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The anti-christ as now risen folks.. let another repeat performance of the shit show begin.

mistymoon77 9 Nov 6

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Trump isn't the anti-christ. The anti-christ wouldn't be a blathering, moronic, childish buffoon whose amorality is as transparent as his hair. Trump is just a wealthy conman who has attracted a following of frightened racists, bigots, and xenophobes with his lies.


We fed the Anti-Christ, we overplayed our failing issues, we lost young voters and we produced historically high incompetencies from candidates to strategists to overall fail miserably. Now Democrats will be in exile for 12 years at least. It is embarrassing to be a Democrat today.

To be specific, here the reasons for Democrats downfall 2024. But will we learn?

What happened to Biden's well touted $1.6 Billion Inflation Reduction Act? Wasn't that a masterstroke? Why do we not feel or even hear about the benefits since it was passed? Where is the money? Now will Trump get that to give to red states?


I wonder what the 47th President elect will say of this? Will he continue to try to clear the swamp?


Here's another to pause then think about & discuss:

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Yes it looks like all you democrats got pissed on by the orange man LOL.

And it looks like all you repubs think you won. You’re just too bigoted and stupid to figure out you lost too!! ☺️


Trump is no prize, however compared to Kamala he is superior.

You got that right

Yet again pointing to the invalidity of your form of governance.
Have you watched the videos in my post just made? You'll find them in this comment:
My apologies if you have already seen this comment. Just pass on. I'm Unashamedly testing the waters:

I woke up this morning to find that I has been sent a message asking me to watch this video. I did & again I am amazed at the number of #stupid people in the world!

And another one claiming that the Dutch are practising anti-semiticism against Jewish football hooligans & true anti-semites who have genocidally murdered more than 40,000 Palestinians in the last 12 months. []

How very Muslim of you to say that. 🤣

YouTube app or browser

@FrayedBear Why do you think I care what you opinion is of our government?

@Alienbeing lol, I couldn't give a brass razoo as to whether you care or not Alien. If you squirm at my comments then good but I suspect that you are mostly too base & insensitive to be embarrassed & like all corrupt lawyers ready to blame others for the misdeeds that you commit.

Haven't you woken up to the fact that I think that you & your governments are scum bags awaiting sanitisation & disposal for the benefit of all humanity?

@FrayedBear Nothing you say makes me squirm, although much of what you print makes me laugh.

@Alienbeing I correctly ascertained your character but you laugh to cover your embarassment at having been correctly found out.

@FrayedBear You opinion of yourself and your ability to affect me is so vastly over rated that I am speechless.

My character is fine, and I have many friends and a great family to prove it. What do you have?

@Alienbeing undoubtedly that is what you believe just as many Christians believe in their 3 gods & everything that goes with that delusion - it is simply the psychiatric illness & delusion known as folies à deux extended into folies en masse.
Here's another folie exposed for you:

Ping @annewimsey500

@FrayedBear As I have told you numerous times, I see no reason to trade barbs with you, I am content to correct your posts, so I won't reply to the above.

@Alienbeing that wasn't a barb it was an indictment of you & I as atheists. You really should examine\ watch\ read or listen to what I send you. That way you won't keep proving that you're a fuckwit.

But whilst I've got your do enjoy this wonderful tirade. . . Get the wife ready. The story will really result in you having a woody - erection if you're not familiar with the term:

A wonderful Member of Knesset,Ayman Odeh, 2 days ago confronted Netanyahu on the floor of the Knesset. He told a harrowing story & accused Netanyahu of being "A serial killer of peace" & shamed his fellow members. He was then ordered & dragged from the podium. This is the genocide being undertaken on behalf of the USA.Fact: On 10th August after a difficult C section Dr Jumana Arafa gave birth to a boy & a girl, Aser & Aseel. The twin's father 32 year old Muhamed Abu al-Qumran reported that he & his wife were overjoyed at the birth of their firstborn. Twp days later on the 12th August Mr al-Quman picked up the babies birth certificates. He then received message that the apartment that they all lived in had been bombed by the IDF, Israeli Destruction Forces. Consequently a few hours later he collected their death certificates.

