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Good morning my Agnostic family, I am here to give an update on my situation. I've found out that my heart is OK, but I've been referred to a pulmonary doctor, as they now believe I have some issues with my lungs. I have an appointment with the pulmonary doctor on October 2nd, so am hopeful that they can give me some answers.

My granddaughter and another friend of mine came out for my heart cath. That was so nice to have them here. My granddaughter had to go back home to work but my friend Dani is still here with me helping with the dogs. She plans to stay through November to get me through all the appointments. I'm in good hands and doing OK. I'm getting back online more often and will check in here more often too. 😘

Redheadedgammy 9 Sep 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Take care.


Good luck


So happy to see you back here. You were missed. I hope all goes well with your next round of appointments and the solutions they come up with. Stay strong. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Sep 19, 2024

Good to see you back again Rhonda…and thanks for updating us. You seem to be in good hands and we trust your specialist will be able to sort out your respiratory problems. In the meantime take it easy and enoy the company of your good friend Dani. We will still be here whenever you decide to look in on us! 😘

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Enjoy being online again!

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