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I received a friendship request on Facebook. He was attractive and seemed to be an adventurer. He had a sense of humour, and we had a good conversation via chat/pm. I was getting interested. Then I looked at his Facebook page. Ugh, it was covered with messages about God. I mean he really went overboard. It was all he seemed to post.
It doesn't matter how attracted a person can be to another, if two people have different, strong belief systems, it isn't going to work. What do you think?

gypsyjane 5 May 23

Enjoy being online again!

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If I don't know the person making a friend request I delete it. God doesn't come into it.


Can’t see it working. He will always try to “save” you

jab60 Level 6 May 23, 2018

Two things that'll makes me leave someone's profile on a dating site immediately is; They throw their "love of their god" out there and/or their support of Trump. To each their own, Lol.


I would run.


You're right. Had a friendship here with a fairly new member who read my profile and complained when he read my anti-trump posts. We worked it out and some emotions came out. I am a cancer survivor and use medical cannabis for pain management, however that set him off (he was a former law officer) and he labeled me a "stoner" and blocked me. You can only be yourself. Chances are we would fight/disagree again. I am who I am and if someone can't accept me for my true self the heck with them lol.


Well, if he respects boundaries and shuts up about the superstition, I guess it could work out. That 800 pound gorilla would always be in the room with you, though. Risky at the very best.


I agree, that's a big deal breaker for me. Along with trump supporters, NRA supporters, anti LGBTQ, etc.



What is the difference between religion and sandpaper?
At least sandpaper has one smooth side.


Even the moderately religious people who said they didn't care that I was an atheist eventually got around to trying to drag me to Church and convert me - yuck.


There are core tenets of a person's personality that are no-go's. If one partner likes Coke and the other Pepsi, usually a gap you can bridge and joke about. However if they hold this theism near and dear to their heart, then it will most likely cause problems in a relationship with anyone outside their faith.


Anymore...if they're like that...I don't even try. Ain't nobody got time for that...


yeah, when it comes to politics and religion I'm like a grizzly with a toothache


Usually a staunch religious person isn't open to other's opinions or ideas, not only linked to religious beliefs but also social aspects that are dictated by his/her belief.
Conflict is imminent and best avoided.


I've met men who are not religious , who haven't been attending any church, but seem to think taking a woman to church is a good idea . In my opinion , it's been their notion that the religion will teach the woman that she should be submissive , and is required to abide by what ever the man tells her . Was sitting in my cubical at work one day , when a group of five or six engineers came to my cubical , Bible in hand , telling me that according to the Bible , I should do whatever they told me to do . I responded , this is your religion , not mine , but let's have a look and see what it says . The passage I read out loud said , a wife should do what her husband tells her , and should follow his lead . I grinned , looked up from the passage , and said , "And which of you very kind gentlemen , plans to marry me and support me in a fashion , to which I'd like to become accustomed ? " I heard one of them say , ""She's not falling for it , let's go , " as the group faded away from my desk .


Same thing happened to me with a woman - Want to ruin a date? Start saying Praise Jesus during dinner lol


I think it is possible to deal with a person who is just religious on holidays, but any more religious than that would be very frustrating... definitely beyond my endurance levels and they are pretty high.


I think I've had to explain this over and over to ladies who contact me from other sites where I've been very clear about NOT wanting a religious partner. The last one, just yesterday, finally got the message. Her parting shot: "Well, God Bless You... God knows you're going to need it!" Barf.


Don't accept friendship request from strangers in facebook?


I totally agree. It is an indication of how ignorant they are


Absolutely! Especially considering how christians expect women to act! Might work a bit better if the woman was religious & the man wasn't....?

Carin Level 8 May 23, 2018

This would be an easy one for me, as I could never spend time with someone I don't respect, and I don't respect people who hold religious beliefs. I assess them as having no critical thinking skills, among other red flags.


Bring the subject up and talk about it. You had no idea of this, even after chatting with him for a while, until you saw his FB page. Perhaps he is just using his FB page to impress his religious family and friends. You will never know unless you ask. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


I have seen people who have managed to make it work. Hasn't worked well for me in the past. Religion was the main reason I had to break up in my last serious relationship. The further I got away from religion the less we clicked. Just ended up having too many differing opinions on life. Now as a full blown agnostic listening to believers is irritating to say the least. I have to tolerate religious people in most facets of my life (job, family) and I can imagine having to come home to one as well. But for the right woman (if such a thing exists)? Who knows. Just unlikely IMO


I’ve never been able to make it work because the funnel between my brain and mouth has no filter. Feelings end up getting hurt. I do know couples that it works quite well for, or at least outwardly appearing it does. I just can’t and don’t want to.


I totally agree. It is an indication of how ignorant they are

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