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Who else out thar, is so tired of all the Trump Bashing ? Let me iterate that I am NO Trump fan boy, hes a pig, a liar, etc. But then again every president were all Liars. What I find most obtrusive about all the constant complaints are from people whom also have many many flaws. I hate to say it but we americans absolutely Love to have a common enemy and someone that we can use as a scape goat. And Trump is by far the most relevant target. Personally I stay away from political discussion because quiet frankly imho it is beyond hope. It is only a matter of time before it all comes crashing down. I instead choose to spend my time preparing for that eventuality. This is why I joined this site in particular. I have some time each day that I would enjoy interacting with like minded souls that have decided to live above the fray. Who is with me on this ?

EvoQ 4 May 5

Enjoy being online again!

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46 comments (26 - 46)

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I understand where you're coming from, but I can't go along.


I almost want to say “fuck you” but I'm aware thats counter-productive. Trump is hardly a “scape goat” He is a compulsive liar, an ignorant buffoon and a narcissist. I suppose any person with aspirations to be President of this country is motivated by self interest … ( heck so are we all) but most of us have a modicum of human decency.


Well now since you mentioned it, I moved from Portland Oregon to a small community and Ione Oregon with my wife about a year ago. I don't as a rule listen to this s anymore, because it is so exasperating and I found myself becoming angry at things that I had no control over. I might add I'm 70 years old and I've been all over the world in my time. I can't change anything at my age So my answer is f it

Hi neighbor. We live about 100ish miles away in a small town about the same size. 🙂

Love it! Some people might say that that's a terrible attitude to have, but I think it's awesome.


His Audience are the ones you need to focus on. Starting with your own elected officials is the most important. Its the Buyers and Sellers that he plays for and the Congress that supports this type of Government. That they have guaranteed Health Care, Pensions and Benefits that we pay for plus have to figure out how to provide for our own. The Racist Movement to go back to the past and include Women and Minorities is going backwards. Rattling the saber against weaker countries by someone who never served in uniform as well as the Congressional Members of his Cabinet. The whole world is watching in total disbelief that Americans are standing by and doing absolutely nothing. Our tax dollars are not be used to rebuild our infrastructure but pay for his Golf Games, and Prostitutes and more weapons of Mass Destruction. The man is mentally unstable and Congress thinks this is not a problem because they are the only ones retiring as Billionaires. I am watching my tax dollars being used to fuel the War in the Middle East that is displacing Billions of people in death and homelessness and then be refused asylum for a place to live in peace. Being retired I was able to attend the Marches for Gun Control and Impeachment that were staged in Washington D.C. I was impressed with the turnout of concerned Americans. I was impressed with the Speakers and the signs that people made to voice their opinions. If you not bothered by the Mass Executions being carried out in out own country by Mentally Disturbed persons who are not able to get mental health treatment but have access to any type of Military Grade Assault Weapon. That Americans who are suffering from Physical Ailments of Various Types and have no access to Medical Treatment except to maybe by a gun to end their misery. Plenty of Opioids to calm your nerves or kill yourself with. How much more of a crash is going to be needed to take a long hard deep look in the Mirror to realize that the time is past.

...another Patriot!

@SilverDollarJedi The US, along with the other industrialized nations have been cleaning up their act for decades. But as with our Republicans, when one side ‘goes nuclear,’ the other side must respond, or die..

The Democratic party has become ‘the party of women’ in this nation. I suspect that assessment’s irritating and/ or controversial, but from the inside - that’s what I’ve witnessed. More than ever, from Carter to Obama, to Hillary.. they’ve been far more diplomatic than the R’s. But there’s a more powerful industrialist cutthroat capitalistic contingent having accumulated and willing to spend whatever percentage of their wealth it takes to acquire more power, money & control. They have resources and networks beyond belief..

So how does good compete with that level of evil? Iggnor reality and give up? ...or do the nasty things they must in order to at least compete ... becoming labeled ‘corrupt’ for having played by rules they’d be the first to dismantle! This equivalent association is driving me nuts…

To a degree, our ‘leaders’ are representative of those having voted for them.. But not discounting the gerrymandered districts, unlimited corporate campaign donations & propagandistic wrong-wing media network/s leaves an unrealistic view of the true forces at work. Unfortunately, evil won. Question is, was anything learned?

[edited yet again, to hopefully correct some garbled syntax generated by the sites links to funny faces & gestures]

@SilverDollarJedi ….Ohhhh.. Makes me feel like I really wasted my breath 😀

Right on Brother!


When you have great fear, for the climate, human rights, etc, real big topics that make you feel out of control, humor relieves some of the stress.

