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It is very difficult to conduct an adult conversation on politics or social controversies, even on this site, where I had hoped for better things. I am feeling more and more despondent about this. Does anybody else feel overwhelmed by a plague of true believers in one cause or another who are incapable of debating its merits in a fair-minded way?

Hellbent 7 May 15

Enjoy being online again!

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There is no grey area with me. If you are a Trump supporter, then you are also a supporter of sexual assault and sexual deviance. Since the Bus crap that he spewed, I've been disgusted by him and anyone that associates themselves with him. If you support Trump, then you, by association and support of him, support the bigotry, sexual deviancy, hypocrisy, misogyny, narcissism, homophobia, incompetence, lying, filth, idiocy, racism that he belies. There is no middle ground. If you like Trump, then you are also all of these things by association. Shame on anyone that's "OK" with this douchebag or anyone he has working for him (including the Russians.)

So, yeah...I don't have "civil discourse" with sexual deviants or anyone that aligns themselves with it. It's not political's HUMAN. If you support Trump, then you're a maggot just like him. And yeah, I know this comment will probably offend Trump supporters and I'm A-OK with that. Stop supporting a bug that's lower than a maggot, and I'll stop hating your alliance with said creature.

I can see you are VERY serious! But, trump may have some redeeming qualities that we are not aware of...i’m Just saying!!!

@Freedompath I would ordinarily say a man's love for his kids is one redeeming quality, but I can't even say that about Trump with his creepy fucking comments about Ivanka. So no, there doesn't necessarily have to be one single good or redeeming quality about everyone. Trump is one of those people.

Ya think?... Well, I hear Hitler liked and was kind to dogs...
I doubt any of trumpet's "redeeming qualities " are grand enough to overcome the horrendous damage he and his machine have done to the WORLD!

@Freedompath. ?

@njoy_life_2 no way was I defending trump...but, ‘there is some good in the worst of us and bad in the best of us,’ I am trying to not let my rashional disdain for trump...not do ME in!


Honestly, I get a lot of out good, honest debate. I live in a sea of red with gun toting, Christian cowboys and ranchers. Some of them are some of the best people I know...and we have had some amazing talks and debates. I still respect them, they respect me...but you can't have that when you start out by saying "those prople" or "libtards" or "Trumpanzees." If you have no respect for people going into a debate, it isn't going to go well...

Yes but Evangelical Christians are more like a cult. Kicking people out of the country, deporting the children is very mean spirited, separating families is wrong..Jesus would never agree to this

@vnufall There are extremes to and of everything. I don't waste my time or breath to a lot of people, particularly aggressive ones. There is no winning, no compromise, no finding common ground.

@Beach_slim Jesus is real to evangelical Christians. They make it up as they go along..kind of religion.


Most political and social conservatives have forgotten what the term "civility" means-- if they ever knew.


You know the "Intellectual Dark Web"? It's a bunch of people who aren't afraid to talk about stuff that gets panties in a bunch.

It totally shouldn't be a thing. But it is.


I'm assuming (lol you know what assuming does) is left of center and believes in GCC, GLBTQ equality, pro-choice....

Just one idiot's opinion, but if you can't factually criticize anything you endorse and usually find SOMETHING valid in those you disagree with, then I'd say you're extremely biased.

Has anyone seen the Tedtalk about the Black guy who infiltrated the alt-right and even some racist groups? If a black man can see some validity in outright racists, why can't we strive to understand those we disagree with?

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.". Aristotle.

Brilliant - and a superb presentation. We need more of this.


I hear you...


I try to remain neutral on here when it comes to politics, but some take things too far and that's when I speak up. If by chance you are referring to the recent spat I had with someone on the Senate Community group, I apologize if anything I said offended you and or caused you to question this site, as you seem to be a decent guy.


Yes. Very difficult to talk with anyone who is sure their ignorance is superior to mine.

Especially when i know i am correct.

Ha, ha, ha! Nice one, Jacar.



Nuh, education systems and the fourth estate discourage logical thought to the extent that religiosity pervades discourse across issues. So one has to learn to deal with cognitive distortion and fallacious logic.

@Hellbent Totally agree dogmatism knows no boundaries.


It seems that logic has fallen to the wayside against emotion. Not to demerit the value of either one, yet to place either above the other is a sure fire way to incite dissent.

Take for instance our lack of belief. Some are fueled by the logical deduction that none of the theological explanations make any sense. Others are fueled by the emotional realization that they've been, basically, lied to their entire life.

The logical view of this takes into account the emotional factor of deceit. The emotional side takes into account the logical reasoning of justifying that they have indeed been lied to.

Debate can seem shallow at its worst at times, yet I equate that to the "debate" between Ham and Nye. Not all debates are fairly balanced, and often times they're quite predictable.

Not all people are able to be "fair debaters", and to me that's par for the course in this wild game of life.

I don't think I was really an atheist for a year or so after I left Christianity, I was a very angry anti-theist lol and probably very angry at the god I claimed to stop believing in. Some never get over that hump.

I was kicked out of an atheist/agnostic group last year when an atheist started tagging me and criticizing agnostics and I posted Dawkins saying he's not a 7 on his own scale.

