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A pastor told me today that he is sorry that I have not felt the love of god. Pastor, I am the one who is sorry.
I'm sorry you believe a god who does not seem interested in loving everyone.
I'm sorry you feel the need to apologize for this "all loving" creator.
I'm sorry your religion would have you believe people are incapable of loving each other without this watch-dog divinity.
I'm sorry your happiness in this life relies on hope of the next.
I'm sorry you can't see that we don't need a god to be good, or loved.
I'm sorry for all the wonder your faith would have you ignore in favor of fairy tales.
For all the confusion in doctrine.
For lies of zealouts.
For the guilt brought on by your own humanity.
For all the delusions your mind has been forced through fear to accept, you have my deepest sympathies.

Foxonaut 5 Dec 8

Enjoy being online again!

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163 comments (126 - 150)

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I had a person tell me that I needed the holy ghost to make my religious experience real. He lays hands on me and tells me to speak in tongues. I'm like, I got nothing. And he actually says to start speaking gibberish and then the holy ghost will take over. Wow. I was so sad. I wanted to believe I could have a personal relationship with god. But no, just bullshit. Just me doing tongue exercises. So sad. It was like finding Oz behind the curtain. Finding out Santa wasn't real. I don't get why religious people have to carry their god. It's a deity but it has no power. Just the power idiots willingly cede to it.

Ya know speaking in tongues dates back to the priests of Apollo where followers would go into a trance and utter nonsense syllables, called glossolalia. Here's the rub: only those with deep faith could understand the words.


George Carlin said it best about religion.


Hit your pastor with some of these, quotations compiled by my co-author Barbara Walker, the renowned feminist. My book Pot Stories has five pages of this stuff.

It's more like a God of revenge. Some of the other quotes will shock you. There's other essays that will show how crazy the world is with this religious nonsense.

Gen. 22:2 - God accepts human sacrifices (including that of Jesus, later).
Ex. 15:3 - God is a god of war.
Ex. 21:15,17 - Anyone who strikes or curses a parent must be killed.
Ex. 22:18 - Every witch must be killed.
Ex. 22:19,20 - You must kill anyone who "lieth with a beast," or who worships any god other than Yahweh.
Ex. 31:15 - Anyone who works on the Sabbath must be killed.
Lev. 20:10,13,27 - You must kill adulterers, homosexuals, wizards, and spirit mediums.
Lev. 21:9 - Any priest's daughter who fornicates must be burned alive.
Lev. 24:16 - Blasphemers must be killed.

Take the third one. Millions of innocent people were tortured and killed during the Inquisition because of this one line from Exodus.



Pity them, brother, for they do not know what they are missing out on.


Good for you...stay positive and loving. Sometimes I hate being so cynical and unforgiving...because I know if he had said that to me, I would have told him to go fuck himself.


I'd love God more, if he'd give me the winning numbers for the next PowerBall!


I’m with you and I would just add; a loving god that destroyed his own creation and creates his own enemies....


After my sister died in 1965 we went to family counseling for a few weeks. One day we had the church priest come in and talk with us. I was 11 at the time and was present. As my parents talk the priest told them directly that the reason my sister died is that our family did not go to church enough. My mother cried. My sister had spent most of her short life 4 years in a children's hospital from kidney failure. My parents have to claim bankruosy after her death. For me I just saw it as the final betrayal.

Wow. The arrogance of that priest. Horrifying.


I’m sorry that people waste so much time speaking with them.


I keep getting random people at stores talking about how I can only be successful through god...

@K9Kohle789 I AGREE


Christian love???


you got that right...


Christian love.


I REALLY love this. Nicely done.


This is amazing! Thank you!


Love it, well done!


A meme on FB has a saying something like ‘There’s only one true but I’m not going to tell you which one it is rather than let you kill each other trying to figure it out’!


And God said, “there is only one true God. I’m not gonna tell you which one it is but why do you kill each other over trying to figure it out.“?


I see you're in Merrillville. I hope you make it over to Chicago whenever you can to find more like-minded people!


Well written. May I borrow it?


Wow that’s a very nice response


I'm sorry you do not know the magic unicorn that lives in my garden

Right next to my Chimera.


I am also a skeptic regarding God, how & why so many of my friends have faith & believe so hard.
My belief is I am a human, and God doesn't make my choices. I think that's the difference: humanity is self fulfilling, not forced or lead to make a decision.
I think the book called "bible", was written many centuries ago by a culture of men (dominant), and used it (still) to control societies. And the jesus thing is to add more control (man again).
Very conflicting. I go back.& forth about my thoughts & feelings. Perhaps I'll find out like everyone else- while dying & death.

I think what they REALLY believe in, is belief.


My response would be:
" Patronizing, arrogant , condescending "
" If that is what your has done to you ... I thank I'm an Atheist "

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