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Project 2025 already has thousands of MAGA cultists lined up to fill critical government positions and make Trumpty Dumpty's imperial authoritarian fantasies reality.

The link below takes you to an interview with the very insightful NYU professor of history and Italian Studies, Ruth Ben-Ghiat. It's worth a listen.

Flyingsaucesir 8 July 6

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And the Democrats are turning on their candidate, the media is falling all over themselves to make him look incompetent, and the Supreme Court majority has already sworn allegiance to the 2025. I have been watching the Ken Burns series Vietnam. The Right didn’t have their ducks in a row and Nixon was kind enough to leave office. The Republicans have made sure that will never happen again. If we don’t save this election, the next ones will never look like what we have known until now.

What do you wish to save exactly? Harmony at home? World standing? The current road to future prosperity?
Don't like Trump, get it. Reward this admin with another term........that I don't get.
If the Democratic party/ DNC were not control freaks they would have held primaries, as per usual, and so would have a collection of backup reps to jump in. RFK Jr for instance. But instead the DNC file court cases to keep him off the ballot altogether, also disenfranchising your Tulsi Gabbard types.

So if pissed off with it all, vote for RFK Jr and break the 2 party system hold. Both parties are entrenched and entitled and need a wake up and clean out. An independent potus should do the trick.

@puff A vote for RFK only breaks the two-party system in the sense that it brings a fascist dictatorship with his Felonious Malignancy King Donald the Terrible in charge that much closer to reality.

I saw the debate. He is incompetent. Wishing he wasn't is the problem, not a solution.

@puff Exactly, the Dems made this mess.

@Druvius I have puff blocked and don’t care what drivel he is spewing, but will you be attending Trump’s coronation?

Surely the Dems didn’t pen Project 2025 or float the Red Caesar idea. We are witnessing the ascent of Carl Schmitt’s legal philosophy courtesy of the supremacy court. I will vote for whomever the Dems put up to avert that nightmare scenario. I don’t care if they are pulling a Weekend at Bernie’s charade. The alternative is much worse.

@Scott321 Yes, a strategy that has failed repeatedly and likely will fail in November. I wish Biden had been an Obama or Bill Clinton capable of inspiring voters. He's not, and that's why Trump will likely win.

@Druvius To be fair that’s the Bill Clinton who did the photo op at Stone Mountain, made political points via the execution of Ricky Ray Rector, dissed Sister Souljah, and played sax on Arsenio Hall? That’s as inspiring as a triangulated dog whistle might be.

@Druvius Also that’s the Bill Clinton who benefited from the presence of Ross Perot, which goes to show how third party candidates can spoil elections. Nader with Gore? If Bush Sr had won I wonder how the mildly Arabist James Baker might have bullied Israel. Surely things didn’t go so well with Clinton.

@Scott321 Clinton had an excellent economy, tamped down on the Serbian nationalists, got blown by a pretty intern, and went out of office more popular than he went in. 😂😂😂

@Flyingsaucesir I was thinking in terms of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process comparatively speaking between administrations.

@Scott321 Clinton came as close as anybody to getting the two parties to agree, but a Jewish right-wing extremist queered the deal, shot the Israeli prime minister. The extremists on both sides have been in the driver's seat ever since.


What a time we live in.

Yeah. this is frightening. Ideological extremists almost always create disaster, and this is the worst such American movement since the sixties.

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