I wish atheism was the wonder pill for totally rational thought, but it's not.

@educatedredneck Good point, I did forget to mention trolls; or jerks basically.

The 'us vs. them' mentality will pervade into any group regardless of how rational it appears to be sadly. After all, any group of thought is comprised of humans. We all know how fallible and vicious those animals can be from time to time.

I hope you've found a more welcoming community here though, as there seems to be a healthy mixed bag of thought.


I'm becoming fairly negative about the idea of effective discourse. Few people want to understand other views.

I think people need to strive to understand other views, An educated mind can comprehend a concept without embracing it....It's also good to acknowledge validity even if what's correct is surrounded by FAKE NEWS or utter illogic.

I also think it's essential to criticize your own side. It seems like both sides of every issue just get more extreme and many arguments are basically strawman idiocy discussing the extremes. We protect our tribe, even when they're wrong and defy the "enemy" even if they're right.

I think there's some factual criticism for both sides of every issue, even issues I agree on.

Twenty years ago I was definitely a liberal, but thanks to extremists and not criticizing our extremists, I now say I'm just a left-leaning moderate. It's odd though, bc my core stances haven't really changed.


I recommend discussing important stuff like whiskey, cigars, guns, and women.
Leave religion and politics to, as you pointed out, the True Believers.

I like your thoughts on what's important... Some of my favorite things!


Agree, however we ought to keep trying...


I get the feeling that the current zeitgeist has centered around a very us vs. them model. And some of it is that a lot of groups who have been legitimately marginalized by 'the system' are finally reaching population numbers and social infrastructure capabilities be able to start speaking with a collective voice that can be heard on a large enough platform. I do not use air quotes for 'the system' to deride that ideology, but to establish that I am using it as a collective term for the system-level paradigms that are viewed as needing to change. For me to attempt to define or extrapolate further than this would derail the conversation entirely and would not be done as properly as I would like. To some extent, the parenting trends intended to replace the somewhat toxic and psychologically problematic parenting styles of the past seemed to overcompensate in the other direction, and there does seem to be a much higher 'snowflake' factor post 1990s. I think a lot of people got too caught up in 'I'm special' to remember that 'so is everyone else.' Some of it is the 'privelige population' sees this attempt at change as an attack, as some means of trying to lay them low. And the rhetoric is part of the issue. No one likes to hear themselves demonized, and attempts to understand may be interpreted poorly, or may actually be inadvertently inappropriate. Discourse has become a nuclear minefield, because people are speaking from the place of their passions, and the more in-depth and abstract and intricate the discourse, the less passion and pathos have a real place. Some people would state that 'arguing in a vacuum is pointless' but I believe that it is beneficial to the process to engage in debating the merits and issues of something with as few variables as possible, and then applying variables in layers to gain a better understanding of the interplay between those layers and variables. One of the chief problems with our government as a whole in the US, in my mind, is that it's a machine, with roots in the potential efficiency of bureaucracy, that's been running consistently for a long time, and any repairs or maintenance of that machine must be done without the machine ever actually stopping completely. But that is the cost of relative stability, I suppose. I also am not a fan of party politics, but those have been heavily polarized for longer than I've been alive. In the end, this would historically classify as a time of unrest, I suppose, and people are taking their opportunities (or sometimes making them) to fight back, to engage in battles with microcosms of the They.

@Hellbent I hit party politics and realized I was about to tangent in an irrelevant way and decided to end it before I stopped making actual sense.


I'm no fan of his but I am getting tired of so many posts getting sidetracked by irrelevant Trump slams.


It's difficult, but not impossible.
Please hang in there.


I personally do not feel that I am well informed on political and social issues to have the conversations that you are referring too and I am at the age now that I really do not give that much thought to it. I am a bleeding heart liberal politically and socially. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Sorry you feel this way. I'm a British communist so thought I might encounter hostility on this mainly American populated site. Not so - I read some very interesting, humane and considerate pieces here and frequently laced with some very witty remarks. One of the problems with attempting to discuss social or political matters is that immature people will make it personal and turn the 'discussion' into a war of words using inflammatory language and dragging 'facts' out of thin air to 'score' some 'victory'. Usually, I can suss out this type pretty quickly and leave them to rant alone in their own little corner. Don't be disheartened - maybe you haven't met the right ones on here yet.


Yes, which is one reason I am not a member of this interest group. Since the run-up to the 2016 election, and the polarization that was revealed then, and which continues, many people have come to believe that people on the other side of the fence are evil and stupid. Many people don't have any qualms about denigrating another person; in fact, many are proud of it. Perhaps you should pull together some rules on how to engage in debate and then boot people who cannot live within the rules.

@Hellbent I agree, but sadly there are others who are unable or unwilling to do so. I thought you were the group moderator; and therefore I assumed you could at least propose rules.

@NotConvinced Perhaps the sentiments have existed, but the willingness to be openly derisive has surprised me. THAT seems to me to be a recent phenomenon.


I think an email/ text/messenger way of communicating is fraught with difficulties. Typing on my tiny phone screen is annoying. But this is the best we have for people who are scattered across continents. I've had some good messaging and some that is difficult to make out because of sentence structure or spelling. I guess we just have to keep on trying

Great answer... i use my phones.

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