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Let's say "God" does exist. What on earth makes people think it is a HE. Always. Find a religious internet meme and it's always "The Father" "The Man Upstairs" "Sky Dad" whatever, always a HE, never a SHE.
. Why is that you think?

Redcupcoffee 7 May 17

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it's females who actually have more natural characteristics of this benevolent God thing.


The concept of a "god" in Western society is a patriarchal notion. In Egypt, there was ISIS a female. There are many other examples of feminine gods or deities in other societies. The male concept is simply another tool to keep women in a submissive position.

I wish them luck with their tools, then?


If you get a chance read The Alaphabet Versus the Goddess. The author points out how prior to humankind learning to write, think the Sumerians, most of the deities were women. After the written word the patriarchy was born. Fascinating book.


Why would a god have to be human?

Because we are made in his image (laughable concept). I've thought maybe we are his armpit.


Invented by sexist men that's why...


no lets not


Not in Dogma! Although I might be able to get behind Buddy Christ. LOL


Think I've shared this before, but I've always loved a good "discussion" and once I caused a group of people to leave a party because I suggested that there was no real evidence that God was a "male". I told them that in the original language of the bible, the Holy trinity was referred to as God the Creator, The Redeemer, and the Holy Spirit and suggested that God could be female, or something else entirely. After a while of them saying He and me saying "or She", they couldn't stand it becoming a joke to the rest of the guests, and finally left in a huff.


Gender is clearly irrelevant in any entity or entities rising to the power and trans-human nature of a god. The use of a male pronoun harkens back to previous literary practice, which would supposedly be seen to encompass both genders. Since the 70's, though, people have come to realize that equality must be made explicit, not just "assumed" (because it often isn't).


Why do I care?

Why would we care that you don't care?


I agree with Petter regarding the historical, conventional use of the pronoun “he”.

I was just reading “The Oversoul” by Emerson and was struck by this beautiful deliberate use of “she”

“The soul looketh steadily forwards, creating a world before her, leaving worlds behind her. She has no dates, nor rites, nor persons, nor specialties, nor men. The soul knows only the soul; the web of events is the flowing robe in which she is clothed.”

@Gwendolyn2018 I think I was agreeing with Petter that it is an archaic convention. He didn’t explicitly say it was “archaic” but I got the impression that was what he meant.

I used to read this while attending my strict, Methodist college, in the early 1970s, and even though I was a devout Christian, I believed totally in the Oversoul. I was born remembering past lives, and could do ESP all my life, but somehow, didn't see conflict with Christian teaching.


Entertaining the concept of a God, and the rationale behind a gender specific label, "he", I'd say like all media or stories of populace control and trule knowledge, the opposite must be true. "She" is more than likely the proper understanding of God. The teachings of Society are meant to bombard us with false truths and for us, the free thinkers, to see the half truths through the cognitive dissonance and remove the latest of misinformation. Just like most emotions or thoughts are a onion like layered conundrum until truly evaluated. The core of our truth as a human condition is probably neither a singular Deity but a collective of higher intelligence. As humans, we are God's to many animals, particularly domesticated animals. Ranchers for example. The truth is we are living in a farm or a global ant farm, being observed. Filtering out the linear thinking, adrenal driven aspects of our species and slowly being restructured. Studying Neanderthals I've learned that we aren't the best if our kind. They had amazing brains and we're almost twice our siZe. The real reason we as homeo sapiens "survived" over them is we just killed them off. Literally. I believe we are energy, and thoughts vibrate a connected consciousness. The answer isn't dogmatic truth. It's a bigger truth. A larger understanding of our universe and a better understanding of chemistry and electromagnetism is required to truly grasp the possibilities.

nice imo. Sounds just like this guy, []

@bbyrd009 Thanks for the share. Interesting read. I have a huge respect for the Judaism and it's influences on science and Mathematics. If I were to find truth in any dogma, it would be a hybrid of the Intellectual schooling of Judaism and the cosmic understanding of Hinduism and the Hands of Time but in truth, I believe we are living in a version of Dante's Inferno, which includes Karma or our misdeeds and our lives reflect a caste system based on our education and social associations. But we've compartmentalized our mindsets so much that we can't see the connections.

