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Opinion news talk show Russian style. Interesting the differing styles when compared to the American variety but pulling the piss out of each other's leadership is a common theme it seems.
With regard to the prisoner swap, Joe Rogan made a good point.
To swap nationals, "a merchant of death" weapons dealer for someone convicted of marijuana possession is an unequal trade, especially when there are plenty of people locked up in America under American law also right now for marijuana makes little sense. Let alone the wokeness used when considering which American to bring home as the Russian presenters point out in the link. Interesting to see the subtle differences used in TV programs of this sort , how they inform their respective audiences.
PS All news talk shows suck, they need bibs they dribble so much shit.

puff 8 Dec 11

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The Benefit of being a Woman weights a Lot... sometimes.


An opposing idea:
I trust Western-style free press/independent news, not because of Anything other than the major profit /prestige that accrues to someone who comes up wirh a "scoop" that turns out to be true.
An entire very lucrative career (lectures, books, the pundit role, etc.) can be made off just one good (hopefully damning) "scoop", as every reporter knows. Therefore there is Major incentive to dig & dig deep, which we all benefit from in many ways.
And there is major shame/derision, and work Maybe at WKLM in Bumfuck AL, for those who do poor research & make false claims, unless they work at Faux, of course......

True.............before Assange.

@puff i Hate Assange with burning hatred...he is Very responsible for drump's election by daily posting smears, half-truths and red herrings about Hilary! And never an actual fact, just "next week" BS.
Drump rode him to the WH with Putin's connivance

@AnneWimsey Wikileaks have a 100% accuracy record. Try blaming Hillary et al for providing the smears

@puff on what planet, exactly?

@AnneWimsey Not planet America

@puff well, Obviously. "Wikileaks has 100% accuracy".... maybe when posting the staffer's risotto recipe and claiming it was secret code....?
Otherwise, not so much......

@AnneWimsey It's more when government decide to classify evidence of wrongdoing in an attempt to hide their crimes.
Blessed are the whistleblowers.


Monday morning quarterbacking by all kinds of people that have absolutely no access to all of the facts.

One things seems obvious. The Russians are dancing with glee at the turmoil this prisoner swap has created.

Fox beats the drum about leaving one of our Marines behind despite the fact that he was convicted of felonous acts and given a bad conduct discharge. Interestingly there did not seem to be this type of discussion when Biden negotiated for the freedom of Trevor Reed another Marine who actually had evidently also behaved quite disgracefully while visiting Russia.

Whelan was a vocal Trump supporter yet Trump made no effort to bring him home.

I think the Russian Media serves the state. In America we have media that serves the state, media that serves the people and Fox News who serves the Republican party by creating chaos.

Like you I atempt to listen to all sides. Unlike you I try to figure out who benefits from the point of view presented.

For an international prisoner swap, there was little benefit for either side as far as I can see regarding personnel swapped. Only from a perceived public relations view, which I think US negotiators badly misjudged.
Funny how the US does not demand Snowdon be returned, as he would be the #1 on an American to be returned from Russia on my list if representing US interests.

@puff I'm always amazed by your insistence that you know all the details and choices available in these swaps. My first hand participation in some newsworthy events has taught me that all the details are seldom publicized in any newsworthy event.

Something tells me we both made our evaluations based on our own predetermined biases. Your posts seem to indicate to me that you admire Putin. I agree that Putin with the help of Fox News received some great press out of the incident. I happen to think that Putin is not America's friend. I am sad that you prefer Putin to my country''s well being.

@Lorajay America has no friends. America has toxic relationships with allies and has a habit of abandoning allies if not in their own self interest.
Said many times Putin's time has past. Just because I tend to point out how dysfunctional US politics can be, does not automatically mean I approve of Putin.
Any sympathy I had for the American cause, which is to have a garrison in every country in the world and destroy any potential rivals, ended when Nord Stream I & II were blown up

@puff it's quite interesting that for once you don't agree with Putin. He claims that the UK is responsible for the sabotage to the pipelines.

@Lorajay That is a most likely scenario imo, at the behest of the US. I conclude this because;

  1. Blinken came out soon after and stated it was not the US. This is called plausible deniability ie under oath, he was not lying. US forces didn't take part. But this does not mean they are unaware. This is the main reason I think the UK was probably involved.
  2. Despite what the movies tell us, US special forces are not that special when it comes to missions like this. The Poms do it far better. They have the know how, ability, oppourtunity and motive.
  3. Liz Truss was there for a good time, not a long one. She has been removed from the public eye. Claims her phone was hacked by Russians, which I believe happened. She made an "It's done" phone call to the US according to the Russians. Very plausible, especially if the Ruskies possess hard evidence ie did hack the phone..
  4. If not done by these two countries who fund Ukraine's war, they would be going nuts over this terrorist attack. Yet it is a non story to them. Think Germany are dirty, they paid for most of it after all, but are pressured to accept.

There are a lot of unaccounted weapons flowing into that region with black markets flourishing. So the US release an arms dealer but won't stop with Assange, an obvious greater threat to them..

