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Why don't atheists like showing respect and kindness toward God believers?
Why don't God Believers like showing respect and kindness toward atheists?

Here's the bigger question:
Should they? Or want to?

Greenheart 7 June 2

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Religious Believers are tasked by their faith to kill heretics and nonbelievers, burn us at the stake. How much respect and kindness can these believers show to those they are supposed to execute by slow torture?
Atheists listen to the constant retarded delusions of these asshats and we turn the other cheek as often as possible but there is a line that we will not allow to be crossed. Who's the one being tolerant?

Please join P.A.T.C.H. People Against The Christian Hypocrites, we need people like you to help us with ideas on how to destroy Christianity forever!

@Gwendolyn2018 The commandment in the holy books are quite clear on the topic of nonbelievers, how can a true believer love that which they are commanded to hate and destroy? I'm not saying that every theist is stalking atheists for a BBQ with the atheist as the guest of honour but it is a stretch to believe that theists love atheists in their heart of hearts.
As for the belief systems that are based upon a foundation of a god, well that is a delusional belief and a retarded one at that. How can humans evolve with this god belief constantly dragging them down? All religions are regressive by nature.

@Gwendolyn2018 Healer heal thyself.

@Gwendolyn2018 Agreed and I am on the same page with you for the most part, guess I have been a fighter for too long to change. Give them an inch and they will take a mile, wrap it around you neck and lynch you. 😉 We all fight the good fight in our own way.
All the Best.


People earn my respect through their actions and words. l don't care about their religion.


I respect other people as people. But it doesn’t mean that their beliefs deserve respect. Bad ideas based on no evidence need criticized. Religion shouldn’t get a free pass.


I don't care if you worship the Flying Purple People Eater. I respect your choice to do so. Will I allow you to push your beliefs down my throat? No, just as I will not force mine on you.


Good question. Not all atheists feel that way.
Christian think were demons, antichrist, and everything nasty they could think of.


I respect those who respect me, regardless of their beliefs.


In my own experience I usually see people on both sides being kind and respectful to one another, the times when that breaks down are mostly online, behind the emboldening safety-screen of not being face-to-face.

I'm guessing that for the religious it comes from fear and a misinformed opinion of non-believers, instilled in them by the people they trust. An atheist is effectively telling them that their entire identity and security blanket is primitive and built on lies, and that they should step outside and revel in some eeee-vil.... For the atheist, it stems from frustration, sometimes arrogance and, for many, a resentment at having been kept down and lied to for most of their lives.

Should we be kind and respectful? Absolutely. I make a habit of it these days and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Hasn't always been my way though — just had some growing up to do first.


Who says atheists and theists don't show one another respect and kindness? Some people don't, and not just in regard to religious beliefs, but the vast majority on each side are fine. I have few problems with most people.


We wouldnt have this question if the claim was about the easter bunny or santa clause.
I can respect the person but i can never respect there silly beliefs..
Could you respect someone who believe the easter bunny was running around hiding easter eggs. When bunny don't even laid eggs...

IT come to a a point of how much BS was your willing to accept.


You can worship chickens, bow to BOB in heaven, sprinkle your bycicles with holy paint thinner. None of it matters to me. If it works for you, I say go for it. I am no better than anyone alive, so who am I to say that your comfort system is wrong?

That is al fine until you push your beliefs on me, my children and this country and that is the problem because that is what religions are doing!

That's why I don't force my beliefs onto others.

@Holysocks Yes, but religion does. In fact that is the reason Christians believe they are still on earth and not in fantasy heaven. So why stick up for or ignore the problem of religion by just saying "I DON'T CARE."

I do not stick up for them in any way. I just don't let them get to me in any way.

@Holysocks You do not fight them in any way either?

Why should I?


Please don't generalize an entire group. There are those who cannot see the faith of others but there are many who do.


I dislike generalizations such as this. I am an avowed agnostic with Pagan leanings, but I have respect for everyone's beliefs. When I am invited to attend a function with religious overtones such as baptisms, funerals, weddings, etc. I perform the rituals and customs out of love and respect for the parties involved.


I show kindness to everyone until they prove they are unworthy.

Theists follow their religions doctrines with regards to atheists and its hatred has been deep rooted for as long as free thought threatens the power of that dogma.


I don't have any problem with god believers as long as they don't violate human rights. My only problem is with religion fundamentalists who tend to live in the delusional world and do not even try to think outside of their scriptures.

hari Level 2 June 2, 2018

It seems like we could all treat each other better


I'd like to believe we as atheists should show them how to behave. We should focus on treating them the way their bible says to treat others, with respect and kindness. Eventually, they'll catch on.

Gohan Level 7 June 2, 2018

That implies that we need the buybull to know how to act

@Xena I didn't mean to imply that we need the bible. That is certainly not the case. Think of it like an English to (insert arbitrary language here) dictionary, it allows us to communicate with them.


I suspect that many have the feeling that if they do show respect beyond the casual nod that it may indicate some tacit acceptance of the other's ideas.

@irascible -- Yes, it was interesting and it is in keeping with my position on the matter as well. I feel that no rational discussion can be had if one starts off with either indifference or ad hominem. Unfortunately, in my experience I have seen both of the latter from both sides more frequently than not.


It is hard to show respect for blatant stupidity, or it has hard to show respect for blasphemous dangerous sinners....take yer pick!

@Gwendolyn2018 of course not, but I was answering the asked question......


I respect people
not necessarily what they believe in

People often conflate the two; so deeply do they hold beliefs, they see not accepting their belief as not accepting them.


I've been atheist for a long time and I have friends with all kinds of beliefs. They're not preachy and even though I don't advertise that I'm atheist, I don't hide it and we respect our boundaries. When strangers know I'm atheist, their reaction depends on mine. I usually just ignore their comments but if they're really pushy and annoying, I start to make them think with my analysis over what they tell me as to why they believe. I shift the focus away from me and onto them. I make me the normal one and talk to them like they are the anomalies.

Seph Level 6 June 2, 2018

Most of my family and many of my friends are still involved in their churches. I've made no secrete about loosing my faith. Only two of them have challenged me on my decision. I was very polite and respectful in explaining why I no longer believe. They got upset and left. The rest of them never bring it up because they know how hard I tried to make sense of Christianity and they know they don't know as much about it as I do. They don't want me to ask them questions they can't answer. I'm OK with that. They can believe what they want.


Foghorn Legghorn runs for congress. He wants the votes from the evangelical right. Boss Hogg wants to burn lignite at an aluminum processing plant. Hogg funnels money into Legghorn's campaign. Legghorn then lives on TV for six weeks saying how you shouldn't have to hire gay people and women shouldn't be allowed to have abortions. He wins the election. Then he sponsors legislation that could lead tens of thousands of lung disease deaths. That's why you can't respect evangelical Xian beliefs.

Your right so do something about it! We need you and your ideas on P.A.T.C.H. JOIN OUR GROUP!


Because religions have ruined this country, have killed innocent men, women, and children in wars, and will never be able to prove their is a god because there is no god! Religion deserves no respect, and we are tiered of having it pushed on us and our children. If we treated the religions like they do us then we would be in a war!

@Gwendolyn2018 God believers are actually called theists and that is religion! Respect is earned not given, unless your Christian and trying to love your enemies. That probably will not get you very far.LOL


You mind your biz, I will mind mine and we all mind ours.

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