I find it fascinating that conservatives are appalled, offended and totally freaking out over the canceling of Roseanne, but I haven't heard a word from any of them about the 1500 young children the government has misplaced. I'm sick to death at the thought of babies and toddlers being removed from their parents' care like they're contraband. We used to be a country with a heart.
I'm not blaming Trump totally for this quantum shift. Believe me, I'm no fan of his but this panophobia we're experiencing on the part of conservatives had to have been there before. But it's as if Trump opened Pandora's box and let all the evils out. He was the catalyst for this explosion of overt hate and intolerance. He made it acceptable to be a racist, a homophobe, a misogyist. The question is how do we get them back in the box? There's a huge contingency of people in this country who hate everyone who isn't white and Christian.
On the other hand, we've always been a violent race that rises by suppressing anything that gets in our way.
I have no answers. Just a whole bunch of questions, the main one being WTF???
Anyone have any opinions on how we get out of this mess?
By the way, for those of you who never saw the series "The Newsroom", the first episode contained a scene which has been haunting me every since. Jeff Daniels plays an anchor at a news station participating in a Q&A panel session with an audience of college students. Please take a few moments to watch it. It's a brilliant piece of writing and acting.
It is just like their response to abortion. They oppose it to save the child but once the child is born they neglect it . No health ins,food,education, housing or cars.
And no birth control, or sex education to prevent conception
@TheoryNumber3 Sorry I forgot these but there is so much negative about them it is hard to remember it all.
Roseanne brought this on herself and I don't think Trump can help her. Now she blames ambien for her outburst. Great! If they take that seriously it enforces the war on opioids. Soon nobody will have sleep and pain pill meds and that includes Roseanne. Great job, great role model.
Meanwhile in Missouri, everyone thought that Trump would come to the defense of Greitens but that could never happen. Since Greitens delimma is a sexual scandal the entire thing would draw too much attention to Trump. Powers that be want our attention drawn away from Donnie being charged with the same things. It's time everyone understood that sexual and racist remarks and actions have zero tolerance in America. Monkey and Muslim remarks do not go together. Some do not even see that the Roseanne remark is yet another stab at nastiness during 8 years of American history. Enough is enough. Trump is next.
God I hope so
how do we get out of this mess? Vote, cry with us, patience, This too shall pass is originally a Persian adage reflecting on the temporary nature, or ephemerality, of the human condition.
Yes it always turns itself around eventually, but I'm not sure I'll see it in my lifetime. They've done irreparable damage to this country, this planet, and the psyche of the nation
@TheoryNumber3 Agreed. I'm having trouble facing this new reality as well.. Trumps approval rating is 42%. at this time. Be cool ....try to keep your head on straight, vote the "Blue Wave" (even if you are not a democrat) and hope for the best
@MrTallman Oh yea... I'm on it! Go Blue! 42%. Hard to believe almost half the population supports this imbecile.
Good...but of course there was NEVER a time when white male Americans weren't oppressing any minority they could..Native American Indians, women, blacks, etc.
It is not easy to establish rules of law including the border security. We should’t live in chaos.
I agree.... we have to find something between chaos and a police state