Aymeh Odeh consequently called Netanyahu " for 30 years a serial killer of peace" and called on his fellow members to be haunted for the rest of their days with the souls of the 17,385 babies killed in Gaza, 815 under the age of one. He also reported another 35,055 babies orphaned. He was then dragged from the seat of government.

Browser or YouTube app

Note the faces of the psychopath leader & his right hand man in the screenshot.

@FrayedBear I do read what you sent and it is almost always slanted. The simple fact is Hamas starts conflics, so they and their supporters have no case to complain about losses.

@Alienbeing Hamas did not exist in 1948 when this genocide & the atrocities started.

@FrayedBear Nothing I said in my post of 11/20 inferred or hinted that I thought Hamas existed in 1948.

You have serious reading comprehesion issues.

@Alienbeing your logic therefore is at fault. The Jews genocide & atrocities began in 1948 not 7th October 2023. It therefore was not as you claim in response to Hamas.

@FrayedBear You very poor attempt to justify your second 11/20 post continues to show your inability to read with comprehension.

@Alienbeing 90% of the world disagree with your delusional illogic.

@FrayedBear Only in your little (and I mean little) mind.

@Alienbeing ffs you claim to be a retired lawyer & give me a moronic puerile reply like that? It's more what is expected of a 5 year old downes syndrome with attitude!

@FrayedBear Anyone, a lawyer, a professor, an idiot or any other occupation would say the same thing about you. Your lack of intellect is obvious in everything you post.

@FrayedBear I'm glad to see you agree that you are intellectually challenged.


The first go round was a dress rehearsal, this is opening night. He's learned from his first go round and won't make the same mistakes again. He's going to surround himself with ring and butt kissers (his weenie's too little to kiss) and he will do whatever he feels like, no matter the fallout. As long as his wallet gets thicker, he doesn't give a damn about anything else.

Oh like Biden didn’t have ass kissers ,and extraordinarily incompetent ass kissers

@granny And un loyal ass kissers who threw him under the bus and picked a more incompetent idiot than he was to run for president . Proof that they were extraordinarily incompetent as kissers as you say,ha ha ha ha ha ha

@granny You ignored every word he said except for the part about ass kissers. You conservative types have gotten real good at ignoring things. Like over a million covid deaths caused by a lying orange munchkin.
Why y’all ok with him murdering over a million Americans with his never ending covid lies.
While you’re at it, explain why you’re ok with the attempted coup on 1/6?!

@granny & his & family wallet got fatter. Particularly from ukraine genocide of Russians.


Now it’s back to underpaid workers spitting in food, especially at Republican owned restaurants, and those sick without healthcare coughing on anti-vaxers and spreading the love. Be careful where you eat. The people have a lot more options in resisting tyranny, let's see how creative they will become.


Is “another repeat” performance a third performance?

Is it a third shit show?


Yeh, what did you hate the most? The roaring economy, the cheap gas, the $35 insulin, or the commission on human trafficking?

The millions of people who died due to his COVID denial. His love affair with Kim Yun Un of North Korea, surpassed only by his love affair with Putin. His complete lack of interest in science, his constant time spent sucking money out of the treasury to take his Secret Service on trips to his golf courses. The economy was good because Obama left it that way. It only took Trump three years to screw it up.

None of that is coming back. There is no political time travel.

This appears that I replied to Barnie2years but both of mine here go to bbyrd009.

@Barnie2years only the economy was roaring when he got robbed out of his second term tho, wasnt it? And yes, viruses kill the weak—even manufactured ones released by a lab—although maybe not as much as the vaxx did? Wanna see the CDC backpedaling in their covid claims? Prolly not, huh?


I think both Harris and Trump suck. Although if Trump gets along with Putin and Kim Hun and stop world war three. I'm cool with that.

