hjistory in graduate school and aced every such course.

@wordywalt I didn't misinterpret-you simply can't read. The South post Civil war embraced the Dems as the anti Republican (Lincoln) Party. The racists split wit the Dems in the 60s over Civil Rights and were embraced by the rightwing Nixon Party. Look at the "migration" of southern House and Senate seats from the Dems to the GQP during that time.

@RonWilliam53 hahaha. Do some more history searching my good man.

@CourtJester What is your point.? What I said is absolutely correct and I stand by it.

@wordywalt The leader and man that started the KKK was a democrat?
So we’re in agreement.


Only racists would consider BLM a hate group.

Statistics prove the significance of skin color.

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