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I can pretty see that every member has a very content feeling on their pictures. They seem to have lifted that burden from their past and are now living the live they describe, feel and want to pass on. We all have our own Church and mine is the Woods where I go every day and nature never lets me down without showing me something new ever trip. I wish that everyone was able to make the leap and put that beautiful pose which most share so beautifully.

Nevermind345 7 Mar 26

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The woods used to be my thing but these dayz I'm mostly inside and I sleep a lot. Well, sort of. I wake up about every 2 hours so that sleep interruption is why I sleep a lot.


Let's hope that the woods survive anthropogenic (human-caused) global warming. If we keep on with business as usual, we WILL activate feedbacks in the the natural climate system that can cause woods-killing temperatures. It has happened before. One such mass extinction killed off 95% of the species then living on Earth. 🌎 🔥 😵


There's something to that old adage about not judging a book by it's cover but I hope your wish comes true for all of us, you included. I like the woods, too, as long as the weather is warm and the company is laid back.

Right, I’ve been seriously depressed myself. Maybe something to do with watching our democracy being destroyed from within…..👀

@Aaron70 Yeah, that'll do it alright. We're being introduced to a whole new level of futility ... and despondency.

@Lauren Geesh, take it easy on those four syllable words already, I haven’t had my coffee yet……👀


Yeah, I like the woods too.


Please proof read before posting.🤷🏻♂️

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