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Marcus Lamb, founder of Christian network Daystar and vaccine opponent, dies after contracting COVID-19

PondartIncbendog 8 Dec 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Not sad.


Darwin and karma

Not Karma. Karma is a supernatural phenomenon that doesn't exist. Even if it did, it is described as an indirect quasi-causal process--You do enough bad things, and eventually something bad will happen to you even if it has no direct bearing on the specific evil you have done.

What we have here is what is known as "the direct consequences of one's actions". This is the exact opposite of Karma in that it exists, and is usually how causes and effects manifest themselves.


Thoughts and prayers.


I have seen so many stories like this one where a COVID denier/anti-vaxxer contracts COVID and died. One might think their followers would get a clue, but it doesn't appear to work that way.

You can lead a antivaxxer to the vaccine, but you can't make him/her take it.


What can you say? Things happen. Most believers will argue that IF they have had Covid they now have an immunity higher than the vaccinated and higher than their doctors. They have no statistics. Just those words. On the other hand his supporters will now declare that "god has called Marcus home." You cannot deal with these people.

Stupid is as stupid does.


How many more will it take for these people to get a clue?

Apparently several hundred thousand Americans dead from Covid is not convincing enough evidence. Maybe an even million, which we will hit sometime next year, will be enough. More likely most of these idiots won't wise up until a friend or loved one directly in their life dies or is hospitalized from it.

They’re not capable of that.

As @CuddyCruiser has said, they're not capable of that. They are paying the price of their own willful ignorance and willful stupidity.


Now he is in heaven with his lovely god. RIP.😇

His lovely god? That creature that is a genocidal maniac with catastrophic anger management issues? Yes, that figures. 🙂

I read your comment as sarcasm - hope I got that right. Not knowing this guy's life, he may have been judged as not good enough and ended up in the furnace instead (with his other God).

@RussRAB , it's a joke. No God no heaven, just us with love, hate and the universe at the present time.

@RussRAB, @anglophone , What creature? Marcus Lamb?

@Cecilia2018 - Sorry if I wasn't clear; sarcasm would be a kind of joke.


As Mark Twain said ." I've never wished a man dead but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure"


As my late wife used to say, " ' Riddance......"...


Bye now.


So that is one less ignorant piece of shit infesting this world.


Thoughts and prayers

twill Level 7 Dec 1, 2021

Ya beat me to it.

Or in my case - just thoughts.

I like tots and pears myself! 🤣🤣🤣

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