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It is very difficult to conduct an adult conversation on politics or social controversies, even on this site, where I had hoped for better things. I am feeling more and more despondent about this. Does anybody else feel overwhelmed by a plague of true believers in one cause or another who are incapable of debating its merits in a fair-minded way?

Hellbent 7 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

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No one, ever, has thought discussing politics or religion is a good idea ......consult any etiquette book ever written,


(I posted this in response, below, but thought I'd share here too.)
Maybe I've been lucky, but I've not seen that much animosity. I'm sorry for those who have.
(Lol, and yes, I'm opinionated, - not quite mainstream liberal in everything - I really do want to know why those who disagree with me feel the way they do. Occasionally I learn sumtin' lol.

I did read a few comments that the Interloper suggested, was pleasantly surprised, ty for sharing.
I strongly suspect many of the liberal/conservative spectrum lose their objectivity at times..
My suggestion?
Let's all go to our neutral corners, take a deep breath, and try it again, considering this. If we want to convince others of our viewpoint, we need to understand theirs, inasmuch as possible.
Most thinking people have at least some valid points.

There is indeed that danger, hen.
I have to watch that, myself.


If you think it is difficult here go to the conservative atheists group and see how tolerant they are of any liberal opinions.

@TheInterlooper I have and I stand by my comment.

I'm pretty "left". Pro-choice, pro-immigration, pro-glbtq, want to decrease the DoD, pro-education...and I've found animosity and intolerance from my fellow "liberals" growing over the last few years to the point where now many who identify as "right" are more tolerant. People who identify as "libertarian" seem to be more prone to civil discussion when we disagree

That's just my anecdotal experience over a few years, but it's mirrored by several academics

Maybe I've been lucky, but I've not seen that much animosity. I'm sorry for those who have.
(Lol, and yes, I'm opinionated, - not quite mainstream liberal in everything - I really do want to know why those who disagree with me feel the way they do. Occasionally I learn sumtin'.

I did read a few comments there, was pleasantly surprised, ty for sharing.
I strongly suspect many of the liberal/conservative spectrum lose their objectivity at times..
My suggestion?
Let's all go to our neutral corners, take a deep breath, and try it again, considering this. If we want to convince others of our viewpoint, we need to understand theirs, inasmuch as possible.
Most thinking people have at least some valid points.

I went to the suggested post and it is pretty normal. It's some of the other posts in the group that give me cause for pause.
Once the emotions take over the thinking reasoning part of the mind takes a nap. ALL of the countries that practice socialised democracy are doing much better than America. We have far and away too much poverty, racism, poor education systems given the level of taxation. Too much is spent on the military machine. Too many expensive toys. Hey just my opinion. But I will never call ANYONE an animal as trump ha just done.


I just accept there is no getting thru to some truly religious folk. If I don't mind them otherwise I just stay away from religion, if possible. The problem is emotions, too many can not remove themselves from the emotional triggers long enought to have a conversation on an intelligent level. This applies to religion and politics.
There are groups within this site - the trump pinata is for bashing all things trump. Mostly for the completely frustrated to vent, vomit, rage and then return to 'normal' society w/o the pent up crap.
I not had any expriences on this site I would concider negative.

I appreciate your understanding re trumpet bashing. It does relieve some of my irritations, and a good bit is downright funny.


Agnostics, and atheists, are not immune to stupidity.


I gave my view and asked for a response and guess what no one replied.


I'm not as concerned about it as you seem to be, though I see the issue. This site came into existence at a time when the US is polarised and tribalised badly. That's reflected on the site, with a high proportion of US members, though the profile here is progressive leaning, generally. There are heated exchanges here, and it appals me if some people, including women, feel threatened in some way. But there are also interesting threads and discussions, and agreement to disagree. I think it would unrealistic to expect the site to be any different, given the group diversity. Any dynamic group interaction usually involves fringe opinion. None of us have to engage in a thread if the subject is off putting. No one has to continue in a post or thread if it spirals into unpleasantness. Sometimes I get despondent about the issues within the non religious here, like between agnostics and atheists, wearying, as I am, of seeing the same (what I think are lame) criticisms by agnostics, for example. But it is what it is, and I don't know any other site where I could make a cyber connection with so many like minded (dare I say it) souls. You and I are both Australian, in the same city. Being an atheist in this country is an isolated experience for most. I'm thankful for the contact here, whatever the rough patches. That's my two cents worth.

