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Let's say "God" does exist. What on earth makes people think it is a HE. Always. Find a religious internet meme and it's always "The Father" "The Man Upstairs" "Sky Dad" whatever, always a HE, never a SHE.
. Why is that you think?

Redcupcoffee 7 May 17

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Aww...don't you worry your pretty lil head about it. LOL



If the deity does exist, no one can say if we are talking about something that is a singular or plural... nor whether we are talking about a "being" or a "phenomenon" ... so why not use the complex third person pronoun "She/He/It/They" or, just the acronym S/H/I/T ...?

Wher's that laugh icon from Facebook when you need it?


I believe it's because "He" was created by men, in a male dominated, primitive, barely conscious world.

My thoughts EXACTLY!

@Redcupcoffee Don't forget the second stereotype, That God is a old guy with long white hair.


Most religious texts were written in male dominated societies. It can really be broken down that simply at least to me


because we are a patriarchal society. nothing more.

@Redcupcoffee it is what it is. not saying it's justified. meh.


Patriarchal traditions, plus, as a general rule, and IMHO, fewer women than men are total psychopaths.


My God is a he. But he sounds a lot like Cher.

gold star! ?


I think everyone must subconsciously admit that if something does exist that’s responsible for this inequitable hot mess of existence we’ve been left with, it must surely be a man.

@Redcupcoffee testosterone!!!!! The bloodlthirsyy killing, aggression hormone.


Because gods and religion were invented by men, for the benefit of men.
Why wouldn't they make gods in their own male image?

❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ x 1,000,000 and men likely high on some kind of fungus/hallucinogen no less!


The earliest deities were male and female usually biased more toward the female, it was with the advent of monotheism that male and gender neutral deities became referred to as "he"
The earliest known monotheistic deity was The Aton literally the sun, since polytheistic sun gods before it has been male, The Aton was generally referred to as he since the use of "it" was reserved for inanimate things.
Sun gods male, Moon goddess' female.
In the first true dualist religion Zoroastrianism Ahura Mazda the positive deity was male, as was Ahrimanez the negative, but again since neither was technically humanoid it was more of a courtesy.
With the advent of the house of Israel from which Judaism is an offshoot in it's earliest days there were two principle deities or Elohim: Adonai and Ashera symbolising the male and female principle
Genesis 1: 26 Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness"
Note the plural
Genesis 1: 27 in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

The word here translated, as God is Elohim the plural of El or Eloha so it should more accurately read
In the image of the gods he created them; male and female he created them.

when the house of Israel scattered leaving only the tribe of Judah and the Tribe of Benjamin, the priest of Adonai (the house of Benjamin or Levites) decided JHWH as he was then secretly being known was going to be the one and only God of Israel and took the opportunity to try and totally obliterate the "cult" of Ashera, by utterly suppressing women, blaming Eve for the woes of the world, and apart from Ruth, Esther and Deborah, editing all female prophets, priests, judges and royalty out of the scriptures. Banning women from study of the scriptures and ushering in the western age of female suppression that was to last almost 4000 years in orthodox religion and society.
However the Goddess cult has never died out, women have never totally be repressed and oppressed and today unfortunately are now being oppressed a new. Not this time by men, but by their own over zealous sisters, trying to utterly destroy the glory of the human race that is femininity, in favour of pseudo masculine females and hate mongering bigots.


Mother Earth

@Redcupcoffee ha well we tried that already, Artemis was worshipped among a pantheon of lesser gods for thousands of years. She is no less real than the construct of God we all more or less differ on today, except that she has fallen. For a reason, iow


I was Pagan/Wiccan for many years. We were always encouraged to look to the Mother and the Father - but mother seemed to always be the default gender for deities for most people I knew in the community.

Honestly, the whole 'God the Father' thing is kinda pointless, considering that if there is a god, it could theoretically be any gender, non-gender, unidentified gender, or any combination thereof. In this case, it's most likely because it was a patriarchal society that wrote the books, held all knowledge, money and power, etc etc... and their BS worldview was spread out by using religion.

It's just another aspect of the truly religious that I just can't understand. How can one say that "God is definitely this, and not that" when God is supposed to be all powerful, and could be any thing it wishes?


