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Just a thought about something that sometimes happens on this site, every now and again.

A large number of members have been commenting on the appearance recently, of a new member who seems to have come here for the purpose of making outrageous posts, which seem to be designed only to attract ire and excite negative responses. And at least two members commented that this was probably motivated by attention seeking, or mischief.

Yet it does not take much of a brain to think. "I think I will go troll the atheists. Bet my mates will love some of the replies."

And that could be the case, I think therefore, that it is worth considering the possibility, that what some of these members are actually doing, is seeking and trying to solicit quotes, preferably in large numbers and of the most extreme and unguarded type. Which can then be misinterpreted, misused, or misquoted, probably on some echo chamber site for religious fundamentalists or political extremists, to justify prejudiced and negative views of the atheist/agnostic community. (Actually at least one long established member, has admitted that as being his purpose for being here. )

Whether that thought is true or not in all cases, and whether it will or should affect the way you respond or not is up to you. But I thought it worth sharing the idea.

Fernapple 9 Sep 12

Enjoy being online again!

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I report those people and try and get them banned.


I see this as a vexed issue. I understand the viewpoint of those who are against feeding the trolls. Some trolls, including the long time trolls on this site, I simply ignore. With newbie trolls I reflect their own venom back at them - it may be the only trigger they receive to enable them to help themselves.


Yep. They should be ignored.


I just block them and go on with my life. I’m not arguing with some random stranger. I do the same on all social media because it’s not worth wasting my beautiful mind as Babs Bush would say.


I do so like the way you think. It could well be a possibility and it probably wouldn't hurt to assume and react in kind. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Sep 12, 2022

Best to make no response, simply report, if that does any good anymore.

As the saying goes, "if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all." I used to try to win people over with nice measured common sense comments, but I no longer have the energy.

If a troll has some malicious reason to unfairly poke at members of our community with insensitive, rude, hateful personal attacks and comments, then a nice response of "Your posts and comments go against our community guidelines" is probably not going to have the positive calming affect I would like to imagine, but is better than taking the bait and stooping to the same level.

No attention, no oxygen, just snuff them out so it's not "fun" for them, but boring to try to get a rise out of us in such a way. It's likely in our nature, most of us anyway, to stand up against personal attacks, racism, misogyny, etc., but I think in this case we'd be wasting our energy in doing so.

We have standards in our community - we should stick to them. []

I should add that I personally don't respond to these malicious posts not because I'm being complacent and want to let it slide, but that I don't want to poke the bear and get insulted and attacked myself.


Your premise is plausible though if these anti-atheist members are simply interested in disparaging us they can easily fabricate quotes and posts to spread to their little hate groups.

Though, it's not as if these trolls are clever or smart.

Yes though from their point of view, there is a lot more value in provoking actual quotes.


Whatever they're saying, whatever they're doing, 'Rise Above'. That's all I have to say about that.

Ryo1 Level 8 Sep 12, 2022

It's certainly worth considering. We don't want to give ammunition to the opposition.

It does not take much of a brain to think. "I think I will go troll the atheists. Bet my mates will love some of the replies."


Just don't feed the makes 'em crazy.


Guess I should have told that wanker to suck my left nut…..🤠


Are you suggesting that the Religitards of the world would be so devious and underhanded as to misrepresent themselves and then misquote atheists and agnostics in order to further promote their religious dogma and vilify those who want nothing to do with such a cruel, hate filled and oppressive society?? It seems a bit far fetched, until you look at the history of religions on this planet.

Yes a lot of people are assuming that I am pushing a conspiracy theory, which could in fact happen. But as I said to Middleway above, I was thinking more of a low level, spontaneous cut and paste. "I went to and guess what one of them said ?" I think that it is perfectly possible, and indeed probably even common.

@Fernapple I believe you are correct but gathering enough hard evidence to confirm it would be difficult since their whole premise is based upon deceit.

@SnowyOwl That's why I only raise it as a something to think about, in the back of the mind.


The thing that gets me the most on this site is that you find a conservative post and cannot fully view it or reply to it. WTF?? They see all your crap and can reply but it does not work in reverse coz you are blocked or something. Wake up! The viewpoints of the world and world subjects and events are NOT controlled by American politics. Your political ego shows you for the assholes you really are.

When their position is so weak that they have to guard it in an echo chamber then you would think they would realize that they need to reassess their position.

Of course the Left leaning groups are wide open.......NOT!


Personally I'm alway open to learning all kinds of perspectives. Simply engage into the more interesting one for learning . If things get to be too much bs or I get rid of very negative people by ignoring them.
So far, I haven't needed to block anyone, although some, I invest very little time with.


Never considered that. I rarely respond to trolling as the response is the desired result, but this puts a clearer perspective on why one ought not respond. Thanks, man.


The "new members" that come to mind have in no way the intelligence, plannimg, or skills to do any such thing....IQ of 75, at best, and filled with free-floating anger.

Oh I am not sure about that, it does not take much planning to think. " Lets go troll the sceptics and see if I can get something that will impress my stupid mates."


My perspective is that I'm no better or worst than the next guy. They do somethings better than me and vice versa. To label a person totally stupid or useless, it harms more yourself and your own learning abilities of many of other unknown ignorance and conflicts it is based on.
Knowing little is more dangerous than knowing alot by engaging in both sides of the story.

@Castlepaloma The idea of the quotes was to put the, "stupid" as the view of the troll, since most trolls probably do think of everyone else as stupid, even their friends, that is what makes them trolls to a degree.

Trills don't have a high IQ level. Critical thinking and using their brain to think is not one of their assets. Tey don't want facts, they are looking for anything that they can twist to make themselves feel superior.


I don't engage rarely with trolls or stupid ones Do find it difficult to have conversations with some here that use negative or demeaning words to gain or maintain power and control over someone else.
This type of verbal abuse involves someone calling someone else names that are negative, demeaning, or belittling, such as😕tupid.idiot.worthless.and dumb.
Eventual I just loose interest because don't use these words to describe people, mainly used for horrible situations.


Yes. That makes sense
It's best to ignore and block.


Goodness, I have missed ll of that drama. Who are you speaking of? Of course, since all my life I have been not paying attention to religious remarks, this may just be a continuation of my own way of dealing with stuff. Or my eyesight is failing so much that all the juicy bits are swimming by.

You can miss a lot on this site, things disappear fast. A lot depends on what time of day you log on.

@OldMetalHead sometimes you just have to block the bullshit. 😉

@OldMetalHead After I read a few of his comments to other people, I decided wow here is a real shit stiring asshole! And just blocked him. I refuse to even have idiots comments like that in any thread that I read.


A very astute observation Fernapple. I believe you may be correct in your thinking. 😉

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