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A little 7 year old boy was tortured, starved and murdered for not knowing his bible verses.
Fuck religious freedom when it comes to children.


BufftonBeotch 8 Sep 5

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Don't just stop with those 3 involved, dig out every one involved, Government Agencies, etc, included and send them to Prison for the REST of their Lives.
It will NOT return the poor child the years of life he has had stolen from him BUT it will, in a small way I hope, teach others that their beliefs DO NOT overrule the Laws of Human kind and of the Lands in which they reside.

he was apparently handed over to these distant relative nut cases because of the mother's minor non violent drug charges.

@BufftonBeotch As I said, dig deep, find EVERYONE involved in creating the causes, et, for the absolute Horror and PUNISH them ALL barring NONE.

@Triphid There are pictures out there.
He looked like a sweet happy little boy.

The family who murdered him are The Hills Have Eyes inbred material.

@BufftonBeotch It matters not who decided to put the child in their hands, what relationship who had with who, etc, etc, whether or not the fostering parents are Christian Nut-jobs or legally insane, A Death of a child has occurred, it was caused by abuse and brutality, ergo, it is MURDER and ALL involved in the removal and placement of that child into harms way deserve to punished imo.

@Triphid The government agency and the people who placed the child with those freaks will face no penalty and we both know it.

@Triphid It is a good plot beginning for a revenge vengeance movie

@BufftonBeotch And that is PRECISELY what pisses me off the most about it all.

@Triphid He would be still alive today if fostered to two dads or two moms,

But TX prefers religio loons.

@BufftonBeotch Personally it does not matter, imo, whether the Fostering family is either Hetero-sexual, Bisexual, Same Sex, Transsexual or what ever, it is, imo as a Child Psychologist, the underlying belief systems of the Fostering Families that need to be examined in the greatest of depth when it come be permitted to Faster a child any time.

@Triphid Yes. People can have bad motives no matter what. It is just that some states rule out some people because of homosexuality when it could be a great home.


It's surprising it doesn't happen more often with all these demonic religions which have loving Gods that create people in the full knowledge that they're going to slam the door to heaven in their face later on, or worse, burn them in hell for eternity. They have mistaken the Devil for their God.

That poor baby knowing he had no safe space.


Sick assholes.

I really hate people who use shared, learned and contagious mental illness (religion) as an excuse.

@BufftonBeotch They are the absolute worst of all.


there are more people and agencies that need to answer for this crime. But at least it is a start

They took that child away from the mother for a drug possession offense of some kind, I guess.
That is a jagged hole in her heart that will never heal.


a psycho is a psycho, regardless of whether they make a religious appeal or not, i think

I think the father needs to go to prison for life. He directed this.


Yes, as you know Lori, religious zealotry has no limits. Religion in any form has some element of mental illness. And when it's indoctrinated from childhood on, it can by psychotic.

Yes. As horrible as the crime was, I feel very much empathy for young man who was 14 at the time.

He also knew nothing but torture.

@BufftonBeotch I guess the killer was 14 at the time of the crime. I've learned (especially from some overseas experience) that 14- and 15-year old boys can be some of the most ruthless killers on the planet. In a combat zone and being armed, they're as much a target as anybody else.

@mischl Because they are brainwashed and have not formed their own thoughts yet.

@BufftonBeotch (You triggered my favorite hot button and got me on my pulpit.)I've read (and experienced) a lot about the normal, everyday, pervasive brainwashing that most Islamic kids get from birth on. (Did you ever read "The Haj?" ) Essentially, boys are everything, girls have no rights, they're just property, and anybody who's not a devout Islamist is a heathen that should be killed. It's the will of Allah.

@mischl I think that is approaching the attitude of a nationalist who would see every Muslim as a dangerous enemy deserving of a bullet.
I think an Islamic ruled state would be a terrifying place to be an Atheist. I have known a few.
But a place that does coerced prayers several times a day would be hard to blend in.

@mischl Yes, Iagree and one ONLY needs to remember those two boys in England who willfully murdered that other young child.


The person that did this to the boy is a monster.

The person who did most of the deeds was 14 at the time and also probably tortured.
The actual culprit is going to trial this fall.

He needs to never again see a blade of grass.

My guess is there are several generations of monsters behind this incident, just as there were obviously several events leading up to the final one that killed the 7 year old..

@BufftonBeotch Hey, I know nothing of your background, life in childhood, etc, etc, BUT let me tell you this please and PERHAPS you may well learn to understand.
I was abused as a child from as far back as I can remember by my mother and my 2 older sisters.
My mother took great delight in the Physical, Emotional and Sexual Abuse she perpetrated upon me, my older sisters just got their sick kicks from the Physical and Mental Abuses they wrought on me, abuses like thrashing me with leather belts, kicking me, pouring icy cold or hot water over me, etc, I will not go into the horrors inflicted upon me by my mother until I was 16 years old and threatened that should she lay a finger on me ever again I'd knock her to the floor and piss on her face.
What was done to that child was MURDER, Brutal and Unrepentant Murder and the Murderer, 14 years old or not should and would have known better, I know I did and I have only EVER laid my hands on another person 3 times in 67years in anger and each time that was in protection of another, never myself.
The MYTH of "The Abused becoming the Abusers later in Life" is absolute CRAP and put about MAINLY by Defence Lawyers and their so-called 'Expert Psychologist Witness for the Defence.


They all need to be locked up for life, and throw away the keys.

A child with no sanctuary and no one to protect them is something that rips my heart to shreds.
The 14/15 year old was also tortured his entire life.

@BufftonBeotch The teenager is guilty of murder.

@BufftonBeotch D\o you have conclusive evidence that the 14 year old WAS a victim of Abuse by chance?


I must have missed the verse in the Bible that recommends torturing and killing children for not memorizing verses.

skado Level 9 Sep 5, 2021

that poor baby.

It's a long stretch, but there is a verse about taking out rebellious children. How a 7 year old already traumatized by losing his parents (at least his mother) only to find himself in a horribly abusive situation with relatives could be considered rebellious is beyond comprehension.


Unbelievable this religious asshole should be fried asap

The mother of the killer only got 5 yeas for not stopping the torture.
The father who coerced it all has not gone to trial yet.

The child had been placed in their custody for minor drug charges I guess.

Burned at the stake.

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