@puff as I said before we all believe what we want to believe it's easy to concludes several different scenarios and you've chosen yours.

@puff The idea that the UK destroyed a pipeline to a NATO ally in the territory of another NATO ally at the behest of a third NATO ally is as laughable a conspiracy as could be fabricated.

@Gareth Not NATO allies, fellow NATO members. An attack on a major EU energy supply line. You would think they would be more upset, both the EU and NATO, An attack on European infrastructure, there to benefit Europe by supplying the cheapest energy.
Who do you believe did it? You must have some theory you lean towards.
I don't know but when looking at intent/motive, oppourtunity and "who benefits" the US has been quite open. Biden vowed to stop the project by any means, NATO are active in the vicinity with Blinken gloating what a great oppourtunity the pipeline's destruction presented for the US, after condemning of course. They would be on top of any investigators list. Plausible the UK did the dirty work so the US could tell Germany "Wasn't us" with a straight face. Have a history with Germany and Russia the UK does, dare say they don't want to see them two teaming up, could spell trouble old chap!
The argument is Europe should not be dependent on Russian oil, even though it's the cheapest and most reliable option. So why rid yourself of this dependency only to become dependent on another nation's more expensive oil instead? Who benefits from this?
Whoever blew up Nord Stream, I hope they get their just desserts. An act of terrorism on civilian critical infrastructure. Far away from any battlefield. Unjustifiable.

@puff Personally, I think Russia is the most likely culprit. They have form in "act[s] of terrorism on civilian critical infrastructure. Far away from any battlefield." . It's not sensible to wantonly destroy assets which may serve you later, but Putin's reputation is not one of being a sensible person. The
most obvious beneficiary is Ukraine, but I don't think they have the capability.

@Gareth destruction of that pipeline meant the Germans switched to the Norwegian pipeline that went through Poland.

@Gareth The problem with that theory is if you want to stop watering the garden, you turn off the tap not blow up the hose.


As a gay white male who smokes pot (and is not "Hooked on drugs" ) I resent her entire appeal. Fuck this bitch. Why could everyone have not seen the contents of that flash drive at his trial? I agree it was likely not Churches but it remains a stretch to say it was govt secrets. Now we couldn't be certain it's his flash drive so the opportunity for proof is gone. Whelan should be released but his record of failure (from what I understand) made him much less of a sympathetic figure than Griner. I'm glad she's home but Putin obviously wants a much higher concession for Whelan than Griner could bring.

Putin wants and got the ability to divide the American public when he decided who would be swapped.

@Lorajay I don't think Putin suggested a swap for Whelan. That was Democrat voices in response to his supporters attaching their cause to hers (his?). Besides, the American public hasn't needed help getting divided since our beginnings. Every event gets an opposition or is used to amplify another event. Arguments against such connections should be made more carefully for greater impact. Whelan's case is nothing like Brittany's so attaching her freedom to his was insulting and unhelpful to her.

So just wondering, how long time can you go without smoking pot?

@Jolanta I don't take it to Russia. I build contentment closer to home so I don't have to find out.

@rainmanjr That was not my question.

@Jolanta I went 17 years because of marriage and work. That was too long.


Wokeness is a fake concept the right uses to imply that well read individuals like myself are ignorant asses. It’s interesting to see Russian TV flinging the term around for the same purpose. But seeings the use of the term “wokeness” is merely a derogatory label created by the right wing nutters to make them feel intellectually superior to folks like me who read incessantly, it certainly has nothing to do with this shitty trade, or anything else for that matter.

If you ask these right wingers to define wokeness, the majority of them can’t even explain what it is….🤷🏻♂️

I doubt many on the left could either.

@puff Sure they can! They will give you the same exact definition I gave you!😉

@Buck They are very wishy washy in their ideals. How many supported mandating vaccines and the accompanying discrimination that directive induced, then had a cry over Roe Vs Wade being overturned? Both involve individual choice and bodily autonomy. From what I observed, there is no consistency in their stance. They say to tolerate difference, but do not tolerate difference from their world view. Full of shite most, especially the loud ones.
With twitter, the new owner has proved the free flow of discourse was controlled by previous management at the behest of political positions. He has stopped that but the woke left seem to think that's a bad thing.

First, vaccines and abortion are two different things. Don’t compare apples to oranges. FYI, they’ve been mandating vaccines my entire life for the overall benefit of public health. I, nor my kids could even attend a public school without proof of these mandates.
Second, you don’t have a problem with disinformation being spread on Twitter and like to sling the made up word “woke” around because your a bigoted ignorant ass like Musk.
Now go watch FOX and read your Bible and leave us “WOKE” folks alone with your ignorance! 🤠


Pure Russian propaganda. The American voters had nothing to do with freeing of any hostages and it appears that Putin would not allow anything other than what happened. Now the white nationalist Russians want to claim they have no gay people and that lifestyle was some reason for Americans to want Griner released. Russians have the same view of race that Nazi Germany had but I'm sure they know deep down that it is a lie. This idea is also ingrained in their fight with Ukraine.

Good point. Russia is a country at war so place more weight on prisoners who have served in the military eg good "patriotic" citizens, than those locked up for civilian offences.


