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Lost in Space on Netflix.

Just finishing the last episode of the season. Dear Jeebus it"s terrible. Feel like I'm watching Armageddon with bruce willus, murphy's law to the extreme. Sorry, just venting. It's utter shit, seriously.

Proto 6 May 2

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Beyond bad I gave up after 5 minutes, tried again and regretted the loss of another 5


Is this lost in space the 70 's series loved it then and now too

Rosh Level 7 May 2, 2018

It's a remake/Netflix original


As 90% of remakes, it sucks!


Yeah, visually it’s fantastic, but the plot is so slow and devoid of interesting elements it’s driving me nuts!

yeah unlike some remakes that drastically change the mood of the original (Battlestar Galactica for instance) this doesn't make it feel fresh, or different from anything else. It has the mood and feel of half a dozen syfy shows, and it's just flat. IT doesn't have anything interesting to say like most good serious sf (BG, Westworld) nor is it fun like any good light sf fare. It doesn't help that it has gaping plot holes and fake science enough to drive a truck through. There's just nothing compelling about it. I'm almost through the whole series, but it's a bit of a slog.


Thanks for saving me the time. Still catching up on Supernatural.

@birdingnut maybe we should be comfortable in just our skin? Other animals are not worried about what they are wearing. Why should we?

@Surchin Please do your nudity in your own home. Only some white male would think it's ok. If a woman appeared to be naked on this website there would be an uproar. I don't want to be forced to look at people's naked bodies against my will. Same as I don't want to watch people using the bathroom or having sex in public.

@birdingnut do what you will as long as it harms none. You expect others to accept your morals as being right. I do not. You do not have to look. If it offends without causing harm, look at yourself as the one with the problem.
Have a joyful life!


Lol, I watched about 20 minutes of episode 1. I might watch the rest of it, but don't hold your breath. ?


I’m only familiar with the original, loved that show, but in all fairness I was like 9🙂

Same here. Hulu has all 3 seasons. I’m watching them now.

Angela Cartwright was stunning, slack jawed droolingly beautiful(I was about 9 too)


Gave up after the first episode. It's as incompetently written as Star Trek Discovery.

Can somebody please explain to me how it can be raining on a planet where it is supposedly so cold that approximately 24 ounces of water freezes solid in mere seconds? Or how people who are walking around on said planet can be dressed like its a somewhat chipper early fall morning without freezing to death in less than an hour?

That's about as incompetent as klingons with warp drive technology who apparently don't know what a light bulb is or sound waves which somehow travel in space. I'm talking to you, STD writers.

For anybody who is looking for competently written scjence fiction, I recommend The Expanse on SyFy. If you can make it through the first four episodes, which are a bit slow and dry as characters and situations are introduced, you'll be rewarded with a riveting space opera.

Expanse is amazing. And I agree about the craziness of the water freezing in seconds. Half the plot is written around that moment, and it's just mind blowingly stupid.


i watched a few episodes recently. Could not feel any enthusiam for the show at all. Am now watching Eureka on Amazon Prime. Very funny , with lots of plausible disasters on the SF kind.


One show I give a big A+, if you have a strong stomach and nerves of steel, and don't mind a LOT of casual profanity, sex and full body nudity, is the British TV sci-fi comedy-drama series on Netflix, Misfits.

The acting is TOP notch, beyond good. Way beyond.
The writing is sharp, innovative, and the plots so outrageously over the top I quiver in pure joy over titles of, "the attack of the white rabbit," and "zombie cheerleaders," etc.

It's about five juvenile offenders sentenced to work in a community service program, where they obtain supernatural powers after a strange electrical storm. The storm gives many random people besides the kids sudden strange powers, which gives puts them into bizarre situations.

Not only do they get these superhuman powers, but there is a guy who has the power to take powers from people, which he does for money, and exchange them for other, or better powers. The kids keep finishing their sentences at the community service center, but more young people with weird powers are sentenced to work there also.

Everyone is so casual and off-hand about horrific events; dark humor .."I'm sorry-we had to kill another probation officer." "Right. I'll get the shovel."

@germangirl90439 Oh, yeah, plenty of that, but since most American shows have violence and gore already, I didn't bother to mention it, although I referred to zombies and killing people.

I've seen that series listed on Netflix but it didn't sound good, I 'll watch a couple episodes and see.

@buzz13 They manage to spoof about every horror and fantasy genre there is, LOL!


What did you expect? The producer makes TV series for inbred hillbilly conspiracy nuts about such fresh and new topics as ancient aliens, is Hitler alive, Oak Island, and so on.

The thing is, said producer has failed a couple of times before to try to get Lost in Space back as a franchise. The 1997 theatrical movie and the Warner Brothers version ("The Robinsons" ) were embarrassingly bad. He also did a music video, trying to sexualize the show. It was crap too.

And yet fans of the real Lost in Space feel they have something to gain by kissing his ass, so they overlook all the flaws and praise that crap to high heaven. Try to tell the truth to them, and they foam at the mouth.

Sycophants: gotta love 'em!


I tried several times to watch it, shuddered in horror, then tried again, thinking it couldn't have been THAT bad..after all, the premise showed promise, but even after several gos at it, I gave up, as my gag reflex was too strong.
I still think it's a great idea-just needs better writing, casting, etc. Or at least a rewrite.
The CGI is good quality.
I really wanted the show to be good.


Hollywood movie industry,is so lazy.they won't read any books,just remake old shows,and movies over and over.

I think they are just going for a sure thing instead of betting millions on new ideas that might not "get legs." After all, many/most of the big movie money-makers are sequels and remakes of popular old shows.

@birdingnut like Ben hur in the 20s,then remade again,and just recently.Lots of book written,even I did,but know one reads anymore

@oldsinner111 The movie makers are business people. Right now they are boring and annoying me with their endless comic book movies. If the movie is witty and humorous, fine, but big, hulking "heroes" who "save the world" and act all melodramatic targets 12-year-old boys. I was over that superhero melodrama by the time I was twelve, but I like fun superheroes.


Sooo, not a big rave?

N7EIE Level 6 May 2, 2018
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