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So I guess I was also banned from the conservative group. I went to view a reply and I can't access the group anymore. I get it, it's not a debate group. I was simply curious as to why these folks are conservative. I did find out several things though.

  1. In order to be a conservative you have to hate leftists.

  2. In order to find out your political persuasion you have to take an online test.

  3. They aren't republicans, they are conservatives although there seems to be a lot of disagreement/confusion amongst them over this point.

  4. They are conservatives because they aren't leftists. Couldn't find any other reason for being conservative other than that. No reasoning behind being conservative other than not liking leftists.

  5. Don't mention political sectarianism to them. It will get you removed from the group.

  6. Quite frankly don't disagree with them or they won't converse with you anymore.

  7. Believe what we do and how we do or go away.

  8. If a leftist gets into office (I'm guessing more leftists than there already are) then we will have higher taxes, no fossil fuels, won't have freedom of speech, won't have a 2nd amendment and quite frankly I don't remember the rest. Your freedoms will vanish is the overall theme there if you vote other than conservative.

  9. And finally be pragmatic and don't vote for who you want into office but instead don't vote the way you think, vote the way the group does.

If any of you conservatives wish to reply to this message just realize I'm more than willing to entertain your BS but please don't cry foul and hide when challenged.

FvckY0u 8 Jan 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Are you whacked out on drugs or something, and I ask that honestly and not to be mean or sarcastic, because some of the replies I saw from you were borderline paranoid delusional.

  1. You're wrong about that, while I'm sure there are haters on the right, it is not necessary to actually hate other human beings in order to be conservative, your conclusion on that is grossly skewed. On the flip side, do you even have any idea how many times members on this site have called me a fascist for having some conservative views? Most of said examples of such were flat out dehumanizing and uncalled for.

  2. I never said anything about having to take some sort of online test in order to determine where you stand politically speaking. Since when does what one person say automatically mean the rest of us must agree with such?

  3. What confusion exactly? Some are Republican, some are Independent, and some are Libertarian, but there's no confusion as to us being fiscally conservative there. You read into something that doesn't exist.

  4. Again, not true of all of us. I have a mixture of conservative and liberal viewpoints, and some of those on this site who I'd call friends lean pretty far to the left, and yet I still have much respect for them. I don't hate people, but I do disdain certain ideologies, big difference between the two.

  5. One of the group moderators removed you from the group because you did not ask a question looking to start a civilized conversation, you did so looking to start a fight, and looks like you ended up on the losing end of that deal. To date, I've been banned from nearly twenty groups on here, some of which I previously never even visited no less, all controlled by leftwing individuals. How's that for tolerant and understanding, two things the "liberal" left claim to be. In that respect, someone like me is far more liberal that most folks who act like that, but I'll get back to that in a moment.

  6. You disagreed with me and I kept conversing with you, and you are aware of the fact that many leftwing individuals on here can and have done the exact thing you claim the conservative members have, right? If you weren't aware of that, let me clue you in to the reality of this site, and assure you that many on here who call themselves leftwing liberal progressive would have no qualms whatsoever in blocking banning or dehumanizing others who disagree with their viewpoints, and in fact the dehumanizing at times had gotten so out of hand that the creator of this site doesn't even want to bother anymore with being active on here. That should give you some idea as to just how venomous things can get on here at times with the member drama and all.

  7. Is that asking for alot? It wasn't set up to be a debate group, and the left-leaning groups are the same damned way, most of which I've been banned from, but you don't see me complaining. Nevermind the fact that in the past the conservative group had hosted opposing views, but said opposition remained civil towards everyone and guess what? They were welcomed into the group. To this day there are members in that group who are not conservative. Next time maybe try to stay truly open-minded and not go around assuming things and looking to start an argument, because as you can see in the end the jackass lost out and got banned from the group, and apparently his precious feelings got hurt which prompted this pointless albeit inaccurate post. Is being open-minded and civil really asking for too much. Prior to that did I ever come onto one of your posts and act like that, of course not, and while you may not have liked what I had to say do know that I only tried to answer your query honestly.

