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OK, the group COVID CULT continues to post mostly nonsense by only one man and you are unable to access that group to reply because you click and it is unavailable. WTF is this?

DenoPenno 9 Oct 14

Enjoy being online again!

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You've been blocked


😑, can't please everyone- don't try


Beats me. Don't fed the troll.


Don't worry. There are some people you can not talk out of anything, some you can not talk to about something, and some you just plain can not have a talk with.


Only members can post. It is a one way street. Most of us ignore him.


Life is short, why bother?


It’s his private delusional rant platform…he’s in the grip of obsessive/compulsive anti-vaccination faux Covid information overload. It’s a form of derangement I’m afraid, and he has cut off all possibility of engaging with any contradictory views by blocking anyone whom he believes will challenge him, only wishing to engage with those who are of a similar mindset and who will confirm his own skewed and frankly perverse views.


Could he have blocked you? I just tried and was able to access the group and comment on a post. Did you guys “have words?”

BTW: I haven’t blocked anyone, but automatically skip over posts by certain people, including that guy because he’s a one-note symphony, always writing basically the same thing.

All I have ever done is try to point out how stupid his bullshit is. 🙂

@DenoPenno Well then, I certainly don’t understand his lack of gratitude for your input!

A couple of times I checked out those rare occasions there was a comment or two on his posts. Most of the time, it was HIM, adding even more nonsense to the nonsense …

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