I want to move to Australia. I also want to stay here and try to be a oart of a fix. Good comment, I share your view.

Ty for your 2¢, @David1955 , and you, @silverotter11.


I think it can be difficult because people sometimes get a little heated and then a side issue arises and the original conversation goes off track. But if you have the patience to trawl through the replies you will often find that there are people further down the thread trying to have a sensible conversation with you. Keep trying!


Hellbent, I feel you! I have turned away frompolital debates and am now completely immersed in doing things to change what I don't like. I went to vote on the school budget yesterday. The two volunteers welcoming me were prominent people in our community. They were not aware that their whole way of doing business would have to change now that no migrants are coming to pick the apples and that China is buying their soybeans from other places.
See, educating citizens about the real, local impact of decisions made in haste and for no real reason except political ones is not popular. So, as much as I like to debate, i will not participate beyond this post.


I have Right Wing tendencies and have great difficulty when debating with people with Left Wing tendencies. They seem to resort to childish name calling and refuse to listen/read the evidence I give them which back up my claims, or influence me. They don’t back up their claims with data/evidence. It is very like dealing with believers when debating god.

KenG Level 6 May 16, 2018

Both sides are guilty of the same tactics. Look at the Bell Curve of society, the far left and right have the least numbers but seem the most apt to be militant about their stance. Unfortunately it also appears they get the most press instead of the majority who are more flexible, more open to compromise and discourse.
I have no room for militants, if something won't flex it will break.

In my experience no.

Being irrational in debate is not a characteristic of one side of politics or the other. I'm sollidly left wing myself, and I see loads of right-wingers resorting to abuse and name-calling. Heck knows how many times I've been a 'libertard from Londonistan', or a 'politically correct snowflake', or a 'fucking communist', or ... well ... loads of others.

If you debate, and you do it with intelligence and rationality, then you will attract 'opponents' who don't have the wit to formulate arguments, and will resort to stupidity and personal attack.

If you're right wing, those 'poor quality opponents' you bring out of the shadows will be left wing - and you'll end up thinking 'heck there are a hell of a lot of left wing morons around'. For me, the morons all appear right wing.

The reallity, Ken, is that the morons are EVERYWHERE - and neither side of the debate is free of them.

@ToakReon well said

I've been called more names,smowflake, fake, elitist, stupid,c$$t. All kinds of names if they don't care for what I'm talking about.

I tend to be more center and yet get bashed by the right more than the left. The reality is too far to one side or the other creates conflick and when threatened emotionally people will lash out with a personal attack. Once this happens I can not longer engage and simply move on.


I can debate with anyone with an opposing view a lot of the time we discuss we include our own egos and beliefs subconsciously or consciously and this is something that causes communication breakdown. Listening to respond is better method of discussion than waiting to respond


There are some things that have no merits. I will not debate with individuals who want people like me dead, or with those who support such individuals.

@Hellbent no, but there are supporters of such individuals here.

@Donotbelieve The conservative evangelical individual and agenda are anti-lgbt in every aspect, including death to lgbt individuals as per biblical instruction.

@Donotbelieve oh! No, sorry, I wasn't very clear. 'People like me' as in LGBT folks. Thankfully no-one on the site has made it personal. ?


I would kinda agree but not entirely people usually stick to topic but any time Trump is mentioned comments start that aren't related to the topic that's just bashing him or his supporters. I find it absolutely ridiculous to talk down to or to wish harm even something simple as a slap to people for who they support politically or for any opinions and outtakes they have on life. We are all people and not everyone is going to agree, I work with mostly democrates and Trump haters but I still get along just fine with them. I didn't like Obama being in office for 8 years and never talk down or brought harm to anyone I took my medicine and moved on. Of course I would make my case and points on matters I never acted in the manner I see these days with society. Nothing is solved with bashing on either side right or left issued need to be addressed and dealt with. I support the right and no we aren't perfect and our plans and ideas don't work for everyone but the same is for the left.