@Fibonacci1618 nice, ya
the Bible purports to be written so as to be seen and not seen, imo specifically pitched to those with inbred mindsets (religions) so that they may reveal themselves in their interpretation. Paul clearly states "i know the wolves will rush in as soon as i leave, not sparing the flock." Of course Kharma--and Dharma--are perfectly valid povs, you reap what you sow. The Bible is really just the Dao in a different style, in code, but it's hard to see bc the assertions are made separately; "provide for your family" is in one place, "don't work for food" is somewhere else, etc.

There is no doctrine that can be derived that does not also have a competing doctrine that can also be derived, a la Tao, only now ppl who argue over (irrelevant) doctrines are revealed for what they are, determinists

@bbyrd009 I concur. Have heard of Allen Watts? One of my favorite analogies that he uses for this cosmic metaphysical interpretation of energy is "the joker" and "little joker" . Referring to the game of Life and the way one becomes aware of awake to the reality that it is all the same. The good is the opposite side of the coin to the bad and the reality is the go together. Causation creates association and association creates causation as an alternative veiw to cause and effect. Once we become aware of this synergy, the law of attraction becomes your tool. The problem is that most are driven my their life experiences, via geography, dogams and culture and so clouding the mind's eye from seeing the truth. Fragmenting reality by creating an environment of us vs them.

@Fibonacci1618 ya, other is the killer. but hey death sells 😀


I think mainly it's because men were the ones who made up god a few thousand years ago. So that's what they called it.
It's a bad habit and I try to refer to god as an 'it' if I catch myself.

George Carlin has a bit (that I couldn't find) about god where he says god has to be a man because no woman could fuck things up as bad as they are.

George Carlin -- Religion is Bullshit at about the 3:10 mark:

@RichCC I thought it might have been in that clip. I must have skipped right past it.
Thanks for the backup. 😉

That's one of my favorites. I didn't want to have you correctly mention it without people being able to see it. Lol.


Because it's not real and humanity is a historical patriarchy meaning god(s) are made in the image of man at the time they are created. When women take over they can create all the female deity's they want.

I'd rather we just do away with religion along with a ruling sex, but males have had their way for a while, I'm not entirely opposed to a little extra female leadership for a while.


Because women are inferior (she says with extreme sarcasm).


In Christianity: A deity impregnated Mary giving HIS gender. Jesus a man for some weird reason is both the son and his own son, was also male.
As most know there are many several gospel that have been written but only a select few (chosen by celibate men called Father/Padre) were selected to keep to only one message which is that of gawd is a father figure.
So yes, a pure invention of men.


Um...hello......the bible says so.


To be fair some religions have their god as a she. Also, when it comes to religion I am absolutely certain that they all have it absolutely wrong...


If there were an omniscient, omnipotent deiety. Yes patriarchy,also the books of what is the Bible were likely written by the male species. We live in a mans world and strides to effect change are slowly making a positive dent.

DEsk Level 4 May 17, 2018

It's a man's man's man's man's man's world. 😛


Arabs have the perfect word for God --- Allah. It means The God. God has no gender in their language. They give God a title of 'The' as a sign of respect. In secular life, we give people titles as respect.....Mr. Mrs. Professor, etc. I take The God as meaning the God force. An energy rather than the invisible man in the sky watching our deeds.

I wonder what would happen if you spoke up and say 'god is feminine' to a group of Moslems?

@xyz123 To Muslims, God is gender neutral so it wouldn't make sense to them.

Even Christian Arabs call God Allah.


Solve the problem by becoming a Wiccan! hehe.


It's just economics. Before the agricultural revolution, when societies were smaller hunter gatherer villages, societies were matriarchal and so were Gods; earth, sun fertility were worshipped. As societies settled and larger settlements formed, with civilization affording armies, men took the upper hand, societies became patriarchal and so did their Gods

kng01 Level 5 May 18, 2018

Plenty of Godesses as well


Have you ever read articles written by Douglas Adams?


True in a western sense except that Mother Mary is significant. I do get your meaning though, and it is a stark example of how things are loaded. There are many goddesses in eastern religion

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