@Castlepaloma i think they should prolly both be in prison myself. Ppl who feel compelled to vote for the least bad choice are insane imo


Open a Canadian bank account. You might want to transfer some assets quickly if you have to flee?

America will go on essentially as usual.

@Alienbeing Said the guy who maintained that America would not choose the fuckwit as a candidate again. Now, I hope you are right about this as I like you guys (even if this is about the dumbest thing you have ever done) but opening a foreign account is insurance.

@273kelvin Your problem is you read too much of our media which is virtually all left wing. When you live here 10 years or more then present yourself as knowledgeable of our culture.

@Alienbeing Since lockdown I have been Zoom calling twice a week or more with Americans who share my view. So I am far from isolated from American society.
Have you read Profect 2025? Have you seen its plans for the judiciary, civil service, military etc.? Were you not listening when the guy said he would be a dictator on day one? How he wants to lock up his political opponents? This time he will not have the likes of Kelly, Pence or Barr who had some sense of duty to stop him. This time the raptors have learnt how to open the door handles.
But I might be wrong.

@273kelvin In as much as the U.S. is a country of over 350,000,000 people I am sure you can find agreement with many. In fact if you took time to think about my reply you would have noticed that I said "Your problem is you read too much of our media which is virtually all left wing" That CLEARLY says I recognize there are different opinions than mine. However this election was overwhelmingly a rejection of the left. Republicans gained in EVERY sub-group. Not that it matters but they also won the popular vote.

Project 2025 is written by an independent think tank. It has NO legal status. I am sure many Republicans agree with much of Project 2025, and I am equally sure many do not.

The dictator one day one was CLEARLY a figure of speech and even limited itself. You referring to this validates my telling you "When you live here 10 years or more then present yourself as knowledgeable of our culture." Thanks for the validation.

Last, apparently you forgot I am not a Trump fan, in fact I am not even a Republican. I do tend to lean Right, however I also hold many so called left wing opinions, such as: I favor Universal Health Care, I am an Atheist, I am against Capital punishment, and more.

Being an outsider (who apparently found some of our Left Wing people) does not qualify you as informed, merely somewhat well read.

@Alienbeing No manifesto ever has any legal status, it is a statement of intent and not legally binding. So can we call Poject 2025 a manifesto? Well it was put together by Trump backers and over 140 former Trump staffers plus a forward by J D Vance. Couple that with a clear absence of any other policies from the GOP and it looks like it.
Can you show me exactly where it was "clearly" a figure of speech? Was it as "clear" as when he told his supporters to "come to the capital, it will be wild" and to "fight like hell" on Jan 6th?

@273kelvin We should call the 2025 Project exactly what it is, i.e. a wish list from a conservative think tank. Politicians who tended to be very conservative will think most, if not all of it, is a good idea. Others (the majority) will think some parts warrant attention.

You don't understand American politics. Neither Republicans or Democrats usually vote as a solid block. Additionally, neither Party holds a large majority, so any "defections" can easily affect the outcome of a vote. Additionally our Constitution would nullify some parts of Project 2025 if they ever became law.

I referenced what was CLEARLY a figure of speech, and that was his reference to being a dictator on the first day.

I never said or implied that I thought Trump did not encourage the crowd on Jan 6th. I think he did. Even so, he was a better choice than Kamala.

@Alienbeing First off, I hope you are right. It would bring me no joy at all to see America plunged into a dictatorship or anything close to it.
That said here are some reasons why it might be an idea to have some insurance (ie. 200 bucks in a Canadian account)
Yes, it is true that US parties are large tents and do not always vote as blocks. Yet on several occasions when the GOP had the opportunity to do the right thing, they chose Trump over the country. Two impeachments and the party nomination have shown he can garner enough support/fear to get his way. And as I previously stated, the raptors have since learnt how to open the door handles. The Supreme Court has preemptively granted him immunity and however limited you might consider that ruling, you know that he will overstep it. This time there will be of men of honor to say "no".
It was your choice and your election but I do question the reasoning that chooses a 6 time-bankrupt, twice-impeached, convicted fraudster/sexual predator, felon, racist and pathological liar in cognitive decline over someone who has given a lifetime to public service... go figure. Maybe it was his simulated blow-job that just said "Head of State".