That's true, that may be the one good thing about Trump. The Comedians are having a Heyday and man! are they good!


You say "Personally I stay away from political discussion because quiet frankly imho it is beyond hope." and also "I have some time each day that I would enjoy interacting with like minded souls that have decided to live above the fray." Yet here you are posting a very political diatribe that is self-defeating. I'm perplexed about the real purpose of this post. But I must say that I'm not tired of the Trump bashing. I think he deserves ten times more until the day he leaves office because he is the most dishonest, incompetent, illegitimate, self dealing US politician I have ever seen. Since you are new here i will point out the existence of several politically related groups if you care to investigate. Best Regards...


Noam Chomsky explains Trump perfectly

EvoQ Level 4 May 15, 2018

I understand the temptation to drop out and be above the fray, but so many of my neighbors and family members don't have that luxury. Their lives are literally dependent on the programs that are being attacked and dismantled. I can't look away out of discomfort while people I care about have the ladder cut out from under them. It's not ethical.


We have to do whatever we can to start changing things towards a different attitude. I agree 100% with your proposal. We have elections coming up in my neck of the woods and its sad that pretty much all candidates have spent their advertising on personal attacks. This is an aftermath of current turmoil. Is this the country we want? Change must come from each and everyone and it will be slow, it will take longer if we don't start now. How? Unite by stopping the unnecessary polarization and/or attacks. Anyway, it actually refreshing to see postings like this. Regards

When one side arms, breaks all previous rules, and shows no mercy … and the other ignores it, you get ‘this.’ The Republicans are always 3 devious steps ahead of any competitor, they don’t sleep, they don’t appreciate what they’ve got, nor appreciate our planet … they only want more power - period

Right now, with all 4 arms of the US Government in their hands … how secure do you feel? How much more power are you willing to hand them? Is it time to worship them..?

Do not mistake self defense as an attack. We, the thinking, caring, generous citizens of the USA are attempting to defend ourselves from the successful power-grab of the Republican ‘party’ and their hidden financial backers. It’s not a moment to shy away.. or turn the other cheek… As most have here - it’s time to speak up, stand up - and fight back! Those unwilling to do so need to get out of the way - because they’re a large part of the problem…

@Varn I don't disagree with your statement and certainly you are entitle to it. What we are saying here is that we could/should change the tone and that's exactly what you just did. Your message is clear and yet you didn't have to use any insults. It is possible to discuss any issue within rational margin. I do believe the best way to defend ourselves is to follow the system we have in place and vote whatever direction we want to go on the next cycle. I also want to comment on "how secure do you feel?", I feel as secure as I have ever been. Life is a fragile experience for so many reasons to begin with, I don't think I can say that I feel threatened by any means from current administration.

@IamNobody I understand the tonal aspect; usually those lacking a deeper understanding of the issues sink fastest. But the ‘flavor’ I tasted was more of a … 'I’m uncomfortable with controversy, so let’s all be nice.’ As I’ve watched that attitude gobbled up and spit out.. while those doing the chewing nearly choked from laughing.

Generally, an election is decided by which way the center shifts. Using the one that brought us trump, it appears that center likes to play hardball. I say we learn to play, not shy away because it might be painful..

Your security sounds like bliss; honestly, I’m not that far from the same … don’t need to set my alarm for tomorrow.. But I’ve this extended concern for more than myself, like my children, and hopefully theirs, and honesty ..everyone else's. Maybe, like Bernie, that’s why I most often ‘caucus with the Democrats’ 🙂

@Varn if the tone is right then we can discuss anything and move the subject forward, which I do believe should be the job at task for all of us. We all should improve our skill to agree to disagree. You have a pleasant Sunday !!

@SilverDollarJedi what do you propose?

@SilverDollarJedi You asked, “How are we to fix our current problems by continuing the same behavior that got us here?” The behavior that got us here has taken decades to implement, therefore, short of a revolution (which I don’t envision or want), it may take awhile to correct... And to do so, nearly everyone will have to be onboard - and stay onboard.

This nation works best with a ‘common enemy.’ The dark side makes them up, and their ‘fake enemies’ allow them to form coalitions that (almost) win elections.. Those seeking light don’t think that way, they look to enjoy life, appreciating nature and our shared opportunity to experience it. Pitted against each other, we get ‘this.’ We need to view ourselves as one, with shared concerns and common goals, and it shouldn’t take an external threat to achieve that ..should it?

