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Does anyone else here have a problem with proselytizers in their condo or neighborhood home owners association?

I'm always standing my ground with my Home Owners Association... Last week, it was Christian Carols being piped into our office/lobby. This week it's "Our Daily Bread" Christian Booklets laid out on our check-in desk. I live in a condo/resort community.

We do have festive holiday lights in and around the office/lobby, which don't bother me.

We do have several Jewish and also Atheist owners, guests and visitors, so I like to stand up on their behalf. I complained to one of our board members that the HOA should not be in the business of proselytizing our owners, guests and visitors with Christian materials and music.

He thinks it might be our new resident manager who keeps trying to share his faith in various ways. Hoping my neighbor will be coy and discrete by not mentioning where the complaints come from. I've been retaliated against before by by speaking up.

I keep thinking those times are done, but nope, a new generation of bible thumpers always seem to come into management roles.

This past week, I've had my "Solstice Blessings" banner hanging on my front porch wall. That might have angered the manager. So, today I switched it out to my "Season's Greetings" banner instead, which may seem a softer message.

If things continue to get more religious in our common areas, I might have to put up my "Axial Tilt, The Reason for the Season" banner, and other such things I have in my holiday decorations box. I try not to have too much of an "in your face" attitude or message, but it might come to that.

Julie808 8 Dec 19

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I try not to be too in your face and enjoy any reason for a party. I will correct their misconceptions when they confront me. Mary was 14-16 when she gave birth, does that make your god a child molester? Outside the bible what proof do you have? You do realize that sheep lamb in the spring, not the dead of winter?


Is littering or leaving trash in public places against the HOA rules? Can you (the HOA) fine them for that?

Usually that is the case, but like all organizations that tolerate favoritism and hypocrisy, the manager or some of the board members are also Bible-thumpers, they will conveniently ignore violations of their own rules, if those are committed by members of their tribe..


Fortunately I have few neighbors and there are few HOA's here (the few that are are often about property boundaries as there are a lot of easements and shared driveways. Also, this county is very liberal and there are very few religious extremists. However, this might be the time these people are coming out of the woodwork. They feel their mission (Christian Nationalism) is paramount and they will be out in force.

When I was growing up with a Catholic father we were sent to parochial school and were told such things as 'pride' is a serious sin and therefore one must not wear their religious faith on their sleeve. With all the Catholic missionaries in the world this was my first example of religious hypocrisy.


You are doing it right. The problem is that the Christian believers think their book tells them to proselytize and share their faith. In fact, the book tells them it is their duty to do this and damned near all of them believe it. The Evangelicals are the worst.


You are doing a great job. Keep it up.

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