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Sooooo,,,, she thinks the punishment for exposing yourself to a minor should be a misdemeanor instead of a felony. This is the left-winger mindset we're up against people. 😣 []

Captain_Feelgood 8 May 2

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well he looked 18! And what else are teachers for anyways? I teach stuff.He learned a lot A+


Local government might address this issue with severe penalties. It is a local government issue. Insinuating the the federal government into our lives on this issue is over reach. And if HE wears makeup & uses hair spray, then make it a felony. Heee Haaa.


"left-winger mindset"😄😄😂


As usual as I can see from these comments these left winger sheep never admit to the bullshit.This left-winger mindset goes on all the time in New York City where I live with the scum of a district attorney Alvin Bragg.


Oh, for fuck's sake.


Ah yes.

You disagree with a view - but instead of actually arguing your case you use it as an 'attack the left wing' opportunity.

Views about sexual crimes vary. Yes, they vary among the left wing. They also vary among the right wing - just take the classic, christian nationalist "if he's a god fearing man who votes republican then any attempt to hold him to account for child abuse is nothing more than a political plot" nonsense.

So make your arguments about exposure to children, back them with the facts you feel support them, but leave out the nonsense.

Good luck with that.


I find it incredibly disingenuous how you don't make an argument on why she's wrong and ignore the details of her arguments altogether. Why don't you explain why it should be a felony instead of a misdemeanor as it would be if done off-line and how that would change things in a way that better protects the children.

I know that answering those questions would take critical thinking and if that's something you can't do, I understand.

For him it's apparently all about trolling/owning the libs. Critical thinking is beside the point.


One might think that she might have had some bipartisan support from a fellow Colorado member Ms Beobert. Whose hubby was convicted of waggling his willie in front of a bunch of minors at a bowling alley.


Apparently a misdemeanor sex offense conviction in Colorado has "dire" and "severe" consequences, including at least 10 years on a sex offender registry. If that isn't enough, what exactly do you think the penalty should be?

It is worthy of note that the context in which we are having this conversation (and in which the crime was committed) is one where a kid who has access to the internet can view all kinds of pornography, murder, instructions on how to make a bomb,...virtually any perversion you care to name. So before we go any further, perhaps we should discuss what penalty the parents should face for allowing their kid unsupervised access to the internet.

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