  8. Historically speaking, when Democrats are in office our taxes do go up, as Republicans favor less taxes on the citizens. That's not my opinion, that's how the two major political parties operate when it comes to taxes. As for the 1st & 2nd Amendments, that's a valid concern for those on the right, as over the years many prominent Democrats have openly advocated for modifying or doing away with both of those Amendments, which would be a bad idea. Please note my restraint on talking about the Democrat's bad ideas on packing the Supreme Court and nuking the Filibuster, again both of which are terrible ideas that could conceivably end up hurting Democrats down the road should the Republicans again takeover the White House Senate and House. Alas though, it appears far too many Democrats are too naive to realize the danger of what they actively are promoting.

  9. Wrong again, that's nine for nine man, you struck out all three times there. Did I tell you who I had voted for the last time? Of course not, so stop assuming. I will give you a clue though, I didn't vote for either of the "rich old white men", and while Trump was a loser I could say the same of Biden as well. If there truly be a racial dilemma in this country (I don't think there is) as the Democrats would have me believe, then I've no choice but to conclude that anyone who voted for Biden is part of the problem then. By the way, not assuming anything here as to who you had voted for, I'm just saying that in general across the board.

Put your money where your mouth is why don't you, I attempted to honestly answer your subliminally angry and indignant post in the conservative group, and was met with absurd and deflecting replies from you. You were the one who cried foul there, and this whole post was nothing but you grandstanding over getting banned from the conservative group and crying foul in the process, and starting yet another circle jerk of complaining leftwing crybabies who do everything that they accuse the rightwingers of doing, and on and on the insanity goes with no clear end in sight. What I just said above was accurate and I only told the truth based on direct observation(s), nothing more nothing less. For the record, I've no problem with you bashing on conservatives, I do that myself at times, I take issue with the blatant hypocrisy, when someone complains about another when they play the same rotten tricks as those they complain about. From the looks of it, honesty isn't one of your virtues, you might want to work more on improving yourself before you're quick to down others of whom apparently you don't even possess a sound understanding of to begin with. Can't wait to see what psychotic remarks this comment may receive...

@darren316 I don't give a damn if you're mean to others, I take issue with your inaccurate statements above. Obviously telling the truth isn't one of your stronger points. Both political sides on this site are cult-like if you ask me, I'm not taking sides on that, extremes of any kind are bad. I don't know what other members said to you that made you that bitter, I care about the reply(s) you directed at me, and your post here did invite anyone to talk about the subject, so don't get mad when someone responds rebuking your points. The leftwingers on this site hate the opposition more than they like each other too, that works both ways, and you don't know the half of it the bitter and disgruntled convos I've had on here with progressives and their rather deranged replies. Judging everyone as a whole is a bad idea, as no two individuals think alike on all topics and issues, and I certainly don't hate anyone regardless of how they think or what they support.

Do I really need a scientific basis to conclude such here? What about your crude assumptions? If my conclusions don't matter, then neither does yours, as your approach could hardly have been considered scientific. What's the matter, you don't like it when someone challenges your crude assumptions, and get mad even after you asked for it in this post? Don't worry ace, I already did just that in my previous response, and from the looks of it you weren't too pleased, and isn't that a shame. You've got an axe to grind, against those who you consider to be opposition, and it doesn't require a "scientific" approach to realize that much. Remember, you asked for this above in the OP, and I only answered you honestly. If you don't like people calling you a jerk etc, then don't act like one, be a true freethinker and at least attempt to understand the other side before passing harsh judgment on others and making sloppy assumptions about them. Until you do, I've no rational or reasonable obligation to take your claims seriously, and guess you'll just have to be disgruntled with me in the meantime.


Guys, I kinda feel the title that douche @TheInterlooper bestowed on me is undeserved. I mean, it's an honor, for sure, if it's true, but I don't know that I deserve that much credit. I simply speak my mind when I feel the need. There are so many others that do the same and their contributions are invaluable. What say you? Am I really the "center of attention" in the Republicans-are-useless-pieces-of-shit-that-should-all-die group? I thank you for your votes and support, but will humbly hand the trophy to any of the other deserving members that were also nominees in this category if the academy deems I shouldn't have won.


I don't even know what he is going on about. & I have no interest in finding out.

Beauty contests are for shit. It takes a village.

@racocn8 I guess someone has a lot of time on their hands. Now I have a list of friends, I guess.


I would not mind having a discussion with a conservative if I could find one that didn't limit their statements to name calling.

