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Announcing the greatest invention of all time. That's right, folks, the solution to this age-old problem has at long last been developed and is now available to purchase.

What a time to be alive!

Jnei 8 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Do you suppose they have a bigger bag so Arabs can transport their camel?

😀 😀 😀


A wonderful innovation! However, in studying the diagram and the drawing of the sacked goat, I noticed that there is no opening in the rear. After driving fast for a long time you are very likely to be transporting a flying sack of shit.

you will


I'd like to see 'em putting a goat into that sack!


You don't need these for alpacas. They will just cush in the back seat

Uhh... done that one also.


That's ridiculous. Everyone knows goats prefer to drive themselves to goat yoga!! (And eat the dashboard as a snack. Lol) 😉


If I ever date a goat... I know what to buy her.


Wait a sec... How do you get the goat in the bag? Where are it's legs? Maybe it's "sitting"... but that means, not only do you have to convince the goat to jump in the bag, you also have to get it to squat down and stick it's head through the hole. Now... I had goats for many years... convincing them to do anything at all was pretty challenging. I would love to see someone try an put a goat in one of these sacks... hint... you're going to need help. Note that bag is "sewed" at the bottom, so you cannot simply slip it over the goat. Did anyone actually use one of these... ever?


What a great idea for my little mountain climbing goat. LOL


Lololol..damn..where was this when I had to drag the gawddamned goat to All those Satanic cult meetings..


Is that Clark Kent behind the wheel??


This would be awesome at the drive through.


It'll look good stored next to my Klein Bottle Beer Glass. LOL!


They could fertilize the side of the road as they go by or use the poop trail to return to from where they have gone in the event they got lost.

yes less likely to have been eaten


gives new meaning to the phrase 'getting on my goat'


Just yesterday my goat asked me for one of these and I had no idea what he was talking about. I will soon be able to make his day. Thanks for posting this.
😀 😉


Dang, they stole my idea.


Great -if I only had a goat.


This is as close to impossing my will on a goat that I ever had. The results were ugly, as I remember. But, that was 45 or so years ago.

I used to know some people who lived on an old bus with various (big) dogs, goats, chickens etc. The dogs would occasionally try to impose their will on the goats, whom they outnumbered two to one; it never went quite how the dogs hoped and the goats were always in charge.

@Jnei Yes. No one ever truly owns a goat. It's an ongoing attempt at coexistence. Goats win every time!

@farmboy2017 This is why I like goats so much. They're not really domesticated at all, and make sure to remind us that they're only hanging out with us while it suits them to do so.

@Jnei That's also why I like cats. No one ever owned a cat. People in my world can't understand why I have little use for a dog or a horse ?

@farmboy2017 It's also why I like cats. They're not domesticated, and in fact domesticated a species of ape to open tins for them.


Just to think I've always put the goats in the back...unfortunately I'm not kidding.

@irascible Wow I wish I could have taken credit for that one!


I would not want to be in the car behind this car, when the goat freaks out and those hooks slip loose or the grommets break... that's not going to be pretty. o.O

tmaaz Level 5 Apr 19, 2018

Well, this is a "god"send for those 82 people who were looking for this product! I think it would REALLY be a hit if one were designed for dogs; they like hanging their heads out the car windows; this would just be an extension of that experience.

Who'd want to drive around with a dog on the side of their car? That's just weird! 😉

@Jnei No, I think goats are automatically weirder. It's something about the horns....

@citronella Have you seen these? Proof that dogs are much weirder than goats! []

@Jnei maybe Mitt Romney


laughed out loud!


Thanks, @Jnei! I wondered where my goat was supposed to ride when we went out!


Very practical. Snakes On A Plane" pale in comparison to "Goats In A Car".

jeffy Level 7 Apr 20, 2018

That is hilarious & cute too❣?

Emme Level 7 Apr 20, 2018

Soo when youre off to your secret society goatfukker church you will have pimp status.

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