@273kelvin The reason Trump was elected is obvious. His election was a rejection of the left wing of the Democrat party that, even though it is a small wing, had undue influence over the entire Democrat party.

As I have said, Trump is no prize, however the alternative was much worse.

@Alienbeing That is one theory. another is that the Democrats did not get their full base out because they courted the right too much. Appearing on stage with Liz Cheney etc. Much of the Progressive Dems manifesto such as universal healthcare and living wage has widespread support.
Of course, another theory is that too many fuckwit Yanks bought into the catchphrase of a criminal reality TV star rather than trust a non-white female.

@273kelvin I've said many times you don't understand American politics or customs. When you said "another is that the Democrats did not get their full base out because they courted the right too much." you proved my point.

Many Democrats did not show up because they didn't like Kamala, and it was not because they thought she adopted Right Wing philosophy to any degree. Perhaps you do not know that when Kamala ran for President against Biden and many other Democrats she did not get a single vote, not one. She was the first to drop out, realizing she had no support. When she was nominated this time around, she received zero votes once again; she was appointed by Party leaders. The result was she not only lost but lost BIG time, even lost the popular vote.

There need not be any "theories". She lost because she was totally unqualified and as such had no message.

@Alienbeing Obviously not as qualified as a treasonous, 6 times bankrupt, twice impeached, convicted sexual predator and felon.
Over the years on this site, I have gained quite an affection and not a few friendships with Americans. This election has sickened me. I truly thought that you were a) not that dumb and b) not that racist/sexist. But you are right, I really don't know Americans as much as I thought.

@273kelvin You may know that I don't like Trump. However he was never convicted of being a sexual predator. The felony conviction will undoubtably be overturned. That trail has so many reversable errors that even a poor attorney could have the verdict thrown out.

Why are you "sickened"? Nothing Trump may do will affect you.

@Alienbeing "he was never convicted of being a sexual predator." and OJ was never convicted of murder but both were found to be guilty in civil court. You may not like the guy but you do seem to walk down the excuses road like you do.

Why "sickened"? Lots of reasons. 1) America and the UK have a special relationship, we have been allies for a long time, share a common language (ish) and share so many cultural links. 2) Have you heard the saying "America sneezes and the world gets a cold"? The US is a large part of NATO and Trump Putins botty boy. 3) Trump insulted the UK and has never retracted it. 4) I have a lot of American friends and they are very afraid of what this guy might do. 5) I thought you were better than this.
But also, doesn't it seem indicative of a Trumpian age when you ask why someone can be disturbed by events not directly connected to them? No compassion for 3rd world famine. No anger at atrocities or injustice. No sympathy for mass shooting families. No apprehension over the rise of a despot.
No, they all sound like a "they" problem not a "me" problem.

@Alienbeing Oh and just in case you need to be reminded what a "special relationship" means. It is a bit like a joint bank account but with intelligence. What you know about the military and terrorist stuff, we know and vice versa. So just how overjoyed do you think we are to find that once again Donald J (yes these ARE the droides you are looking for) Trump is going to be your C in C? The same idiot who thought that the shithouse at Mar-a-Lago was the most suitable place to store govt secrets and the leader voted most likely to give a blow job to any dictator who says he is pretty. If only he was as guarded about govt intel as he was about his taxes and exam results.

@273kelvinThis answers both of your replies. I do not like the guy, but I do like the law, and when you said "Obviously not as qualified as a treasonous, 6 times bankrupt, twice impeached, convicted sexual predator and felon." being a retired lawyer I felt correction was necessary. Your careless (or maybe uninformed incorrect statement) does not affect anything I previously said about Trump. I'll add that thus far I am not thrilled about some of his Cabinet nominations.

