4 13

"I am the storm," replied the Done Cheato.
"Shit storm," thought the nonplussed nation.

Flyingsaucesir 8 May 8

Enjoy being online again!

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The privileged orange man who just cannot shut the hell up.

His mouth recently cost him $83 million 😂


The Deep State thinks you still haven't had enough Trump yet. Promoting Trump Disgust Syndrome, be it the DOJ, MSM, FBI, or DOD, remains their goal.

Deep state? Or profit-driven media?

Both. But the assistance of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and DOD to Trump make the US an embarrassment to Humanity. They all swear oaths to protect the Constitution but swoon at the prospect of a native Hitler.


I just change the channel quick. I absolutely can no longer stand the sound of his voice or to see his ugly face for more than a second.

I feel you bra. He is the most obnoxious presence...


Not just a shit storm, but a shit tornado.

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