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Am I the only atheist that doesn’t smoke pot?

PeppermintDreads 7 Apr 20

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214 comments (76 - 100)

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Nope! My drug of choice is offee. I experimented a lot in my teens; by the time I was subject to DOT drug screens at work, I had long since grown out of that phase.


I don't smoke anything anymore. Pot always just made me sleepy and gave me cottonmouth.

It “made you sleepy” because like most modern money driven westerners, you are likely sleep deprived!

Marijuana seeks to BALANCE the human mind and body!

Hydrate your body sufficiently!


@Ungod it didn't matter where or when or what I smoked. Always put me to sleep. I don't drink carbonated beverages or coffee much. I sleep plenty and well and I'm very healthy.

Yes doctor...


You can take cannabis in more ways than smoking, which doesn't give people enough THC to cure cancer- it takes cannabis oil. Or you can take CBD oil, which also calms people, raises their moods and is legal most places.
It also cures seizures and other problems.

@okiestache Where have you been? People have been curing cancer with THC since the 1970s. The internet is crammed with stories, and even the official cancer website admits THC kills cancer cells without harming human ones, but keeps saying it hasn't been officially endorsed by the cancer society.

Mainly because chemo therapy and radiation, which recent studies in the U.K. show kills patients within 15 years of treatment for 50% of patients, is a billion dollar industry.
People who announce alternate cures in their clinics have been turning up dead in droves. So many in the past few years that it's forced alternate cancer care givers into hiding. You might try reading more.

@okiestache Do a google/youtube search for CANNABIS CURES CANCER and THE ENDOCANNABINOID SYSTEM...

@Ungod, @okiestache Landmark Study Shows Half of Cancer Patients are Killed by Chemo — NOT Cancer []

BBC News - Growing evidence that cannabis oil can cure serious diseases like cancer []


I think pot stinks, it hurts your throat, it may give people a childish kick to be doing something illegal in most places, but when it comes to kick, you get a much better one from a 15 year old single malt scotch, and it tastes infinitely better ! (And you do not have to suck on someone else's saliva on the glass!)

I’ll match 3 drinks vs smoking all the MJ anyone can possibly consume in one setting, in a comparative contest of driving, or any other mind-body coordination skill, ANY day!


No, you are certainly not. ?


I don't either personally it's irritating for me to hang with most ppl who do because they get so low mellow but I have met some ppl hyper who definitely are more enjoyable to know as a pot smoker vs non

I am one more like dat...


Nope, my son does not touch the stuff.

When you’re around...

@Ungod Nope period. He is an honor student in engineering. I am a medical patient, his wife and mother are as well.
Just not his thing . . .
He did for a while as a teen (17-18) but stopped, not fond ofthe effects on his thinking process.

@Davesnothere Sure... I bet he doesn’t masturbate also!

@Ungod No need for him to hide it with two medical patients using it in the home all the time.

He must not breathe in the home...

@Ungod we don't smoke in the home, that would be inconsiderate, we smoke on the porch.
Also, it is not the same thing to be exposed to second hand smoke as to smoking something yourself because you want to, doubly so when the patients are medical and consume less than a gram a day of CDB strains, not THC strains, much of which is not smoked at all.

Point being, it is readily availble and not frowned upon by familt friends or his wife, it is just not his cup of tea.

Why is that hard to believe?
Not everyone likes drinking either.

Not everybody tells the truth either...

@Ungod True, but I also live with him, and both his wife and I smoke regularly.
There is zero reason for him to lie
He just does not like weed.

I am kind of amazed that you find that unbelievable, like you have never met anyone ever who did not like weed.
Sounds like your in a green Bubble.
And seeing as we all used to live in Humboldt together, I have seen a few of those.

@Davesnothere - I don’t NOT believe it. I just DON’T believe it...

@Ungod I get that, but it is not a fantastic claim.
It is not any different than someone not liking Lasagna, or Chili, or Beer, or wine.
A personal preference, which you cannot believe.

Reeks of a bias you hold.

@Davesnothere - Experience... I find that sex, drugs and money are the things most people lie about, most of the time.

If you wanna believe him that’s ok and understandable.

But I don’t!

@Ungod While I find that addage to be valid, it assumes apriori that every person always has some reason to lie about those things
Which is simply false
That is crossing the line from skepticism to cynicism

I do not need to believe him, he is standing beind me. I told him about your inability to believe he did not smoke when his wife and I do when I last had to medicate myself.

He says "You can eat a dick Motherfucker. Calling me a liar for no reason."


Nope I don’t smoke


When I was young a lot of my classmates did. I was never tempted, I saw the stoner's and they always looked like they were half asleep. I didn't want to be like that, so I never tried it. My exwife's son got hooked on it when he was just 12. He went to rehab at about 16, and it failed he is now 25 and still hooked, working a hard dead end job. I feel sorry for him, because as long as he smokes weed, he will never have anything, because he wastes his money on weed and fines when he gets caught with it. Such a waste.

Pot is not physically addictive. You cannot "get hooked" on it like smack or crank.

However if your life sucks, your job sucks and life looks bleak, weed can brighten your mood. That is why more enlightened societies grasp it works as a medication,

One can become phycologically dependant on it, but not physically addicted.

In short I would not blame that lads lot in life on weed, but on something underlying, for which he uses weed to cope. For instance "He got hooked on it at 12?", by that you mean he startyed using it at 12.
So life was not stadard issue for him was it?
In some way life was kind of fucked up as he was starting to use weed at 12, something drove that.

