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What are you really afraid off?

Jolanta 9 July 6

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To put it in Bill Maher's words, I'm afraid of a "Slow Motion Coup" - the persistence of Trump. watch;


Above all else, I'm afraid of failure.


Spider and clowns. Spiderclowns.


The climate crisis


Tell us and I’ll tell you.


Losing my beloved mother to cancer





What do you know about Socialism to fear it?

@Jolanta Probably doesn't want to be forced to convert to a gay Muslim abortionist. /s

@Jolanta socialism has never worked. The Soviet Union, nazi Germany, communist China, Venezuela, World War Japan, North Korea, Cuba, etc.

Karl Marx has been wrong about nearly everything that he predicted. Socialism denies an essential human trait; human nature.
Socialism does not depend on the will of the people. It depends strictly and entirely on the dictatorship of the party to stay in power… and you are provided with only what they see fit. Not with what you want, need, or have earned.

Socialism is a pseudo-religion founded in pseudo-science and enforced by political tyranny.

I’d recommend that anyone that truly wants socialism take the time to visit a socialist county for a few weeks or at the very least, spend some time speaking with someone that was able to leave and relocate from a socialist country.

@CourtJester Calling Nazi Germany and World War Japan "socialist" simply proves you have no idea what socialism is. Both countries were far right capitalist and German capitalists funded the Nazis. In return they got fat government contracts and Hitler crushed the trade Unions-sending their leaders to concentration camps. And if you're going to say the Nazis were socialist because they had "socialist" in their name, you'd be even more embarrassed. In 30's Germany the capitalists had ruined the economy. R The fight was between the liberals and the communists for who would take over. To be consider viable as a Party, you had to pretend to be left of center. The Krupps described Hitler as a Radish -"red" on the outside but conservative "white" on the inside.
The rest of your comments are just rightwing drivel. Try Googling the Great Depression for the joys of capitalism, as well as World War Two. You sound like a corporate tool pretending to be a psuedo-intellectual

@RonWilliam53 Put down your pipe, crack a history book, and look up the definition of ‘socialism’.
They were all systems of absolute government control.

Do you carry a Social Security card?

Then you are a card-carrying socialist.

Have kids that go to public schools? That's socialist.

Anything paid for by your taxes that you and your family benefit from? Socialism.

What you're afraid of is the old anarchist or autocratic socialism..that led to Communism.

We here in America won't have that; we know (or at least we used to know) the advantages of a democracy over an autocracy; so we have zero chance of going in to an autocratic socialism.

Watch, please;

@CourtJester You telling me to read a book is like Hitler discussing Kosher cooking. And absolute control works just as well under capitalism-think slavery and Henry Ford sending in goons to bust heads of Union members. And hard to explain the tie between workers rights and the government installing business managed puppet unions. But give it your best shot.

@RonWilliam53 I actually believe Ford was onto something there….

@CourtJester you Do worry about has-beens, doncha......birds of a feather, i guess


A meaningless existence, which seems more and more inevitable.
My second choice is living too long, my expiration date is objectively just around the corner.


Old-age dementia.

I don't know about demential. If you have forgotten just about everything, is there anything to fear there?

@Jolanta Sadly you don't forget everything, you just become more confused, more frightened and more dependent on others. The brain affects the body and you become ill, with many unpleasant symptoms which can last for years. Often you end up bed bound and in nappies, being washed and changed by stangers, both real and imagined strangers. And you no longer have the power or understanding to terminate your life.

We lost my father to Alzheimer's about four years ago and just now I started writing a reply about how unpleasant the experience was even though frankly we got very lucky. Given the circumstances, it went as well as it could have. But my reply was quickly turning into a whinefest.

By the end he didn't know even his family except we who were with him and he became very paranoid because he couldn't follow or remember a lot of the things happening around him.

Hospice was beyond wonderful for us. I don't know how we'd have gotten through without it.
Dementia isn't just about forgetting things -- it's about slowly losing your mind. You can't trust any of the world around you because you can't comprehend a lot of it.

Ok. A little less of a whinefest done. Sorry for it.

@RichCC What a horrible time for you it must have been.

It was worse for my wife than me since she wasn't part of his long time family. She was terrific too.

Early on one time before I retired and moved in, he accused her of stealing some pocket cash and said he was going to call the police. She told him go ahead and gave him her phone but then he realized he didn't know how to dial it.

One of the best things we bought was a set of cameras so that we could go back and see where he'd hidden stuff before he forgot where it was.
Of course we couldn't tell him what they were.

Hospice sent a daily nurse to the house to bathe and groom him and counsel us. I'll say again, they were great.

I'm Stoic(as in Seneca or Epictetus) by nature and I figure everyone goes through something.
We were relatively lucky. My(our) time will come.🤔


Bad drummers

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