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How do women that attend this church put up with this preacher?

Retiredsteve 7 Feb 24

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Great so I belong to the kitchen, well it's time to invite him to eat so he can taste my special MiraLAX soup.


Sheep are just sheep. Simple as that.


I often wonder about this. It may be many women are subservient to their husbands. I think a lot of the women against abortion are also of this ilk. In my Seattle neighborhood there was a mega church known as Mars Hill (must be from another planet). There were 3 churches and even a 'university' (can you believe it. The preacher, one Mark Driscoll, often had comments like this and he even accused the men for letting the women push him around. He often accused me of being chickafied. It didn't take too long for people to wake up and he is lnog since gone. []


Glad the acehole got kicked out of the building. I hope he has trouble finding a new building.


I like the broadcaster/ commentator , Dr. Rashad Richey

twill Level 7 Feb 25, 2022

200 years ago he would have been agreed with by 90% of the male population while 90% of the female population would have been 'good girls' and just shut up.

100 years ago, maybe 70% and 70%.

Now 30% and 30% - but a substantial proportion of those 30%s are going to churches and attending services like his, so he still sees a majority.

He's losing. His views are losing. That's (partly, at least) why he's so vocal - he KNOWS he's losing.

So let's just laugh, and let him lose even more.

Is was only about a hundred years ago that US Supreme Court said a wife had no cause for action against an assault and battery charge against her husband. I found the link below looking for the case where SCOTUS said a man could beat his wife so long as he didn't use a stick bigger around than his thumb. Theis quote surprised me: "until the end of the nineteenth century, the law supported a man's right to control his wife by force, and it was not until the advent of the women's liberation movement during the late 1960s and 1970s that domestic violence gained recognition as a social issue." That makes it only 50 to 60 years ago.

@RussRAB Indeed


This is very basic social sciences. The women put up with through basic socialisation and conformity.
In the socialisation aspect, people are raised by their families and are given the basic rules of life setting up social norms which are reinforced later on by the pillars of society, one of which is religion.
The we come to conformity. Here the classic rule of thirds tends to apply. One third will conform regardlessly. One third won't conform without evidence, leaving one third who can be swayed by circumstance to conform or not. Here the works of Ashe, Milgram and Zimbardo.
Then let us look at females from an anthropological direction. Pretty much all of the middle eastern cultures from which we have Christianity and Islam place women as objects. So why is this? Women suffer a high level of mortality in childbirth and pregnancy. Thus, to protect (us) men from the grief of loss of a close lover and friend societies have evolved to objectify and oppress women. Why bother to educate a person who likely won't survive past their twenties leaving the male alone with a couple of children and still sexually active. So, socialise everyone into thinking this is part of gods plan. Skip forward to the twentieth century in the western world. Infant mortality drops followed by longer lives due to better medicine and social conditions. Now it makes sense to invest in women as they now outlive men!
My late wife was a far better educated and more intelligent than myself. She was blessed with free thinking and analytical mind who would not countenance being tied to the kitchen sink.
So people, do not allow yourself to surrender yourselves to the authority of others without question.


Get in the kitchen ... and bring out the knives.

Hoping his sermon provokes a split among the congregation and some leave.

Wishful thinking….👀

@Buck Yeah, probably. But the steady drip, drip of hatred and hypocrisy in conservative Evangelism has caused some to leave.


They're all suckers, and hate is what unites them.


I heard only men laughing, and wouldn't doubt if women were forbade from attending services. Busy making food for the men-folk, ya know.

They probably have the female congregates down in the basement preparing lunch….👀


They put up with him because they agree with him. It's most likely what they have taught since they were little girls and told they were bad and evil if they thought anything different. Conditioning can be a powerful force in a persons life and can be difficult to break out of.

It’s takes the same kind of willpower required to quit smoking cigarettes or other addictive substances, perhaps even more depending on the person.


Dudes gayer than Pence?!? 🤔


Misogynistic ass.


Because most are way beyond brainwashed?


Hindsight is wonderful. What I realize now is that I should have spent more time with my ex in the kitchen.


That's a very good question.

BD66 Level 8 Feb 24, 2022

He really needs to come out of the closet...smfh

The closeted religious nuts are always so effin hateful! Gotta be the sexual repression makes them that way….🤔

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