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Please remember Jesus this Easter

St-Sinner 9 Apr 7

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I don't know what was intended by the poster of this meme, or, indeed, by its creator. However, given its text and timing, following closely on the heels of ex-president Done Cheato's felony indictment, it appears that the intent may be to imply a similarity between the lawful (but unjust) crucifixion of Jesus and the legal process in which the former president is presently an unwilling participant. If that is the case, I wish to point out that the implied equivalency is a false one. As I mentioned, the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth (whether fictitious or real) was unjust. But the criminal prosecution of Donald J. Trump is quite the opposite. By all accounts, the former president has committed a wide range of criminal acts, both in and out of office. If there is any justice in this world, then the Orange Foolius must be legally held to account for his many crimes. It is what the rule of law demands. And it is what this country needs if we are to continue forward in our pursuit of a more perfect union.

As Obama murdered an American 16yo boy and 17yo girl.. both under age of being an adult ,both having inalienable rights.. and Obama murdered them , and destroyed Libya whole nations put into chaos and death..

Trump is a choir boy compared to the rest of the presidents, Bush killed millions,lied to us all ,made America worst... Clinton.. ect, Reagan his war on drugs and creating the Taliban...clintons continuing it , funding osoma bin laden,all so Russia couldn't supposedly take over aphkanistan, for bush to come save the day ... building 7 ...hust falls..and news reports hours before 911 planes hit in the uk before it actually happened...

But hey the News media run by yhe corporations that contol the politicians tells you to just focus on the chaos agent puppet Trump to make sure you don't critically think about who REALLY belongs in prison for serious crimes against all humanity...


Jesus was a prophet of the Elohim.


I'll call amnesty international


Whether a human sacrifice or animal sacrifice, the act of sacrificing a living thing for the sake of superstition is abhorrent or psychotic. The crucifixion is especially absurd given that the claimed intent is to absolve the sin of Adam and Eve's Fall, which HAS BEEN proven to have never occurred. It is bullshit piled on top of bullshit, as propaganda to control people with lies. It's sickening to imagine that anyone still falls for it. Really, really, really stupid...

But I read crucifixion was common during the Roman times.

@St-Sinner I am sure you're correct that crucifixion was a common Roman practice. I'm speaking of the crucifixion as integrated into the Christian mythos. The method is incidental to its purpose, at least as far as "Paul" or St. Augustine were concerned.(AFAIK)

@St-Sinner It was very common and although we have lots of written records of crucifixions there is little archaeological evidence. This is because early Christians used to collect bits of the crosses, nails etc. and keep them as souvenirs. Such a macabre and strange death cult.


Well ya know, at the end of the weekend, that tomb would be just as empty if the whole thing were made up. Just say'n.


In a time when there were many contenders for Messiah he lied and said his kingdom was not an earthy kingdom. The biblical genealogy proved that his bloodline said he was to be an earthly king. This made his claims a threat to Rome. He got executed. Others will have a different version of this but most of us know that you cannot die for someone else. Death is a personal thing and Jesus did not grant you eternal life by dying for you. In the end you have to die also.

I wish for the death angel to passover me this Friday even though I have no lamb's blood to mark my door post. If you have young children I hope everyone has a Happy Easter. It represents the yearly start of fertility and new life.

Damn, I almost forgot the lamb chops for this weekend.

A threat to the might of the Roman empire ?. I don't think so. I have reread the part of the gospel where he is tried and sentenced and it seems to be totally contrived and very poorly written.
He is lauded by thousands and is famous but has to picked out by Judas. This obviously has some significance other than just making him known.The people then for some reason turn against him and want him crucified.
The only reference to him being a threat of any kind is when he is asked if he is the king of the Jews and he refuses to answer.
As for being of royal linage. Joseph was given this but he wasn't the daddy was he.

@Moravian The linage was given because the writer giving it assumes that Joseph was the daddy. Ideas that Mary "made up a story" are ludicrous and come from modern times.

@DenoPenno Some Christian apologists have given Mary a royal lineage as well. Just to be on the safe side.
Certainly there was no virgin birth in the original gospel of Mark so it was no doubt added later for effect.

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