Russian propaganda and (W.A.P. is a myth) Rogan are not my goalposts of truth dude.

Know thy enemy 😉 How can you do that if you are unaware of what they are exposed to? What they are thinking?
Did Rogan lie? Are you saying there are no Americans currently in American goals for possession of marijuana? my bad.........not.

@puff Being in possession of a W.A.P. with a capable male. Yes, he lies when saying they don't exist. He just has a futile Penis. F.A.P.
Biden recently exonerated everyone still in federal prison on simple marijuana possession. State charges are up to Governors. Marijuana laws need to be changed. It needs to be on ballots in all states.
Anything else?

@BufftonBeotch No, I stand corrected. Brilliant negotiations by the US of A.
Hoo Yar!
PS Do look up how many were actually released from goal by Biden's exoneration 😀

@puff Biden's order freed however many were still being held on federal charges.
The movement is toward full legalization, and as the first executive he signaled that as fully as he could.
States gotta handle their own laws.
Tens of thousands of records have been cleared, b the way.
On the other hand, Trump has proclaimed he will publicly execute drug users.

@BufftonBeotch about 150 it seems []
That will relieve pressure on the prison system.

@BufftonBeotch and who cares what Trump says, he's a psycho who holds no public position. And if he gets in again, don't blame Putin or Assange or China. He's an all American boy and I don't think even Americans are stupid enough to vote him in again. If they do, they can wear it.

@puff Not many federal MJ convictions. As obvious. It was goading Governors to proceed. I know Oregon did.

@BufftonBeotch Anyone exonerated from a Federal crime that is still being incarcerated for said crime has a real nice lawsuit for when a decent Lawyer gets them out. That can't happen in Russia at all. A lawsuit will also nicely compensate them for their years of no income so that's what I would want. That being said, our uncivilized abuse of law since Reagan (unaddressed by Clinton and Obama) gives Puff's argument a legitimacy. In the same way that 45's arguments provide him time despite having zero merit.


"Politics is the art of the possible" - Bismark
The premise you are operating under by saying "when considering which American to bring home" assumes that Biden had any kind of choice other than "take it or leave it". Now he could have left the table and maybe he should have but even the family of Paul Whelan said they wouldn't want that. Would you?
I also notice that Rogan and Fox et al have been remarkably silent regarding any efforts the Trump administration did to secure the release of Whelan. Perhaps it is because you cannot say much about nothing.Which should have been at least something considering that Trump was Putin's botty boy.

Trump looks at Putin like a dog looks at bacon.

Hope the botty boy got smacked, as he didn't do a real good job for his "Daddy"
You think Putin dictated the terms of the swap?
You think Putin approached the US and said "We want our merchant of death back. What do you want in return?"
You don't think the US approached Russia and said "What do we have to do to get her released?"
Either way, the Russians saw the US negotiators coming from miles away.

@puff They wanted a spy held in Germany in exchange. Germany said "No.'
I guess you would have left an American behind because you don't approve of her lifestyle.

@BufftonBeotch I would not have done a single person deal and got all Americans home using more prisoners in the deal if need be, even other concessions ie lifting certain sanctions.
What about Whelan's lifestyle? I take it you either don't approve or judge it to be less worthy of other lifestyles. Perhaps you think lifestyles should determine prison sentences? If I'm coming across as a bit confronting, good. I did not care for your accusation I judge due to lifestyle.

@puff Whelan is a professional criminal the Marines did not want.
Not sure we want him back.
Ms Griner was just a young woman with an Rx.

@puff So you are boldly saying you would have left an American to rot.

@puff Wow, another Monday morning quarterback "I would not have..." So what would you have done? Walked away? From what I understand, the Russian had already served 10 years out of his 16-year sentence and might have been up for release soon anyway. So maybe it was not as one-sided as first imagined?

@puff Thank you for pointing out one of the few and rare occasions that Trump actually did his job (he was quite new at it then). [] The man had the audacity to condemn Russia for murdering a UK citizen on UK soil and putting several others in ICU. Such an unbecoming show of loyalty to an ally would unlikely to be repeated again...just ask the Kurds


She makes strong valid points. 2 American spies who worked for and on behalf of the American people get to enjoy Russian hospitality in their jails while a drug addict of little consequence gets to go free and gets a heroes welcome back home.
America you are fine with this???

She is not a drug addict. That is a vile thing to say. Whelan is criminal with a bad conduct discharge. He was not spying for the interest of his country, he was doing it for self interest and profit.
She seems a decent person and I am very glad she is home as an American and a human being.

@BufftonBeotch To travel to a foreign country with a drug that is banned in that country................sure sounds like an addiction to me. Don't really think when addicted.

@puff It was a prescribed medication. An oil. You think she should die in a Russian gulag for something legal where she lives.

Not sure that she is a drug addict. 1gram certainly doesn't constitute in being an addict besides we are all "addicted" to something or another. It may be legal or not, just look at how many are addicted to drink and that is legal.

@puff You are ignorant of the meaning of "addiction" and throw the word around as if it can mean anything you want it to.

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