They say you can tell a man's character by the company he keeps. ELEVEN of Trump's close associates have been convicted of felonies. The Done Cheato surrounds himself with creepy, crawly, swamp things. 🪱🦟
I said when he was first elected and yelling about “draining the swamp” the only thing he was going to do was fill it with snakes and poisonous creatures and leave it environmentally dead.
You called it, my friend!
I despise this thing;the night he was elected was one of the worst,most dispiriting nights of my life.
I didn't find out until morning. It was not a good day.
@Flyingsaucesir I also didn't find out until the next morning. My team lead had the same reaction I did. It was not a good day.
This is a brilliant cartoon! One of Horsey's best!