@Davesnothere There are many other signs of addiction than physical addiction. Addiction can be habitual and behavioral. If you have these signs, OBSESSIVE THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS, DISREGARD OF HARM CAUSED, LOSS OF CONTROL: DENIAL OF ADDICTION OR HIDING DRUG USE then you are addicted and it is harmful.

@CK-One You are conflating addiction and pyschological dependance


Nope, I seldom even drink.

No comparison...

That’s like responding to, “Do you play sports?” with, “I seldom even have sex!”...

@Ungod , if you can’t compare sports to sex, you’re doing one of them wrong!

If you think MJ is anything like DRINKING ALCOHOL (edited), you haven’t done either one right. Which seems to be YOUR story!

@Ungod MJ=weed. If you are just looking to argue, look somewhere else. I will block you. Have a nice day


I don't, though I used to smoke a lot of it. I didn't really consciously quit, it's just that circumstances led me to a place where I don't know where to get it. After a while, I just resigned myself to the idea that my pot smoking days are probably over. However, I am not sure what I would do if it happened to be right in front of me. I might (or might not) decide to indulge.


I don't smoke pot.


Looks like I'm the odd one out, Smoked it for years, still do though more for pain relief than peasure. 36+ years and no problems yet, except the law

You, me and the rest of us... 50 years steadily toking so far. Some restrictions and interruptions during 10 years (never busted) military service!

@Ungod Had very full on couple of decades, served 3 sentences but more mellowed now though, but you gotta keep your hand in, 😉

@Savage - I very much VAPE now. I’m currently enamored with cannabis cartridges @


No, I don't drink and don't smoke either drugs or tobacco and am generally a riot at parties too.
Ok I lied about the last thing.

I’ve never seen a party YET I can’t buzz kill!


I am for legalization, but I don’t smoke pot or use drugs or even drink that much. I don’t think I have even been “ Tipsy” since my oldest was born

Phin Level 6 Apr 23, 2018

Nope. I don't smoke weed, at least not anymore. I used to back in my early to mid-20s, but never on a regular basis.


I don’t do drugs unless they are prescribed. I have smoked weed before, but haven’t in many years.


33 and never tried! ✌️


I don't smoke pot or use cannabis in any form. Found out I am allergic to it as it makes me extrememly paranoid and violently ill. It is just not worth it for me. For relaxation I take a walk in the woods. Works everytime!

OFTEN, weed can show you things you may need to remove from your diet or surroundings.

It can also be used to face fears that are deep in your conscious that may need to be addressed.

Just sayin...

@Ungod I'll pass on the violent vomit, thanks.

What inFUCK is “VIOLENT VOMIT” !?!

@Ungod Guess you've never been that sick - you're lucky.

@Fanburger Why do you say that? I don't put anybody down for smoking pot. I don't think it is crap to get high or take cannabis in some other form. I just can't do it myself because it makes me sick. How is that "crap"?

@LindaEnger - I understand vomiting violently (a poor description, imho), but I am thoroughly at a loss as to what constitutes VIOLENT VOMIT !!


Nope. Never done it myself. I’ve never taken any drugs.

Never had an inoculation? No childhood illnesses? Never had a drink or sampled food cooked in alcohol? Is all your food grown in laboratories? You’ve been eating organically grown meats and vegetables all your life? Do you BREATHE ??

@Ungod ummm. Ok. I’ve never taken illicit drugs. Since I was an adult I’ve never taken any prescription drugs. For the last 11 years I’ve gotten most of my food from local farmers who don’t give vaccines to their animals and are all pasture raised. So, yes, I actively avoid drugs as much as possible

Funny how some ppl get all anal about a general question, good for you! Because I myself was taking a medication from Dr that gave my liver a temporary out of wack trying to shut down...finally reading normal now minus a mass they found that develop in the liver n my belly miraculously sinking in by itself that test n drs can't figure out why. I'm hoping it just completely sinks in lol then I can reduce my belly fat...?@ThomasReitz

@ThomasReitz - The “I don’t take drugs” group is a funny bunch! Drugs go from “licit” to “illicit” on the whims of the legal and pharmaceutical powers that be and is NOT a useful scientific/chemical delineation.

ALCOHOL, MARIJUANA and COCAINE were once quite “licit” (if that’s a word!).

Even now, a total LUSH can lay claim to not doing illicit drugs!

Nevermind how we are constantly bombarded with chemicals in our environment that quite literally fit into the catagory of DRUGS, but are just never identified as such.

I won’t even start with the virtual drugs of TELEVISION and other mass influences of drug particle/waves we are ALL subjected to regularly.

AND drugs, in herbal forms, such as coffee and tobacco, are a regular and often BENEFICIAL part of regular human consumption.

One of my overall points it that the “I don’t take drugs” position is little more than meaningless snobbery...

But now you’ve “clarified” your position as “I actively avoid drugs as much as possible”. So who doesn’t?


I stopped smoking pot about 30 years ago. I just got bored and moved onto coke, then my life fell apart, and I quit everything and went back to school. Last month I smoked pot with a friend, and I hated the way it made me feel so now I drink wine or the occasional beer.


Looks like you've got company!


It's not my bag, either.


No, I don't smoke or do drugs, only a beer and wine
I don't get drunk.


You are not alone! It makes me cough myself into a migraine. Not worth it?.

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