I have no problem with someone who is conservative. I have no problem if they are religious. I am amazed that someone who is conservative would support Trump. It would like me, as a liberal, supporting Lenin. I would never support him, if he showed up and said he was running for president as a Democrat. It is beyond belief. I am baffled. I just can't figure it out. There are smart people, who are conservative. I wonder if people who say they are Republican are really Trumpists.


I'm very passionate about politics because every aspect of our lives and future depends on politics. For the most part I'm middle of the road, depending on the topic.I'm registered democrat, but if there was a smart, intelligent republican who actually listened to all their citizens. It's very rare to find one, politicians have changed their policies. The first official Republican was Abraham Lincoln, and the "democrat" party of his time were the first republicans, not the ones of today. Federalists became Democrats and Anti-Federalists became Republicans, When Lincoln was put in office he had the original democrats and republicans, but their roles have reversed in politics with Lyndon Johnson. A democrat president who acted republican, or vice versa, however you want to look at it. Who signed the Gulf of Tonkin incident into action, killing more than hundreds of 19 yr olds, just to please republicans and gave them a war. Once he gained their confidence, he did something unheard of for a republican. He signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, something most favorable towards American citizens. Then came Richard Nixon, opening trade with China, each president since then had some positive and some negative aspects in their reigns of presidency. UNTIL Trump, he literally has done nothing for the country, and is undoing what is good for citizens. Don, the orangutan, in question is using his very deep pockets to run the country, which he is actually ruining this country. His own party wants to get rid of him, but his pockets are deeper than their faith in their own party. Look how horrible Trump has been with John McCain. The followers of Trump, mostly Christian evangelical, the ones who are anti-progressive, very limited education, favor Jim Crows Laws, anti-LGBTQ community and their allies. Trying to defund Planned parenthood, pardoning real criminals, etc., etc.. Trump said he was not a politician, then why go into politics? Jesse "The Body" Ventura, proved you don't have to have a political background, to be a politician because he actually listened to his advisors. Trump is not doing that, he's appointed his family and partners in crime (literally) as political advisors, whom don't know what their suppose to be telling Trump. We can not get any lower than this, but it can if Trump has enough "core" supporters to keep him as president. for another fours years after 2020. Please do not let this happen. Please vote him out of office. Make America Relevant Again.

@Hellbent Very unfair. If not for that war he would have gone down as a great President. He accomplished more than just the civil rights legislation, although that alone was huge. The two parties were not so far apart as they are now.

@Sticks48 LBJ escalated the Vietnamese War...

@vnufall I know, l was in the Army 68 thru 70, and not by choice.

@Sticks48 I agree with what you said. That's when the split of the two parties began.


The almost instant reversion to name-calling, third grade tactics and pissing contests is disheartening. I find that often a simple question asked from ignorance draws the most venomous responses instead of an explanation of why the responder finds the question offensive.
Quite often a responder will interject a political remark (it seems to me) just because they think it is cute or clever, but it has no relevance to the thread. Is it a ploy to get attention? Trolling? After all there is a category for that for those who wish to talk about politics. Why not keep it there?
Or I may be wrong, that's always a possibility for people being people.


You're seeking validation - otherwise there wouldn't be a need to debate nor would there be this whine about how difficult it is to debate. The whine is likely a result of people not readily agreeing with your position. I never feel the need to debate because there are far more worthy things to talk about. Am I going to spend my time conversing with someone that disagrees with every political point I have to offer i.e., fact in my opinion or am I going to talk to people with similar interests like gardening? I choose gardening over debating with some misguided individual that Trump doesn't have their best interests at heart. Find other things to talk about people are weary of politics and social controversies - this site is one forum that allows you to distance yourself from all the noise.


This video is how I feel about anyone that supports Trump. I'm the guy doing the slapping, and the people being slapped are Trump supporters. And I'm slapping the shit out them trying to make them snap out of the Hitler-like spell they're under.


Thank you. That made me chuckle.


