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I am not a whiny, needy wench, but this new chemo/Immunotherapy treatment is starting to really kick my ass..fatigue is really set in, and since my lucocytes are a bit low, they've add Nulastra , so now my bones are aching..
It's still worth all of it..
Ok whining done..ty for reading..

Charlene 9 Feb 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Hang in there kiddo, I assumed this was what the hair stuff was all about.
Cancer sucks, I had a bit of skin cancer a couple of years ago, but I was lucky and it went away first treatment, but still had to do some chemical, non-nuke chemo and I thought it was going to destroy me.
I hope you have a good social support system backing you honey, everyone deserves at least that.

This is no I don't, unfortunately..if it wasn't for Fb/A, I'd have no one to bitch at..

@Charlene You can bitch at me till your hearts content love.


Once you beat this, you can go back to being a strong, independent woman. Until then, be as whiny and needy as the mood strikes. You will not get any flack for it, you're safe here. 🤗

Betty Level 8 Feb 6, 2023

I'm so sorry you need to go through this. Cancer sucks! Wishing you all the best.


I wish the best and hopefully you are not suffering from being too sick. My late wife could fill a bucket as fast as I could empty one for her.
Drink plenty of Guinness and have as much fun as you can.


Stick with it love, we all know how strong you are 🙂

The week after infusions is the worst, hopefully it won't last longer. Thanks Len, I just needed to vent a bit❤


I know exactly what you mean. I went through all that in 1998. 🤗


Bitchy whine if ya want, you're having a rough go of it but we're here for you. Hugs.


Just because it's worth it doesn't mean it's not an awful, horrible, kick-ass process to go through, and people should be working really hard to find a less devastating treatment. As glad as I am that chemo exists, I'm so sorry you have to go through it.

You are entitled to yell and shout and whine as much as your energy will permit. We're here (someone is always here) and we can take it.


I am so sorry you're suffering like this! Please feel free to talk about it. We're here for you. My best friend is going through chemo right now, and in the beginning, they hit you with all they've got. It hopefully gets better as the infusions get weaker. Right now, if you can eat, make sure you keep your strength up.


Dump all you want if it helps even a tiny bit


Sounds like my brother-in-law. He reckons he knew chemo was ghastly, but didn't realise how ghastly and strength-sapping it was. A year ago he was winning extreme running events, and ranking in the top 3 Spanish "veterans" table. Now he hardly has the energy to carry a bucket of water. I really commiserate. 🤗


Be as whiny as you like, we are here to listen to you. Sometimes it helps to whine till the cows come home, so just whine.



MizJ Level 8 Feb 6, 2023

Hang in there. My wife went through all of that plus radiation in 2007. It was torture for her and sad for me to watch her suffering. She’s still cancer free but there are lingering side effects.


Hang in there kid. You can do it.


Ginger: Good for nausea and vomiting
Zinc: Helps prevent changes in your sense of taste
Astragalus: Can help nausea and vomiting specifically with colorectal cancer patients
Ginseng: Reduces cancer related fatigue
Glutamine: Could help reduce numbness and weakness in hands and possibly mouth sores


Keep whining. That is partly what support teams are for. See also @Jolanta's comment.


****You WILL get through this, Toots! You're a strong woman and you can (and will) do it! Lots of good advice in the thread here.....

😍 💖


Hugs! and enjoy naps as much as possible!

I do, honestly though, they don't help. It's chemo induced fatigue..

@Charlene sometimes "unconscious'' is lovely.......

@AnneWimsey's a weird thing..I felt like I was speeding after getting into bed..felt like I lay awake for hours,with brain on overdrive..ugh..

@Charlene Take 'em when you can get 'em!!!

@Charlene Ugh indeed! in fact Double Ugh!


Been there done that, 48 weeks in 2002/3. If the disease don't kill ya, the cure sure will. I feel your pain,...and confusion. Chemo brain never quite goes away.


Milk thistle is good for helping with chemo when taken daily.

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