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Am I the only atheist that doesn’t smoke pot?

PeppermintDreads 7 Apr 20

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214 comments (176 - 200)

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If someone's handing round a joint, I might have a quick drag or two on it. Can't remember when I last did that, though. It must have been at least three years ago.

The last time I actually bought stuff was Amsterdam about a decade ago. Me and my ex got pretty wasted on White Widow. We ended up getting back to the hotel, going to bed, and waking up about 4 hours later, the level of 'stoned' we'd been hoping to achieve. Proper paranoid episode getting back to the room too, since the hotel had a strict 'no drugs' policy. This also meant we'd left 3 and a bit of the four joints that we've bought in the coffee shop. Someone must have been made up with that.

Now that they're clamping down on drug driving, I'm really not sure what I can get away with without risking losing my licence. It's easy with alcohol: I buy the one shot testers (that you need to drive in France) and do one of those the following morning if I'm in any doubt. I'm not aware of a similar self testing facility for cannabis, and I believe the stuff can stay in your system for up to a week.


I don’t smoke it, either. I had tried it a very long time ago and hated the feeling it gave me. It always baffles me that, when people hear this, they tend to try and convince me that it was just a fluke and I should keep trying different kinds. I mean, why make continued efforts to gain another vice? I’ve got enough of those already.

Leeshi Level 7 Apr 21, 2018

I've gotten that, too. I've even been told that it wasn't pot. lol

“It must have been laced with something.” “You just haven’t tried the right one.” “Not all of them will effect you like that.” Ugh!

If you think pot is a vice, you’ve already derailed...

One thing about “pot” is that you can grow it yourself or only get it from growers you do trust.
This is why it’s important to realize that cannabis is not a drug...

They definitely do sometime lace commercial weed!

Often it’s doused in soda-pop to make it stick together in bricks...

I tried something laced many years ago. I liked it. Never touched it again. If I liked it that much I would have liked it more the next time. Just like sex.


Me neither. Did my drug experimenting years ago and the only one I would be interested in using again would be shrooms. Plus I get drug tested at work.


Nope. I did once when I was a teen and that was enough. (agnostic not atheist)


No, but I have asthma. It is legal here (WA) and I've been to a few weed stores. I sometimes take CBD for pain and inflamation. I very occasionally take CBD+THC for fun.

I'm shocked at the number of people who say that they have never tried it. I thought everyone at least tried it in high school or college.

I think I might at least try it once before I die, but I've been thinking that for about 20 years so probably not.


No. I have tried it. Twice. I didn't care for the way it made my lungs feel. I would be tickled to see it legalized, for those who enjoy the benefits of it, though.


Nope 🙂


Me neither! (I used to, though 🙂 )

Jnei Level 8 Apr 21, 2018



Probably not.


Nooo. I do but tons don't here. There is every veiwpoint pretty much here ???


i've never used.
not once.
not ever.
never even considered it.
not anything else, either.

Sounds fun.

whether it sounds fun is irrelevant.
it's honest.
drugs have never been a consideration

in the randomness of life
being born into a world of drugs
I never once used

raising my son as healthfully as i knew to do
he died from the disease of addiction

why anything is the way it is
why i'm spared but he wasn't
emotional proof there are no gods


I don't smoke pot. I don't do drugs of any kind and I don't even drink alcohol. So no you're not alone.


How do you come to believe that every other atheist smokes pot ?

I don't. Occasional beer or wine, and on rare occasion have a whisky or brandy.


No. And have been pleased to see that driving whilst under the influence is now treated as seriously as drink driving.


I neither drink nor use drugs...i have never cared for the taste of beer or hard liquor, wine gives me migraines. Former hubby was into pot big-time, I never saw the appeal, have always fought weight problems, do not need the munchies, lol!
Been an atheist since my teens.


I don't care what others get up to, but I would never smoke pot. If I ever needed it for a medical reason I'm sure there's a less nauseating way to get it into my bloodstream.