Sometimes I hear very hateful statements coming from the left. I can understand most of them because periodically there's someone who calls themself a conservative that post a very hateful statement on a lefty post.

The term conservative has changed so much since I was a Republican. My female mentors were frugal and I considered them very conservative. That frugality meant that they used everything up until there was nothing left. They would have been horrified by the things many of us throw away everyday from food to packaging. If we all lived the way they did out on that farm, global warming would not be happening. I'm also pretty sure that they usually voted Republican.

I find a big difference between a true Conservative and a Trumper. The problem is the Republican party has turned into the latter.

@ChurchLess Exactly. Even a piece of shit like Ted Cruz who occasionally shows a modicum of rationality has to walk it back and toe the Trumpian line lest he get excommunicated. The party is Trump's. They do not live in the same reality as us. There is no possibility of reconciliation, ever.

I couldn't have said it any better. William F. Buckley is writhing in his grave.


If you really want to know what the Conservatives want read and follow Jenny Brown []. I heard a talk she gave on ALternative Radio It might be the most recent one by her or a rerun, but it was the best explanation of the Conservative movement I have heard in seventy years. I am Sorry that all the material is behind a paywall, but if one searches they may be able to see something on Youtube or from Alternative Radio.


A major reflection of your ignorance.

Everything you listed stinks from the imagination of a left-poler.


To be a conservative n today's world, you must be able to be devoid of empathy, critical thought, and a sense of fair play. You have to blame everyone else, the government, people of color, any color other than white, for your lot in life; but never yourself. You must buy into any and every conspiracy theory which supports these beliefs regardless of the lack of any proof to support these theories. Constantly living in fear of these unwarranted dangers is very important. What a miserable fucking way to live.


And If I hear one more time what a communist I am 😂😂😂

For me, they call me a communist, then block me so I can't reply.

@glennlab and I am sure u losing sleep over it Glenn 😂😂♥️♥️♥️♥️

@Pralina1 Your dad would be proud of you.

They are idiots


I don't know if I still am, but I was Blocked from a few of the Conservative Groups very early on in this Site's history. & I only found out when someone told me as I had no interest in visiting their Groups. Also had a number personally Block me, not for what I said to them, just for what I tend to say...

Those things may still be true, I have no idea, nor do I care. When 'Righties' visit other Groups I may Comment/disagree/challenge, but I don't personally Block & have only Blocked folks in my Groups if they have personally Blocked me. I won't let someone Post in one of my Groups if I can't see what they Post.

The animosity "Conservatives" tend to feel towards anyone they consider "Left" (seems to mean to them anyone that disagrees even slightly with any little thing they consider dogma) baffles me, to some extent & saddens me, too. They seem so threatened & butthurt, yet consider "Lefties" the snowflakes. Even the ones that claim to be atheists seem to treat their stance with almost religious conviction. Especially the adherence to particular beliefs despite evidence to the contrary.


Yeah, much (most?) of the modern right seems to be defined by hatred of leftists (though they know nothing about leftists and instead believe nonsensical crap like they're all Marxist/socialists trying to destroy America) and outrage over stuff that doesn't exist (like critical race theory in public schools) or stuff that doesn't effect them in any way (like gay marriage and LBQT rights.) Then there's "Stop the Steal." the biggest political lie since Hitler's "Stab in the Back" myth. It's frankly scary.


That is how they are over there. It is like an exclusive club for those that can't think critically. We take it as a badge of honor to be blocked. Consider yourself fortunate to be free of people one can not reason with. How does one debate with a lizard person? They mostly have left the site & gone over to our "sister" site SLUG.COM where they bask in each others love for guns, god, & President You-Know-Who. Welcome to the site.


They are all pussy snowflake bitches. Everyone with an ounce of sense comes to realize that at some point. I wish they had their own site, because they are all such piles of shit.

Also, they are indifferent to racism or are racists. They lack empathy and also indifferent to mass murders using guns. They claim to like capitalism, but never object to monopolies. Typically, they are paranoid and dishonest, routinely conflating socialism with communism. They'll claim to dislike government control, but support measures that support fascism. etc, etc...


Simply put, most conservatives do not want to discuss and debate issues of ideology. They simply want to impose their ideology.

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