Third world famine is the result of Third World policies, as such I have no "compassion" for them either.

Your American friends who feel threatened probably have reason to feel that way. Trump or no Trump, our left wingers need to be closely controlled.

Yes I have heard the phrase "America sneezes and the world gets a cold" and it has been that way since WW2. The world benefits from that because they must follow our lead. Their approval and even your approval is not required.

Excuse me for being more concerned about my country than any other country.

@Alienbeing Oops my bad I said "convicted" when it should have been "adjudged". Either way, the "I just grab em by the pussy" guy got handed his ass in court.
I would not expect any compassion from the right. Although I did expect some common sense and maybe some honour 0 for 2.
"left-wingers need to be closely controlled." Now where have I heard that kind of rhetoric before? I wonder how you will feel when they come for the atheists?
I also wonder how much the world will follow with another 4 years of the Trump show. He already was a laughing stock but now the jokes are old like him.
I love that kind of isolationist "We are God's country and we don't need you" BS. Take a look at your debt (to which Trump added 25%) before you think that. Perhaps a plan to pay some of it back or is the world that you so disdain supposed to keep carrying your markers indefinitely?

@Alienbeing Either way, the original comment was concerning some form of insurance for left-leaning Americans. You have already admitted that it might be prudent.
You asked a question as to why I should care. I have answered that substantially. Your cares are immaterial to the answer.
At the end of the day, Trump will be the shit-show I predict or not as you predict. My predictions are based on his character and record whilst your predictions have had a less than 100% outcome. Time will tell, I only hope that there will be some remnants of free speech left for either one of us to say "I told you so".

@273kelvin Since I am a vocal atheist you must know I certinly don't agree with the statement you made, viz : "We are God's country and we don't need you" and I wonder why you even reference such a statement. I lean toward isolationism because we don't need any other country for economic or social reasons, so why put up with their B.S.? Last on this subject, what "markers" are outstanding?

Again you negatively reference Trump. As I have repeatedly pointed out, I don't like Trump, so I actually approve of your distain of the man. One of his recent nominations is absolutly terrible and another is questionable.

At the end of Trump's term we may or may not be better off, but either way we will still be a dominante superpower, unlike the "British Empire" of old.

@Alienbeing Jeez you really have to take everything soooo fucking literally, don't you?
Markers...and just who do you think you owe this to?
We Brits know about being top dog and losing it. Empires in assent build roads. Empires in decline build walls.

@273kelvin Lawyers are sticklers for precision in writing. We endure three years of law school getting such precision beat into us. What did you mean by use of the word "markers"?

Our debt is out of control and hopefully that situation will soon ease.

When we build a wall across our entire Southern border it wiil be to keep illegls out, NOT keep people in.

Legal immigration is welcome.

@Alienbeing For someone who has such a hard-on for precise language it is odd that you cannot look up "markers"...Slang. a debt, especially a gambling debt. a written or signed promise to pay a debt, especially a gambling debt; a promissory note or IOU.
If a shovel of dirt was a dollar, you could fill up the Grand Canyon and still owe. So just how do you hope it will ease, especially as Trump added a quarter of it last time?
The Great Wall of China and Hadrian's Wall were both built to keep people out. When we Brits were building our empire in the 1800s, we fought for free trade as did you Yanks in the 1900s. Now Trump wants high tariffs.
Please use the precision of words you claim to admire. WHITE immigration is welcome.

@273kelvin I know what a marker is, however you infer you used it in a special manner. You can forget trying to sound cute, you never do, you just sound misleading. So once again... WHAT markers do we owe any other country.

You take on white only immigation is your take and once again shows you know nothing of American politics.

Your understanding of free trade is a surface knowledge at best. Why should we not impose tarrifs on imports made using government subssidies and or slave labor?

Last, we don't need the "global" market, we can exist on internal production, unlike Island nations that have no or few natural resources.

We don't care if you approve of our politics or not, it is our country, you have no say, although you are free to continue with your rant.

