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I was watching a documentary about tattoos and society's reaction to people who took it to the extreme. Would you ever consider getting your face tattooed?

DarwinistOne 7 May 11

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No I would never get a tattoo unless the artist could tattoo a work of art on the caliber of the Mona Lisa on my butt.

I think I'll pass....@Omen6Actual

There are many artists that could do that.

I guess then I would have a million dollar behind. But I would hate to spend my days at the Louvre with my pants down around my ankles. @Annaleda


I wouldn't, however I know people who did and they were just a normal as I am.

Okay..... I'm not normal, but you get the picture 😛


I'd like a tattoo of an eye on my forehead.


Have none and don't want any.

That said, it doesn't matter to me whether others do. Just not for me.


I am not a lover of tattoos but live and let live.
Having said that, I particularly enjoy reading reports and seeing pictures of morons with expensive misspellings indelibly emblazoned on their stupid skins.

My nephew of 30 got a tattoo and asked me what I thought. I wrote him this little poem:

You know my views about tattoos.
Like piercings and depilatory,
They are designed for the simple mind,
Malefactors and the military!

Athos Level 5 May 12, 2018

I have 2 tattoos, a black cat with roses (my favorite animal and favorite flower) on my left calf and a semicolon for mental health awareness on my right forearm. I would not get one on my face, though. If they screw up, there's no hiding it!

One of the things that's always been holding me back from getting a tattoo is that I'm somewhat a perfectionist so it would really bother me if the tattoo wasn't well done. I want to get a tattoo matching my profile pic, probably on my chest, but I don't know who to go to locally that could do it and not screw it up!

@ghost_warlock I'm also quite a perfectionist, but at least in my area there are several tattoo artists who have Facebook pages and websites where they show their work. I found one who is excellent, and if I get more tattoos I will go to her.


I have several tattoos with flowers, birds...mostly covering surgical scars. They do not show unless I wish them to. I would only consider "always visible" tattoos, such as on face or lower arms, if I had a disfigurement to "hide"....a rose is prettier than a big raised scar anyday!

90% of mine are visible with clothes on.


no tattoos


I have 5 tattoos. 4 on my arms and 1 on my leg. I consider them art (if made by a good tattoo artist of course). But no, I would never get my face tattooed.
I am a social worker and this has never been a problem in my job. My religious parents have a problem with it but I don't care honestly ?

Alexa Level 5 May 11, 2018

And more is planned.




No. For so many reasons no.


No. I think tattoos are a fundamental mistake. To put them on your face is to permanently scar you for life.


Someday if I get so rich that I never have to worry about being employed again.


I am way too beautiful to get my face tattooed. It would be like scribbling on the Mona Liza. However of I was pig ugly I would definitely do something to distract from my looks! JMHO.


Oh hell to the no!


Absolutely not. Not only does my current job not allow it, my future job wouldn't either. It seems so juvenile and so desperate for attention. I can imagine a face tattoo couldn't possibly improve my looks.


Meh. tattoos are all about ego. I work on getting rid of ego so no.

@Gwendolyn2018 I disagree. I think its mostly about feeding one's ego and seeking attention, at least for the highly visible ones.

hey, I don't expect others to meet my standards. not giving in to my ego is MY thing, not yours. you guys can feed your egos all you want. c'est la vie.

@SKETCHYZOMBIE yes. Surely I am the ignorant one.


I got 2 tatts before they were 'the thing'. They were personal. I see so many people with random shit inked on, I find it ugly.


I have more than a few tattoos and would never personally get one on my face. First off, the skin in pretty thin there so it would hurt a lot. And second, I work a white collar job. I need to be able to look professional and unfortunately there are too many people who think having tattoos and being a smart talented person are mutually exclusive.

GwenC Level 7 May 11, 2018

I have my head tattooed you can see in my profile pics and will eventually get to my face yes. I would also like to say I'm very surprised at the negativity towards tattoos I'm seeing on this post. I kinda look at it as some people here may look down upon us tattooed folks according to what I'm reading since I'm not in the military I guess I'm viewed by some as a felon WTF?????? Really? No felonies on my record I'm even licensed by ATF as a pyrotechnition they don't let felons own, possess, and transport explosives. Just because some choose to express themselves with art on their skin they should not be labeled as a criminal. It's just like people of faith looking down on us for not believing in their god.

Hear, hear! I thought we'd all moved past the kind of narrow view I'm seeing in some comments.


I am of the generation that considers tattoos something long term prisoners and sailors had and thus would never get one.


Growing up, the only people with tattoos were sailors and criminals. To me, tattoos look trashy.

I will never have a tattoo on my body or face.

@sketchyzombie agreed!

@SKETCHYZOMBIE, I am not alone.

"While men see tattooed women as less attractive, they also see them as more promiscuous." (From Psychology Today, "How Do People View Women With Tattoos)

"Some people still think of tattooing as exotic and unconventional, which of course it isn’t. No doubt some people still find them intimidating. For others, the bottom line is that they’re ugly. I find myself falling in to the latter camp these days, after seeing so many peers use tattoos as a shortcut to the edgy and transgressive “look”.

"Tattoos don’t make you a more interesting person. The real beauty of an individual is never simply skin deep." (From "Why I find tattoos a huge turnoff" by Caroline Kent, The Telegraph, England)

@SKETCHYZOMBIE, I received 99 "likes" for that photo on Fitness Singles. The photo is taken from the side and shows less than a swimsuit. I look mischievous because I was tired of sitting sedately.

There is no need to lash out at me. It is sad how defensive and angry tattooed people like you get when someone doesn't like tattoos.

Don't tell me to act my age. In 2017, I set a personal record by hiking 326 miles with 62,200 feet of elevation gain. "Fit is the new sexy," Health magazine said.

@SKETCHYZOMBIE, you are the only man who ever criticized my photos. I receive hundreds of positive messages every year. For example.

From Bill in Idaho:

Your photographs are wonderful in many different ways and in varying contexts. Nice.

From Mark in California:

Hi. Amazing profile and some wonderful pics to go with it!

From Scott in Arizona:

I love your new photo because it shows you are joyful and happy.

Also, it shows your physical beauty. Obviously, you are a fit and toned person. But this photo shows more simple beauty and energy. That's what I like about it.

Your pictures show many sides to you, and that is what I find so attractive.


If I belonged to a Maori tribe, then yes. Otherwise, no. I don't want to be judged by something so obvious.

Irrespective of whether or not I belonged to a tribe of one sort of another which subscribed to rituals of permanent body illustration, I would not necessarily do it.

Times change, minds change. It’s good to know one’s choices are not bound to traditions with nebulous beginnings.

Everything starts somewhere with someone deciding, “This is a good idea. We should all do this from now on.”

Over time, symbols or rituals oftentimes take precedence over the forgotten values or historical events they were intended to commemorate. They take on a superficial meaning of their own.

No one is beholden to ethnic customs of a past for which they have little or no understanding. Better to do things because you believe in them than to follow traditions blindly.


Not me, I don't care if anyone else has them all over their body and face, but I wouldn't want one on my body or face


no, I wouldn't

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