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Yet another massive disaster. They just keep coming


TheoryNumber3 8 Sep 6

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A 6.6 magnitude earthquake is not all that big. And the Chinese have known for centuries how to construct buildings that can withstand earthquakes more powerful than 6.6. If this is a local disaster, it probably stems from corrupt building contractors and venal building inspectors. This is not a big story. And it certainly has nothing to do with the weather.

No, weather cannot cause earthquakes, but humans can, by their total disregard of how their actions can affect the planet.



Now is the time to repent and ask Jebus to save your retched soul before it is too late!!!!!🙏🏼

@creative51 Pray to the Flying Spaghetti Monster

@creative51 Ask yourself “What would Jebus do”!!! 🥹

There shall be wars and rumors of wars. Wait! Isn't that the history of our lives on Earth? Did he say earthquakes too? Did they even know what an earthquake was back then?


Extreme weather is the new, frequent norm. Get used to it, as we're past the tipping point on climate change. Taking the needed policy changes now, not that I think our planet's leaders ever will, is not going to prevent it or stop it, only mitigate what happens in the future with climate. It's too late to start doing what should have been done decades ago, and have it prevent more climate change. It's morbidly comforting to know I'll be dead before the planet becomes uninhabitable....

There is debate among climate scientists as to what comes next. If we were to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the near future, and start actively extracting CO2 from the atmosphere, we might just avoid total catastrophe. This part of the equation is totally up to us to decide.


To paraphrase George Carlin, one day, this planet is going to shake us off like a bad case of fleas.

It's the very least we deserve.

I don’t say stuff like “…we deserve”.

It’s too much like what nuns and priests said. They wanted to put us kids down and I stopped helping them.

@yvilletom That's fine.
You do you.

@creative51 He said he doesn't use the phrase "we deserve", because it reminds him of the nuns.

@creative51 Same. @yvilletom is a d-bag. Don't miss him at all.


Most earthquakes aren't man induced, at least the big ones - not like the Oklahoma tremors. These just add to the already massive problems of drought, etc.

Fracking and removing underground water can cause shifts in weight and shifts in bedrock. Removing water from limestone causes sinkholes in Florida as an example. Small tremors that don't qualify as earthquakes can easily be created by human activity. The USGS is doing a study []


And will only continue to get worse.

Probably. But let's not just throw up our hands and give up. Let's hit the problem at its source. Let's stop burning fossil fuels.


They seem to be more frequent recently, but that's probably because of better world-wide communication.

Actually it's because they're getting more frequent lately

No, there really have been increases in floods, fires, droughts, etc.

@Flyingsaucesir They have, thanks to global warming, but media seeks sensationalism and plugs every event. Earthquakes are not affected by global warming.

@Petter Tru dat.

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