@Alienbeing "WHAT markers do we owe any other country?" Again, you can't Google this?
The vast majority of illegal immigration into the US comes through airports NOT at the southern border, yet this is where the vast majority of publicity/resources are directed. Mmmm I wonder why?
Despite 1776 and all that, it seems that you for one have adopted some monarchal traits as in the royal "we"... "I" am not amused.

@273kelvin Apparently you don't understand. I KNOW what the word marker means. I DO NOT know what markers you allege when you said "Perhaps a plan to pay some of it back or is the world that you so disdain supposed to keep carrying your markers indefinitely?" in your 11/13 post. Google won't know what you mean either, however YOU should know.

You are totally incorrect. BY FAR the majority of illegals who entered the U.S. entered via our Southern Border. Additionally while the majority came from Central or South America, many (thousands) came from many other places. You ignorant assumprion that we care because of race is unfounded and bias at best. We don't want illegals from anywhere, even the most white skinned illegals are not welcome.

In closing I point out that Trump did not nominate a single person who was involved in writing the Project 2025 booklet. I point this out to again show you that you don't understand U.S. politics at all.

In closing, I am not here for your amusement, so I don't care if you are or are not amused.

@Alienbeing "In closing I point out that Trump did not nominate a single person who was involved in writing the Project 2025 booklet." Well, all apart from his VP who wrote the forward!

@273kelvin No not apart from the forward. The institute did the research and publication. The V.P. may even have contributed, but had little if anything to do with it.

Publish anything ever? I have, and therefore know the process

@Alienbeing Project 2025 authors picked for cabinet positions = 4 (so far)

@273kelvin You are right, each person discussed had some affiliation with the study.

@Alienbeing Thank you.
And on a totally unrelated subject, I thought the lawyer in you might enjoy this.

@Alienbeing I believe that the count is now 7

@273kelvin It is about to get interesting.


Never mind poor Americans, I hear that Mexico and Canada are quite nice.

Who did you hear that from, the Mexicans who illegally enter the U.S.?

@Alienbeing I am talking about tomorrow. But of course, migrants rarely are realistic anyway.

@Alienbeing wasn't USA founded on slaves, indentured people & migrants mainly fleeing persecution for religious, conscription drafts & taxes imposed to fund wars & repay Jewish bankers & goldsmiths?

My apologies if you have already seen this comment. Just pass on. I'm Unashamedly testing the waters:

I woke up this morning to find that I has been sent a message asking me to watch this video. I did & again I am amazed at the number of #stupid people in the world!

And another one claiming that the Dutch are practising anti-semiticism against Jewish football hooligans & true anti-semites who have genocidally murdered more than 40,000 Palestinians in the last 12 months. []

@FrayedBear No it was not, and I am unsurprised that you did not know that.

@Alienbeing lol, & who in your opinion populated USA other than "slaves, indentured people & migrants mainly fleeing persecution for religious beliefs, conscription drafts & taxes imposed to fund wars & repay Jewish bankers & goldsmiths?". . . Oh yes I forgot all the fascists & war criminals that you've been hiding because they had skills to advance the US desire for world hegemony!

@FrayedBear When you can back up anything you just belched out I will reply. Until then I just laugh at your moronic post.

@Alienbeing you simply identify your #stupidity & guilt.

@FrayedBear I see you can't justify anything you said, so rant on, we enjoy seeing you make a fool of yourself.

@Alienbeing try refuting this:

Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed – in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for when dealing with a stupid person than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Letters and Papers from Prison

Fellow readers recognise that Bonhoffer is describing the likes of you @Alienbeing.

@FrayedBear It may be somewhat valid and I'll keep it in mind when dealing with stupid people such as yourself.

