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I think I’ve reached the final stage of my deconversion where I’m willing to debate religion and call it out for the bullshit and when I cringe when I hear a pastor preach and nauseated by all the bullshit. 7 years ago I was afraid of going to hell but now I know it’s all bullshit.

abyers1970 7 Apr 24

Enjoy being online again!

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At times I wish there was a hell for all these charlatans ie James Baker, Pat Robertson,Benny Hinn ect ect. In the same thought I wouldn't want to to spend eternity in heaven with all these self righteous nimrods


Indoctrination is a hard obstacle to overcome,unfortunately most individuals fear a celestial dictatorship and never question the obvious ridiculousness of it all.


Religious people are the ones who try to convert others. Unbelievers don't try to convert anyone. You cannot make anyone think for themselves, and see the bullshit brainwashing of religion. There's no need to debate them.


Do you debate over nursing homes, orphanages or both?

Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27

Word Level 8 Apr 24, 2024

Please drop dead you religious cunt.

@Flyingdust do you think I am in a nursing home or orphanage? Or an employee of one?

But, otherwise If you think I should be dead, please feel free to put me out of your misery and I'll drop into non-existance with the non-existent flying spaghetti monster sky God for ever and ever as far as I am concerned.

@Flyingdust That was uncalled for. Quoting a religious script does not make one religious. You are at level 3 & have a lot of nerve being nasty to a level 8.

What it is and what it is supposed to be are like day and night to one another

@Flyingdust Why all the unneeded animosity? 😳

Well, that would be lovely, but Nowhere in the history of Xianity do I see it happening more than briefly in isolated

@annewimsey500 Xianity is not specifically about doing religion, helping widows and orphans, but it is a theocracy government with intent of world domination by laws of government submit to Authority-666 pay taxes capitalism slavery.


If you do engage in such debates just be aware that you are very unlikely to change anyone's mind. Belief, even in the weakest, most implausible, and unsupported ideas can be extremely resistant to logic, reason, and evidence.


The true final stage is when you no longer feel the need to debate, and instead feel secure in your own beliefs.

I agree. Being at peace with yourself is the best evidence you can show.


Welcome to one of the benefits of being able to think for yourself! 🙂


Major congratulations to you. I'm sure it wasn't and isn't easy. A mind can be difficult to change; be vigilant and reexamine your reasoning as often as needed, but also do the research to validate your new-found freedom. It can be sad to give up on one's imaginary friend, but glimpsing truth and sanity is worth it.


Religion/faith is a drug for many to help them cope with the world around them and it is a difficult transition - so one day at a time


Welcome aboard the good ship lollipop heathen!! 🤠


Yes, hell is bullshit and you also have to ask yourself which version of hell you are going to. This is all the same with heaven. So many choices with either one. We all know that our religion is right but all of those others are wrong.

Amen 🙏

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