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Disney says man can't sue over wife's death because he agreed to Disney+ terms of service 7 years ago


If you ever signed up for a free trial of Disney+ you can NEVER sue or prosecute Disney for anything ever even if they poison you wife!

LenHazell53 9 Aug 15

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What bad dope are they smoking?

The best answer to this would be provided in a court of law. Disney could just very well lose.

@DenoPenno I hope so.
Mind you this sort of sly condition is included in many agreements drawn up by American lawyers. A few years ago Australia was being asked to enter an agreement with USA that was full of such clauses.


I suspect that in English court it would be thrown out because of the inequality in the standing of the contracting oarties together with the fact that the service provided by Disney is very limited in scope.
An independent journalist who I've shared reports on here uses the catch phrase "why rent a lawyer when you can buy a judge".


That will be dismissed....Disney needs to settle this ASAP.

The backlash is already hitting Disney's already disastrous ~PR

@LenHazell53 the bigger the better the disaster. I learnt 50 years ago of the persimony of the company. Fortunately my father knrw how to handle such Jewish behaviour & soundly advised me so that I was not robbed by them.


I doubt this will fly with the judge.... Signing up for a free trial of an unrelated service?...

Their argument is that Disney is one single entity, signing up for any service means you are a member of the corporation as a whole and all terms and conditions apply across the board.
If this validated, the repercussions could be tremendous.

@LenHazell53 Actually it isn't it is an overall corporation controlling several smaller ones like the parks being individual corporations as well as Disney Studios being another. Even their streaming service is a sub-corporation held by Disney entertainment...ESPN is also a separate entity...


@Lizard_of_Ahaz I know, I'm just repeating the arguments being put forward by the house of mouse.

@LenHazell53 I am surprised the Lawyers would be making this argument as it could jeopardize their licenses to practice law...


I've had friends who worked for Disney... they secretly called it "the evil empire".

I also read in the biography of Terry Pratchett, that the conttact they offered him would really have screwed him over, as by letting them do a single "Disc World" project, he's have been signing away the rights to pretty much all his characters and the entire world he created. He didn't sign it.

I suspect that in the end such legal clauses, at least in a world that makes sense, would be found to not be a valid contract. However, we, the U.S., currently have a supreme court that isn't interested in a world that makes sense, so much as they are concerned with maximizing corporate profits and stacking the deck in favor of the wealthy.


The Walt Disney Co. can be saved from imploding but not until they rid themselves of Bob Iger's incompetence and stupidity along with the seated members of the Disney Board of Ultra Woke Directors.

Another bat-shit crazy apples and oranges response from the MAGA rabbit hole. However, I must say that it is nice to see that all of you guys have not offed yourself yet. As your silence of late has been rather disturbing.

Oh, Jesus! What if those ultra woke directors also become DEI. What then?

@273kelvin I'M MAGA? Brother, have you got it all wrong.

@DenoPenno They already qre, that's the problem.

@Sgt_Spanky Okay I get that you are not MAGA and I appologuise but your response was. Tell me how a very usual corporate lawyer, wriggle out of any liability, loop-hole move equates to "woke"?

@273kelvin The problem a wildly progressive liberal like myself has against "woke" has nothing to do with political identity, it's simpler than that. Woke is just another misguided form of leftist extremism. Extremism, whether on the right or left is a bad idea. Disney's pig headed devotion to woke has only resulted in godawful movies and billions in lost revenue and stock devaluation. The oncept sounds harmless on paper, in practice, it's a debacle.

@Sgt_Spanky I am no fan of Disney and it goes back to "Winnie the Poo" (that awful southern drawl). That said, this corporate lawyer move is par for every big organisation left/right or government.


That can't be legal. Seriously?


Check your Hulu and ESPN+ terms folks. Disney.


Disney says he can’t sue. Has a court/judge agreed with Disney?

We wait with baited breath


Gosh, and they are supposed to be the happiest place on earth.

It's also a capitalist corporation first and foremost.

@jlynn37 So it is.

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