Prefer red dry wine or good rye?


I don't smoke pot, never have even a single time. Although my job forbids it, I never had much interest in smoking in any case.


Nope, i don't. I used to five years ago but quit.


no, but only one of a few. I never have, but almost every circle I am in seems to be more smokers than not.

And isn't it fascinating how you are regarded as a greater aberration than a non believer is by God botherers?
I had a friend who came out under the big brother scheme and was sent for two years slavery on a farm in the Hunter Valley. He claimed that much of the banks of the river had acres growing wild.

@FrayedBear I have been fighting bushfires and rested in the shade of massive dope plants, local cops were fighting fires and standing under the same shade along with us. You are right re the aberration, I don't drink so don't mix after work, and don't smoke to don't get to mix at breaks at work. Either that or my body odour.

@Rugglesby Bugger me Blu and there I had an inkling that you were an escaped New Zealander and you're turning out to be an unwashed Pom emulator! ?????? Standing in the shade with you... probably their plantations!


no, I don't but I used too.


I don't think they have anything to do with eachother. I smoke it Every nite so I can go to sleep. Been smoking it for about 40 years ! I'd really rather not smoke it much but it really works 🙂

I don't see the correlation and cannabis is better than tobacco and way better than booze and other controlled drugs.

Milk, particularly organic, and Valerian have far fewer side effects.

@LeighShelton its not toxic or damaging dude. ?? Just not for everyone maybe. Drugs don't stop epilepsy like pot .. virtually no side effects long or short term. For me a medical miracle ..

@Nickbeee you obviously don't encounter many addicts who need a bowl as soon as they wake up to be followed at half hourly intervals and are paranoidly disfunctional in their brains. They would probably be better off lobotomised.

@FrayedBear Hahahahahahaha!!!! I love you too bruh lol

Wow.. Just flying my space trumpet around Lake Titicaca, I'll be back in a tangerine.

@FrayedBear I agree Milk has awesome effects!!!

@Nickbeee it used to enable my sleeping in an uncomfortable rail car for at least an hour on my daily commute.

@Nickbeee I can do that without drugs. I can also give myself an orgasm without a woody, partner or equipment.
What can you do unassisted.

I am one of those paranoid types and I got sectioned too but it should still be legal I think. I think all drugs should be legal so there cleaner with no dealers and there's money to help the addictive natured people like myself. I have suffered badly as a binge drinker and was very close to being a full-on pisshead too and that shit with tobacco is legal.

@FrayedBear - Yeah right... I once knew a guy who told me he could give his girlfriend an orgasm over the phone!

@Ungod Don't even need the phone...just schedule it for a certain time or event like when it hails or if she is religious during mass on Sunday.

@FrayedBear - And John Redcorn did WONDERS for the “migraine headaches” of Dale Gribble’s wife...

@FrayedBear - That’s krazee of course. Milk causes many people to react terribly with vomiting and disease. My brother had this problem his whole life.

When I gave up milk, my digestion improved incredibly.

Weed helped me to change my diet for the better...

@Ungod Who is John Redcorn and Dale Gribble and wife? An American exorcism? Got one of those only about 30 klms away.

@Ungod And my sister was allergic to her first husband. He brought her out in hives.
Milk and peanut allergies. Didn't they only start occurring about 100 years after Monsanto started trading? Or was it when they took the cocaine out of coca cola? ?


I used to smoke it years ago, tried to again and it's not the same for me! I am for legalizing it, I have seen it's benefits but on me, not good!

just the same as me


I work at a police department so, it would be difficult if I did. I've actually only tried it twice in my life and that was in my thirties. I didn't really get anything out of it, so, never go into it. I'm fine with it being legal though. Within reason.

So I'm the same way and holy hell were in the same neck of the woods!

LOL. You're right up the mountain! And btw, there is no such thing as hell, let alone a holy one! lol

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