@Alienbeing you are very kind.
Btw what do you think of "Apparently the Israeli Ministry of Health, part of Netanyahu's genocidal, hospital destroying & ..."
"Apparently the Israeli Ministry of Health, part of Netanyahu's genocidal, hospital destroying & targeter of Palestinian health workers to murder wish to take part in the next Health4Palestine conference. I suggest that the organisers demand a $US tens of Billions prepayment to rebuild the destroyed Palestinian medical facilities & hospitals together with pre declarations of the millions per victim of genocide compensation required to help ameliorate the mental damage perpetrated by the genocidal Israeli Jews?In order to start helping repair the mental illness caused by these murderous genocidal inhuman Jews I would think that the Israeli Jews should be advancing proposal as to how they propose to start curing their own citizens of their psychopathic genocidal murdering & inhumane beliefs to guarantee cessation & total prevention of reoccurrence."

An international group of organisations working on issues of health justice and access to medicines for millions of people around the world, have joined their voices in protest about the health crisis in Palestine and the genocide unfolding in Gaza.

Download 10 page appeal letter to all medical practitioners worldwide.pdf:



@FrayedBear I think anyone attempting to equate Israeli tactical war operations to genocide is ignorant (at best) of the actual circumstances they face.

@Alienbeing the circumstances they face apart from the fact they were illegally installed in the area by the USA, Britain & France is totally of their own doing having been instructed & funded by the USA.

For once in your life try to overcome your emulation of the raw prawn.

@FrayedBear Your opinion is, once again, wrong.

@Alienbeing you think that a slab of raw wet tripe is more appropriate?

@FrayedBear What is appropriate is that you get an education in World affairs.

@Alienbeing Donald about to give me that education?

@FrayedBear I doubt anyone wants to give you anything.

@Alienbeing 🤣 you're being #stupid again.

@FrayedBear I will say that answering you is a rather stupid endeavor.

@Alienbeing my emoji is sarcastic

@FrayedBear Your emoji, much like yourself is irrelevant.

@Alienbeing time will tell.

@FrayedBear Time has already assessed your moronic posts. The verdict was in long ago, and I am not surprised that you haven't noticed it.


Within a year this particular Antichrist will be able to do more of what he wants without lawsuits holding him back. He wants this to happen where he is supreme power over military forces and the police. If you have benefits of any kind look for them to go to hell.

Once he combines his militia groupies with the National Guards, he will have what he wants: his very own Republican Gurad, just like Sadam had and the Iranian and North Korea leaders have.

My apologies if you have already seen this comment. Just pass on. I'm Unashamedly testing the waters:

I woke up this morning to find that I has been sent a message asking me to watch this video. I did & again I am amazed at the number of #stupid people in the world!

And another one claiming that the Dutch are practising anti-semiticism against Jewish football hooligans & true anti-semites who have genocidally murdered more than 40,000 Palestinians in the last 12 months. []

@FrayedBear You think these numbers are bad, if there is ever anything even resembling a civil war in the US, it will dwarf the numbers of people being killed in Gaza. In the last one with the crude weapons available at the time the casualty numbers were extraordinary. Imagine what they will be now with everyone having high powered military weapons at their disposal?

@Barnie2years Yes you are correct & sadly much of the world is waiting for you to do it & the sooner the better.

@Barnie2years I've just had Google present the following commentary on the Fox report mentioned above. It completely contradicts what we were led believe of the Jewish pogrom hailed by Netanyahu!

@FrayedBear Honest actual news is hard to come by. And alternate news sources generally have their own agenda. I have been a news junky for years. I have not watched National news and only a bare minimum of local news since Wednesday morning. I feel much better for it and perhaps understand why the younger generations have tuned it out. But also why they are so ill informed because much of what they see online is AI generated propaganda rather than news. The Putin promised New World Order is at hand.

@Barnie2years I've just realised that I failed to pull you up on your use of the word "war" . It's not a war when people are fighting against apartheid, genocide & inhumanity at the hands of oppressors - it's called resistance.


Since christ accepted death over judging others, and even forgave his murderers, the logical conclusion is the antichrist is the opposite: a judgemental hypocrite


More like "SHIT OUTA LUCK"

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