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So do these Agnostic Tshirts really exist?! Inquiring for a friend!!πŸ€”πŸ€ πŸ˜Ž

Aaron70 8 Mar 16

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I have one someplace . . .


I think I got one of the last ones. They had already discontinued the pens. Given that so few people are even allowed to post at this point, T-shirts is a minor problem. I’d give mine back if they would just get the site working like it used to.


He ran out of them years ago. They are extremely thin so no real loss.


I have been level 8 for several years and never got a shirt?


I have one.

Nice to see you with some clothes on for a change!! 😊

Or is that CGI?! 😁

@Aaron70 I took that photo with that shirt just to post on this site a while back


Yes I got one, but they stopped doing them.


I got mine years ago when I reached level 8 on my first time around! I have the picture with my shirt on my original profile. Michellegar1.

It's been so long since I've seen your old profile that I forgot - but you're looking like a queen on both profiles!

Sure, rub that shit inβ€¦β€¦πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ

@Lauren Thank you! You're a beautiful queen yourself! 😍

@Lauren, @Aaron70 Awwww!!! I would be upset and feeling left out to finally reach level 8 and not get the shirt!

@michelle666gar Admin should at least remove the link instead of teasing us with free shit, wtf….😬

@michelle666gar Yes, you are both beautiful ladies!! Inside and out it appears! 😊

@Aaron70 Why, thank you!

Maybe we should send one of ours to Aaron to borrow for a while. Have him take some pics!

@Aaron70, @Lauren, @michelle666gar I will testify that they both indeed are beautiful ladies.

@Aaron70 Thank you!

@Aaron70, @glennlab Thank you Glenn! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

@Aaron70, @glennlab, @silverotter11 Mine is a medium women's style shirt! 🀣

@michelle666gar I don’t do mediums for fear of getting arrested…..🫣

@glennlab Thank you, kind sir! πŸ₯° πŸ₯° πŸ₯°


Still in my closet on a hanger.

Damn, it’s even in my color!!! Although it could be a hair β€œDeeper” Purple?!😎


I seem to recall that at a certain point admin announced that they had run out of the t-shirts but I'm not sure about the pen.

I don't wear t-shirts so I never followed through with it but back in the day people would post pictures of themselves wearing it, and that was fun.


They DO. I got one and it was not too long after I signed up and reached whatever point level it was to qualify for one. There was a pen also. Can't find the pen but the T is in my dresser drawer. I did note the shipping label. It was shipped from an address in Seattle, WA.


I never got one but try looking on Amazon. They even have that wonderful "Is He Dead Yet" t-shirt.

Interesting… who dead yet?! Or is that open to interpretation?! 🀠


They certainly did two years ago. I got one when I reached level 8

When I reached 8 several months back, a Tshirt link appeared on my bio. But it’s a dead link….🀨
Must be they waiting to give me a Tesla when I get to 9?!☺️

@Aaron70 I noticed you can't even open an account now.

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