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Name THREE things about yourself and one not true. Let me guess which one's not true.

Redcupcoffee 7 Apr 18

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89 comments (51 - 75)

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  1. I once had sex in a public park.
  2. Jim Croce played his last concert in my home town.
  3. I'm a chess grandmaster.
  4. I've been to Stonehenge.

Like anybody would have sex with you!!! LOL


I have been married twice.
I have been to India.
I have seen Mt. Rushmore.
I have a large collection of junk hours away from where I live.

I know, you've actually been married # times!

A good guess.... But is that your final answer?

@Holysocks I get more than 1!

@Holysocks You've never been north of Indianapolis! West of Topeka or East of Nashville. Your junk is actually in your backyard! (Think I've covered everything now!)

Okokok. You have three more guesses...


My favorite color is orange.
I have a fear of Muppets.
I used to study astrology.

If you were a fan of orange before, the Cheeto in Charge would have soured you on it by now!

@Redcupcoffee Yep! You win. 🙂


curiosity,,,,,,,,when your small child asks you a question that you cannot answer for whatever reason, it is tempting to just make up something that will do for,,,,,think cave man trying to explain thunder and lightning,,,,sunlight,,,,,yearly cycles .....fertility,,,,,,,,,,,,,.......well, you can probably create a god for that, which gets refined and embroidered as the ages pass and here we are.


I am a doctor. I am a track champion in the 800, the high jump and the discus throw. I lost all of my front teeth by age 40 because of my 2 pack a day habit.

Dear SpectreFreak26M: Be my guest; I took your instructions literally.


1.I recorded two records, one in three languages, in the 1960-70s.

2.I had a top tune hit on the top Port-au-Prince hit radio station in 1970 for three months

3.I sang my first live solo on Haiti radio when I was four and a half years old.

@Redcupcoffee Nope


1.) I've delivered over 300 baby animals.
2.) Forrest Gump is my favorite movie.
3.) I've been on national television.

What have you got against Tom Hanks?!?


The answer is #2.
Not down with the FG.


I paraded a pig in mid-town Philadelphia as an alternative to Mayor Rizzo.
I had tickets to Woodstock but got grounded because I took off a few weeks before to catch the Atlantic City Rock Fest.
I met Red Skelton in a little Mom & Pop Italian restaraunt in Phoenix.
I have been named the Sexiest Man Alive by People Magazine 4 years in a row, but they won't picture me because they're afraid I'll give Brad Pitt a complex.


I was on the daily show with Jon stewart.
I've read all of George Orwell's books.
I've been playing guitar since age 13.


It was number 2

  1. I've hosted a radio show.
  2. I hate mangos
  3. I play college sports

A swing and a miss.

  1. I've had numerous surgeries to correct a limp caused by being born with one leg which is significantly shorter than the other.

  2. When I was six years old, a photographer used pictures of my brother and I as samples to advertise his work on television.

  3. I played on the boys basketball team in eighth grade, but I was so bad that I rode the end of the bench on a team which only won one game all year (against a team that started a girl because one of their players broke his arm).

  4. When I was in college, I sang in the concert choir. We toured and performed in several countries throughout Asia and Europe.

Nope. Try again.

  1. I’ve been single for about 2 years.
  2. Batman is my least favorite superhero.
  3. I think a great steak only needs 3 ingredients.
  4. I love comedy movies.


@pthomas59 I’m actually a Taurus. Lol. But it’s all good. Leo is just an online nickname I’ve used for like 10 years.

@Redcupcoffee sorry. I absolutely despise Batman. The correct is #4. I can watch them but I typically find stupid comedy...lame. @pthomas59 guessed correctly 🙂


The post asked for THREE items, not four.

Picky, picky...depends on how one reads it ...Name three things about yourself AND one not true. To guarantee just 3, maybe, Name 3 things with one of them not being true.

Akkk! Maybe I can't read, ha ha!?


1: I am 7'6
2: I love life
3: I have been single for 8 years

not 7;6


I once drove over 50,000 miles, through 33 U.S. states, in ten months.

I once broke my leg dancing the tango because my partner didn't know how to follow.

I once ritualistically "killed" a couple of hundred people in an open-air ceremony, then we all hugged each other at once.