I freely admit that I loathe Trump and nothing you have to say is going to sway me on that. However, I'd be interested in knowing why otherwise decent people continue to support this man. Some of it I can figure out. They didn't feel heard. They felt looked down upon by a bunch of snooty liberals. Trump came to where they lived and told them what they wanted to hear. Add to that an intense dislike of Hillary. But how can they CONTINUE to support him? I guess Trump was right when he said, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters."

vita Level 7 May 15, 2018

“I freely admit that I loathe Trump and nothing you have to say is going to sway me on that.”

This ridiculous statement is the problem. You probably live in an echo chamber outside of reality and only read/view biased left wing media.

If you actually opened your mind to reality you might see the benefit of listening to others with different ideas. Just a thought. 🙂

@KenG, I'm aware that bias exists, so on the stories I really care about, I like to check it out from several different sources. I like BBC and The Economist for stories about U.S. politics because they're outside the U.S., so not as much in the game. BBC is a little left-leaning. The Economist is a little right-leaning, but very rational. For U.S. news sources, I respect many outlets that you'd likely label "biased left wing media," but which are respected for their journalism around the world (such as The New York Times and The Washington Post). I think that Reuters is an excellent news service. For the conservative view, I like The Wall Street Journal and Forbes. If that list, to you, sounds like "an echo chamber outside of reality" then I would submit that you need to examine your own echo chamber.

Your snark at the end was uncalled for. It was a personal attack. You'll notice that I'm not responding in kind.

@KenG i watch News from the right on Fox Newsand read theDrusge Report, Beitbart the Blaze, listen to Limbaugh, O'Reilly(has podcast)

@Hellbent well your the one who started 9this post and you don't live in the States?? You have a lot of nerve telling Americans how they should feel about Trump.

People from other countries are definitely entitled to their opinions on American politics. What we do and don't do affects the world for better or worse.

I agree that one needs to heed both sides, yet, even when adhering to that advice, I find nothing to admire about trumpet.
I wonder how much you are paying attention to alternate views.

@Hellbent well honestly....I would never speak about Australian politics. Are you still under the Queen?? See how much I know???

@Hellbent in you didn't say anything about coming from an Australian point of view in the original post.How would you know?? Ohh you know everything.. BS.


Yeah I'm so jaded on social media discourse, I try to not engage in any of it.


I'm a political activist, and I talk politics a lot.i don't think its possible for me to enter into a conversation with people who aren't on my side.They are wired differently and they like Trump because he is authoritarian. I don't care for how Trump has taken apart many of Obama's policies.i don't care for his lying, incompetent people around him.and chaos everywhere. Even his moving to the embassy to Jerusalem backfired. Trump has Palestinian blood on his hands for moving and getting people to escalate anger there was wrong.

@Hellbent Seems to me, you haven't spoken to many people from the other side. Many of them truly are as dumb as they are perceived.

Genuine question/comment here.
Do you really think it was a "mistake" on the trumpet machine's agenda to move the embassy? It appears very likely to me, and some others, that further conflict, battles, bloodshed, and wars in the middle east is EXACTLY what they have in mind.
I've accepted the axiom, "Don't look at the damage to see who's at fault, follow the money, instead!
Then we find who profits, whose hand has steered us to this point... FOLLOW THE MONEY!
Which US/brit companies "own" the old war's oilfields? What money changed hands from lobbyist to politician? Does Putin stand to make billions on his investments?
The trumpet machine doesn't give a shit about those dead people, or about you, or me, only about their greed.

I used to be a political activist, and a rabid one at that, but no longer take an active day to day interest as believe we have a systemic problem that goes far beyond what I now think of as an impotent political system. In my opinion democracy died a long time ago but nobody seems to have noticed. The political machinations of the "left", "right" and all persuasions in between are skewed to the interests of capitalism. Accordingly the real problem is in the very nature of western society. I don't know the answers but do believe a massive cultural shift is vital for the very survival of the human race and I no longer believe political action is the way to achieve that. No, i am not promoting armed rebellion or anything like that but simply suggest a revolution of sorts based around mutual survival.


@njoy_life_2 i agree...what about Netanyahu? Money is the bottom line supersedes everything.