You know... If there was a god, I have to think it would be a she... Biologically, it's the female who gestates, and produces beings. I've always thought this, and hated the patriarchal nature of religion. It annoys me greatly that menstruation is depicted in the Bible as an unclean thing- that a woman in menstrus would have to go somewhere else... Menstruation is an abandoned preparation for creating a new person! Fuck!

Yeah... If there were a god, it would be a goddess... If there were a creator, it would be a she.

Us men, we're bigger, and stronger; but that's just sexual dimorphism... In other species, sometimes, it's the female who has the upper hand. Among us primates, though, males are bigger. So what? It's the females who actually run the show... We would be NOTHING without them.

There certainly isn't a god; but if there was, it would be a she.

That's my two cents worth.


I would say that the reason could be that the Middle Eastern society that created the god of Abraham were patriarchic. So I think that a male god was consistent with their culture. Women were consider property and subservient to males. So I think having that view of women they wouldn’t have an all-powerful female deity. From my experience living in a Muslim country women were and are second class citizens. If you look at other parts of the world like in pre Christian Europe there were many female gods. Even in that area before the god of Abraham was adopted as the “one true god” there were many female gods. So I think that it’s a culture reflection of who they were and are. Just my thoughts on it.


Because the god was invented by men.

or at least religion was, ya. Ppl who cannot find 95%+ of what their maths tell them must exist prolly aren't too qualified to be expounding on the probability of a Creative Force tho lol

BS. There were plenty of female dirties in all preliterate cultures. It was only with the adventuring of Judaism-Christianity-Islam that god became a male to not being.

I guess I was talking about the god I was raised with


What she's not a black lesbian ?

In Bruce Almighty "he" was black...but not lesbian.


Do you really want your gender to take responsibility for this shit? ?


I totally agree. I think it’s ridiculous to ascribe a gender to a supreme being. Talk about sexism.


Cause men wrote the Holy books lol. That's the reason in a nutshell



@Redcupcoffee does far more harm than good, that's for sure.


Using semantics, the correct English language words for various occupations and conditions are words like:- Chairman, Human, etc.
The "man" here refers to species, not gender. Thus, if gender is important one may state (formally) The lady Chairman.
Only with the advent of Political Correctness gone wild have words like Chairwoman or Chairperson been invented. When referring to both men and women within a category, the default word is "he", not he/she or worse still, "they".
So, Man is an omnivore, he eats anything. is correct English.
It includes women, since in this usage it is not gender specific.
Thus, if the multiple manifestations of a god are being referenced, the correct word is "he".
Those who then refer to The man upstairs, etc. are utterly misled.
God is the "Woman in the Driver's Seat", ....

@Gwendolyn2018 I'm a Kenyan, where English was preserved, not pressured into changing. by knee-jerk activists. The USA may have changed its use of American English, but I do not speak that tongue. (I have been speaking non-American English for 7 decades.)

@Gwendolyn2018 Suit yourself. I will continue to speak the King's English.

@Gwendolyn2018 A very jaded view. Stick to your academic ivory tower. I shall continue to live in the every day world, where "Man" is a collective noun.


its because "he" is "ma" made


Bc men can beat women up, essentially, so God, Who is not a person and has no sex, is being anthropomorphised in order to present Him as the One to follow. It is strictly a construct iow; God is not a "he." "There are no male or female in the kingdom." So, great reason to abandon religion imo, as that is a religious appropriation, but even the Bible argues against that.


I think the same I have said one time too many..... I don't care


Because all the books and texts in monotheistic societies were written by misogynistic primitive men who dominated in a patriarchal society.

Societies that had a pantheon always had Goddesses but they also usually had the top God as a man e.g. Zeus

Druidic or wiccan religions always portray the creator as a mother. e.g. Mother nature etc.

and face it if there was a God then it would have to be a man as this planets level of fucked up could never be attributed to a woman.


Cus his religions discriminate against women and he's over angry and unforgiving. Generally a twat in a guyish manner.
To be clear, as a guy im not overly proud of this claim on god my gender has.

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