You would never take sole credit for something, so its the hug one!

@idlopalev You may be right. He did say "ritual" & that can mean anything!

  1. I'm deathly allergic to pears.
  2. I play the clarinet.
  3. I have a life size cutout of Kylo Ren in my living room.

You love pears!

no clarinet

The untrue one is #2. I don't, nor have I ever played the clarinet.

  1. The Bee Gees are one of my favorite groups
  2. I love singing along to pop music from the 60s
  3. I think the Rolling Stones are over rated

It better be #1 as the lie & not #3, or I'll have a "Noriega" done on your ass! LOL

You are a stones fan.

@Rugglesby I don't think they have a song I don't like. Lol

@JoeMastle there's a post that does the old "desert island bit with choices of Pearl Jam, Nirvana or Other. I had to do other & list the Stones!

  1.  I know a member of the band Wilco.
  2. I speak fluent Spanish.
  3. I've hiked to 14,000 feet in elevation.

Your Spanish is spotty at best!

@phxbillcee yeah, my call also is the Spanish.

@phxbillcee Spotty would be a generous word for my language skills.

  1. I can recite Hamlet's "To be, or not to be…" soliloquy from memory.
  2. I've never broken a bone.
  3. I read approximately one book a week.

Which bone was it (or bones).

I call the melancholy Dane.


So are you a fan of the NPR show 'Wait Wait don't tell me'?
Well I am going to make this harder for you because I don't play by the rules. Only one of these things is not true

  1. I am a beekeeper
  2. I have pet snakes
  3. I raise worms
  4. I have a actual blue tooth
  5. I have a 33 year old daughter that I didn't even know about until 3 years ago
  6. I ride a tricycle

Well, you said tricycle rather than 'trike', that may be the tell unless you're playing with words!

@phxbillcee well that would be just silly, it would be like calling a bicycle a bike. But to be fair trike is in the brand name.

how about no. 5.

I have only one daughter, she is 10 🙂

I have a TerraTrike, it is a recumbent tricycle. I got it so I could go slow enough to ride with my daughter and not fall over.


@Parzival Surprise... yes, that is an actual blue tooth, but no it is not electronic.

  1. I'm a new daddy!
  2. I'm a recording artist
  3. I'm an avid skydiver

Pic of baby, you look like a muso, so I call skydiving the fake.

  1. I have a scar from a figure-skating accident.
  2. I had my first drink at a party at 15.
  3. One of my baby-sitters as a child is now a famous celebrity.

I call number 2 as the fake.

@Rugglesby Damn, was it that obvious. By the way, the celebrity is Susan Sarandon.

@bleurowz I would have loved to meet her.

@Rugglesby She was just a high school kid then. I was too young to remember her, but my parents do.

  1. I lost my huge kidney stone while running down Krakatoa Volcano during a sudden eruption.
  2. I was in a high-rise elevator in Thailand when the 12/26/04 super-quake hit the area.
  3. I'm a closet millionaire.
  4. I'm related to Oprah Winfrey.

@Redcupcoffee Very good.... at least that's the only one not certifiably 100% true. She and I share the same last name (dif spelling) but I don't see her on my tiny fam tree. 😉

  1. I've driven my car over 155 MPH.

  2. There is a cast figure of me in a museum exhibit.

  3. I smoked my first joint at the age of 12.

Nope.... ('m the figure on the right)

Correct! Haven't beaten 155 yet........

  1. I paced/raced a car, riding a bicycle.
  2. I I have traveled Europe: Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Denmark, and other countries.
  3. I I have a patent in computer technology.

What is our prize? What do we win?


Riding home, about '95, I decided to sprint between lights. For no fewer than three lights (and I think it was four), I kept up with a bunch of frat boys in a rag top.. they shouted "Lemond!" to me at the last light as they realized this cyclist was keeping up with them, and turned. I guess they gave up. Boy was I beat when I got home... my fiance was actually worried I was so winded but man did the sprints feel good!

Now it's 50/50. 🙂


@walklightly Bingo! Though, it's a bit tricky in that I have NOT been to Italy. I have been to Germany, Spain, France, Denmark, Luxembourg, Austria (well, sort of), and England.

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