I found that very enlightening Ken. Ty.
I will be the first to admit my ignorance regarding the history of the Israeli state.
That admitted, however, I cannot help but think there is more to the story, and there are huge failings on the Jewish and US side too.
Whatever the details, tho, I am incensed at the PRESENT DAY evil actions of ALL these political idiots against defenseless peoples on both sides.
I am appalled at trump's (et al) insistence on moving the embassy, when he/they knew this violence would be the result.
I absolutely despise those "supposed" christians who perceive these horrid acts as "the beginning of the last days".
They are selfish, greedy assholes who are willing to do and permit ANY cruel, nasty, inhuman and inhumane acts so they " can create their precious Apocalypse " and "live in heaven, forever!"
They are equally culpable for every injury and death that happens!
Gawd, that was intense! My adrenaline is lowering now. Stepping off the soapbox now...

@njoy_life_2 Are you also appalled at the attitude or the Arabs who wish Israel to be ‘wiped off the face of the Earth’?

Yes, indeed I am. I believe I addressed that when I said, "... the present day, evil actions of ALL these political idiots against defenseless peoples of both sides...".

Yes, indeed I am. I believe I addressed that when I said, "... the present day, evil actions of ALL these political idiots against defenseless peoples of both sides...".


In my travels I have engaged with many people and always try to start off at a person-person level on topics of mutual interest and consequently have met people where there is two-way respect, despite our differences of opinions or beliefs. Not always easy because many people are just natural opinionated bigots and best thing to do with those is simply quietly move on. At one stage I even engaged in on-line conversations in an ultra right wing group, very dangerous territory if you are a big mouth. Yet at times I actually managed to calm the waters by listening, analysing and putting things in terms they related to. Not something I would recommend for the faint hearted but it was a mildly rewarding experience.

My hero!

A number of year's ago, I was to attend a funeral that ended up being protested by the Westboro Baptist Church. If you don't know these freaks of nature I recommend you do. I would not have been so thick skinned, I would have gotten in their face. Unfortunately, I had a major scheduling conflict with my job, they lost my request for time off. So I had to call the grieving family and tell them I couldn't make it, one of my saddest days of my life.

@IceManBNice420 i avoid group contact with such "mobs", only way is a one-on-one and relate as a person first. Thanks for the heads up on the Westboro Baptists, I will avoid them. ?


I have never been as worried, sickened, disgusted, and discouraged as I am since Trump was elected. Every day brings a new low. I know so many people who voted for him, who I have always thought of as thinking, educated, and had some common sense, but, I can't believe that they are caught up by a maniac leading a cult that only exists to get him adoration and power. I am not saying republican vs democrat. Trump is neither. He is a Trumpist who sucks up to anyone who will give him the required toadying and worship him. That is his only agenda. He is an empty shell and has no moral compass. I have never had any of this worry and loathing for any other Republican, even though I disagree with their agenda. They seemed to have had some moral compass, some intelligence, and wanted to serve the United States. So, I will never make nice or respect Trump. He doesn't deserve it or has not earned it. He has earned disgust, and that is what he will get from me. If we don't stand up against this evil, our country will fall. It doesn't matter what political party you are aligned with. He is dangerous.

This is exactly how I feel. I thought George W. Bush was a terrible president, but a good human. I would've stood up if he'd entered the room. I would've shaken his hand if he offered it. Not so with Donald Trump. He's loathsome. I actually hate him. And that's really saying something for me.

@vita Ditto to both you ladies. These sentiments are mine exactly. I've never been more disgusted to "be an American" in all my years. I don't care which party is running our country as long as they are decent human beings trying to do what they consider best for our nation. Never before have we seen such a loathsome individual in this top spot (or any spot for that matter) and it speaks volumes to where we are as a country, unfortunately. Instead of forging forward, he will set us back decades, or worse.


I go through the same thing off and may have a lot to do with where we are emotionally at a given time. We may be looking for something that may or may not be found here or any where else, except a therapist’s couch! Maybe it has something to do with living through many phases of social orders and seeing how destructive some phases seem more so, than others! We need reassurance that the world is not REALLY falling apart! Then we try and have an in depth discussion and find other people appear to be scattered, in their knowledge and wisdom! This is my perception...


Ok brother... tell me more.


Most of us has some bias or another.... if all we want is like minded conversations to affirm some personal belief system then we are only preaching to the converted and that can be stultifying....

blzjz Level 7 May 15, 2018
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