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This is another test post to see if I am able to post. Currently I have no love or relationships. Well, maybe in my dreams and I keep wondering just who in the hell those people are.

DenoPenno 9 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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You're lucky. 10\12\2024 & the AI is still giving the wall of death.


I came back in here this morning escaping a FB Jennifer Aniston. This one claims she is real, wants me on her live taping of the TV show, and wants to send me the needed pass. I suspect money will be involved. I think I pissed her off. She wants us to communicate through an app called zangi. I just got up and my cell phone is in another room. LOL


You post therefore you exist.


Is this a test to see if we can post in some of the groups that aren't political? Great idea. My post is Silly/Random/Fun went through, but I can't remember what category it was that I posted some weeks ago and after several replies to it, the whole post and comments disappeared. Hard to say if intentional or some weird glitch.


I posted this morning and it was up for a while, then disappeared altogether. To those thinking this is a mechanical or cyber malfunction, I'd suggest that it had to be manually deleted if it went through to start. For what it's worth, I'll repeat it here since I only seem to be able to piggy-back...

I watched the 60 minutes on Boeing's 737 panel blowout and whistle-blowers. It reminded me of my own experience...

I worked for Zodiac Aerospace which makes interior furnishings and plumbing for aircraft. Early on, I was brought on to a group to address an in-flight incident. Zodiac subcontracted out the construction of the septic tanks to a Japanese firm. These are piped to exterior of the craft to provide a negative pressure; the whoosh you hear when you flush the toilet. The septic tank had imploded and ruptured releasing waste into the cargo compartment. The description seemed to be a serious hazard. In the meeting with the various stakeholder representatives, I asked if the other planes with similar tanks had been grounded. I was told to back off; of course they weren't grounded...

Months later, after the tank had been cleaned out, and me wearing a protective suit, I sought to perform a microscopic inspection. Amazingly, I actually found the flaw. Excessive filler metal used to weld the stainless steel panels had cracked upon cooling as well as very slightly cracking the steel panels. The microscopic cracks allowed waste to penetrate to the space between the steel and the carbon-fiber shell. Repeated pressurizing enlarged the separation until catastrophic failure. While I found the root cause of the problem, which the company used to assign legal culpability, I got zero recognition for my efforts...

@racocn8 That sucks! Who took your findings? Did they fix it? Did you quit?

@michelle666gar My microphotographs of the cracks went to my supervisor. They documented that the flaw was present due to the subcontractor's assembly techniques. What the lawyers worked out after that, I don't know. The photos showed why the cracks developed: too much filler and maybe it was too hot when made? The manufacturing of the tanks was shifted, first to Provo Utah and then to Chihuahua Mexico. I don't know whether they sought to remediate or replace the other tanks made in Japan. I'll just guess they left the other in place, hoping that they didn't fail also...

@racocn8 Well, crap! That sucks. LOL
Seriously, the slow creep of failing ethics and or moral codes in the corporate world has always been a big issue, think Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911. Construction and factories operating during the industrial revolution factored into their costs of doing business money to cover deaths for a certain number of workers, of course not for the kids or women employed in those shops.
One of the changes during the New Deal was Frances Perkins progressive ideas and changes - the dreaded regulations the incoming admin wants to completely do away with. The fight over regulations has been ramping up since before reagan, he just took it to the next level - imho.


would you believe it did not post????



Relationships are overrated! 😂😂😂😘


Too bad that it looks like nobody can post in the Politics forum, since about a month ago..

If anyone is still in Facebook you can look for that to go to hell more in January. Zuck met privately with Agent Orange so we know that soon you cannot be negative about our felon. So far I can still get away with a post like I'm writing now. I suspect it to get so bad that trained AI will hunt you down ASAP and they will boot you or try to sue you, maybe both.

Even now the Trump lovers say I'm off my meds, go away old man, and some think I have become butthurt. After all, it's over now and it is time to work together and move on. They want us to do what they cannot do. Wonder how they will feel after the first 100 days? I'm pointing out that we all have people on Social Security so intelligent people know this will be a problem. 1900 is a time in history, not some era that we can go back to.

@DenoPenno This morning I can’t get into Facebook so am cruising Agnostic instead.

@DenoPenno Oh, I'm already seeing a change in the wording on what were deemed center/very factual news media sites. I'm really pissed over this. It really is like trying to put lipstick on a pig.
Sometimes I try to think of the worst vile, parasitic agent(bacterial or viral)/critter/creature on planet earth and trump and his supporters are an insult to all of them.

@silverotter11 Yup, they are already self censoring and joining the party line, just as I knew they would do if Trump won. So much for responsible journalism. They're all afraid he will imitate Putin and shut them all down if they don't toe the line.

@TomMcGiverin It will be interesting to see how long before they resort to the whack a mole for disagreeable posts. I am not sure they can stop the information flow with so many platforms. It certainly does not mean that they won't try.


It posted ok…


Your test came through. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Dec 9, 2024
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