What generally happens is after following the dark side into war or economic collapse, consensus shifts to ‘the party’ or collective network looking out for everyone.. We do that ..just long enough to crawl out of the hole … but the entire time the dark side has been bombarding anyone who’ll listen with propaganda aimed to favor the rich & powerful ..and just enough voters believe it that …. there we go again ~

As a nation, we need to stay the course toward light. We need to eliminate Gerrymandering in every state, creating fair districts for all candidates. We need to return and enforce a Fairness Doctrine, to eliminate further abuse of the public airwaves as propaganda delivery networks. The Citizens United ruling needs overturned, as well as the tightening of massive campaign contribution loopholes. That’s where I’d start..

But in whatever form or method it takes to bring about positive or corrective change - the bulk of the nation must stay with it! Not be swayed by creeping propaganda, or the fact the guy next door appears to have a little more than you do.. Again, it’s been a very slow boil ~


You have a point. I have always said Trump's lack of values and various other short comings are a reflection of the American psyche. Unlike you however I haven't completely given up. I still vote and try to promote 3rd party candidates. I still point out that everyone agreeing that the 3rd party candidates have no shot and voting that way allows for the two parties to be as inefficient and self serving as they want to be. Having just two viable parties is better than one Communist party but the gap is not as big as Americans think it is.

Third Party candidates are overwhelmingly spoilers, or disruptors at best. Our system gives nothing to the loser, no ‘parliamentary seats’ based on their percentage of the vote - nothing. And with that nothing is handed everything to the victor … as the victors make the rules ..making it even harder to remove or replace them…

Instead, we have Primaries … my state’s in the midst of one right now. I spent Friday afternoon with a blend of district representatives discussing the outcome of said primary. Now is your opportunity to count! Run, or support anyone - in either political party (I’ve a friend in my home state running as an R cuz she’s surrounded by them!) that promotes your goals. Knock on doors, stuff envelopes, plant yard signs, post links & info, attend debates, ‘man’ a booth, write LTE’s or write checks … but ‘this’ is when and where it happens.

Don’t fall for party badmouthing, as in, ‘it’s all fixed’ (trump’s previous mantra). No - it’s wide open! - and party politics has a way of melting away when the numbers support anyone.. If not now - 2019, but the opportunity’s there ~


I am with you for sure just like religion too


I don't like fighting with others. Life is too short.


Well said.


If you've come here to avoid political discussions and discussions about Trump in particular, you've come to the wrong place. Just saying. You've been dully informed.


You said you are tired of Trump bashing then proceed to call him a pig and a liar - you sound confused.

gater Level 7 May 15, 2018

What Happens AFTER a Devastating Forest Fire ? I have studied True Radical natural Change, and it only comes from Death and Destruction. So it is inevitable; if we humans are to move forward the SHTF........literally not just figuratively. I myself went through a Metamorphosis I found that I had to burn myself down to nothing to truly Change myself. I doubt that we have 10 years left before we wake up one day to the end of the world as we know it. In fact IMHO the End is already here we just do not yet realize it. Once you start down a narrow road there is no turning back. This government is beyond fixing, it must be brought down. I do Not promote violence; but one can easily understand that we can bring down this government world system by Opting Out. Just simply Stop participating in this corrupted to the core system. Our Fundamental Way of Live is very Unhealthy and laughably Nonsustaining, Inefficient and incredibly Ineffective. When you realize that our medical system does Not want to Heal you for they lose patients; then you wake up to the fact that every level of society is based upon Fear and Maximizing Profits for a tiny tiny few Pharaoh class of individuals. But like me if you wake up and chose to Opt Out you will find out that one can't simply walk away. it takes preparations and a determination to escape and never come back to the world where we must kill our neighbors to get ahead. Our Way of Life is WRONG in so so many ways......

EvoQ Level 4 May 7, 2018

I totally agree with you in practically every thing you said.


The invention of groups can be useful for this problem. There's every worthless group under the sun from Libertarians to conservative Republicans.. pick your poison bring a weapon and have fun.


I'm not tired of it. Yes, every president lies, but when most of your lies can be disproven by a quick Google search for statistics, it's a problem. should we trust him on big issues when he can't even correctly report if the tax cuts will benefit him or not? (spoiler alert, they are making him richer)


As an outsider it’s a great spectator sport!


While not American would agree totally, the press, social media etc are not letting the man away with a thing, it's a constant and organised hounding till they can get rid of him

Don’t know if you’re being totally sarcastic … but our press really fucked up, and are not only attempting to correct it, but to actually do their job - report the truth and expose the lies. How did they ..mess up? They ignored the ‘false equivalency narrative’ that was identified too late into that freakishly unusual race. “Making it appear that both sides of the “debate” have equivalent authority and evidence supporting it.”

Consider too, in our capitalistic democracy there exists a entire media network devoted to promoting a wrong-wing agenda. The Real Press must also contend with that… Otherwise, carry on 😉

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