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A lot of people have been pretty quiet lately, sound off if you're still with us.

glennlab 10 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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Still here, just being pulled in multiple directions. But hey! At least I have a hot new love life that is going great so far. 😁


I'm OK but no work for 2 days do to bad weather February 2nd and 3rd. Damn that groundhog!


Ever day we are bombarded with so much moronic nonsense idiotic propaganda that we tend at times to become numb too it!!!

An old axiom states the “more one repeats it, the more believable it becomes!!!”

Most of us are becoming comfortably Numb!!!

Most times it has come to this:


I'm okay but one of my neighbor's pigs disappeared,so be careful.

I smell bacon being fried.


Bangs gong with great gusto.


I'm ok, just taking care of my mom, she had a stroke December 29th while I was in Virginia visiting metalhead222. We both came back the next day and he left last Sunday.

Now my mom has appointments after appointments, I'm making her phone calls and having her stay with me, giving my dad a break!

Hope you are doing well!

I hope your mom is doing better, I know you miss having metalhead around.

@glennlab I do! Thank you! I'm hoping for a full recovery! She's been having medical issues since the pandemic!

@MichelleGar1 The anti-vaxers have really clogged the whole system, their selfishness makes it rough on everyone else.

@glennlab It's been a rough couple of year's, that's the truth!


I am still farting out my nonsense nearly as often, thank you. Hope you are doing OK too.


In spite of numerous attempts to infect me, I still have managed to avoid Omicron. Just keeping busy. At home.


Hanging in there

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 30, 2022



Better than a pig in a poke!


Trying to look in control of my life and not like I'm crazy busy, but then January whipped by in a heartbeat ... been missing your memes, though. 🙂

I missed u 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Last two days, I'm back.

@Pralina1 Busted! I did okay with the drinking but those raccoons are tough. 😅

I missed you, too, and then I come back to you with a kidney stone??? What a nightmare! 😔 You need to take as good a care of yourself as you do to me, y'hear? Seriously, it's time for you first, okay? 🤗🤗🤗

@glennlab I'm so glad, and I look forward to catching up and stealing some! 🤗

@Lauren It's a small folder, only about 5000 with some duplicates and some junk, but you're welcome to all I've got.

@glennlab Holy shit, that's huge!!! (And thank you! 😊) So do you file them by theme or something?

@Lauren alphabetically, plus I have a few large groups in folders (I retired trump early, not realizing how much more would come)

@glennlab Of course I should have known that. 😁

@Lauren same !!!

@Lauren, @Pralina1 the tough part is remembering what I called something when I went on a mining expedition. The longer I mine, the lazier I get, then I can't remember what I called it when I try to find them.

@glennlab I wish I had That problem 😂😂😂😂🦇🦇🦇🦇 Lauren and I we gonna dress in r shady suits , mission impossible suits , invade your house , and steal them all .

@glennlab @pralina1

Oh, now it's like you're just mocking me! 😂 I have a folder with about 10 sub-folders, and they have to fit in one of those. Then I scroll and scroll and scroll...

@Lauren right ????

@Pralina1 Oooh, we get new memes and new clothes!

@Lauren I say , and boots ! We have to have matching shiny boots !!!

@Pralina1 Well, okay, but what would all of that be without new jewelry? I have a thing for earrings. We should at least get earrings. 😁

@Lauren that’s given ! Hello ? I agree . U get earrings , I get rings . I have my thing w rings .
Should we invade after 2100 ? I mean , we gonna look hot and y waste that momentum , I say we go to dinner first , then robbing Glenn for dessert !!!! Game ?

@Pralina1 Game on! 🤩

We should get Glenn a nice thank you gift, too. More shopping!

@Lauren I am not getting that lizard no gift ! U kidding me ? Pffftttt ! Mr memes . Flashing them to us and alwats gets the last word !😡! Not giving him shit ! I am stealing his files and I say we tight him up and let him watch his precious babies walk away w us !!! Like a boss 🦇🦇🦇🦇🙌🙌🙌🙌

@Lauren I love earrings.

@Lorajay Yet another way we're kindred spirits! 🙂


No! I'm grouchy, angry, hungry and I want some bacon! Yea,,,,,I'm fine.

here you go.


Yoo Hoo!


Thanks for asking! I just had minor surgery, and am recovering well. Hope you're okay!

Hope you recover quickly winter is a tough recovery time

Well, I'm glad you had that minor removed.


Barely ok . But I ll make it . Missed u 🤗

I've been sort of lurking. I was in a mid season funk and finally decided to come out. I was so sorry to hear about your kidney stone, they are no fun. Everything you normally do to get rid of them is really difficult in your job. I would mix 1/4 cranberry juice with either 3/4 regular or carbonated water, but you still need to keep flushing your kidneys.

@glennlab I ll try . I ll try everything !
Glad u are out !!!

Kidney stones are horrific, I hope that never happens to you again.

@Lorajay I just want this one to go , then I ll make sure I ll get no other !


Working on projects with all power 😛 time to time checking posts 😀

Diaco Level 7 Jan 30, 2022

Still alive and kicking. Moving 700 miles 6 months ago has been an experience. I'm happy about it, Except I can't vote in the Pennsylvania senate race next year for my favorite, John Fetterman.

I'll vote for you ! :^D


Is there any doubt in your mind that I'm still around 🙂

None at all.

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