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Look at this girl and tell me how old or "(young ,) "is she
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
If you are a male, you NEVER, and I mean NEVER guess a woman's age. NEVER! EVER! This a no win situation. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER! You got it? NEVER!
Mother's Day gift.
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
Very nice.
"Grow up," they told me; "No thank you," i replied.
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
One of the many reasons I did not want or have kids. If you don't have kids, you don't have to grow up.
Finally, no rain! The weather is beautiful this morning.
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
I have been lucky so far, just baldness.
Jesus must not have been a very good carpenter. He couldn't even pull out 3 nails.
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
We know he was not a successful carpenter, that is why he became a mooch and a leach.
Self education its a right or an obligation? Why?
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
It is a necessity.
I may have found my people! How do you all count cups of coffee?
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
I don't. I just drink it.
Freedom is beautiful gift by life not many of us know how to have it
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
Some of us do. :)
This shit's never going to stop is it?
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
It probably won't change until the Boomer generation passes. Big changes are generally generational.
Texas is about to make it illegal for a group of friends to drive to the polls together to vote | ...
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
They feel the state turning purple.
Pete Buttigieg: If God belonged to a political party, "I can’t imagine" it would be the GOP | ...
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
He has to convince the Midwest Christians that being gay is not evil or sinful as I see it. If he weren't gay, he probably wouldn't even bring it up.
N.Y. Lawmakers Move Closer to Allowing Release of Trump’s State Tax Returns
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
I certainly hhhhhhope so!
Macabre Question for everyone...
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
"Hello!...Hello!...Is anybody up there?" "It's really fucking cold and dark down here."
Every time I move my cursor around this website I inadvertently 'hover' over someone's post or their...
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
I think you can shut that off in settings.
I hate when I wake up and Donald Trump is still president.
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
NO SHIT! It is exhausting.
On average, how many text messages do you send in a day?
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
Less than one.
Jeebus has Transformed, no more gentle lamb. :D
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
He is only about twelve inches tall. I think l can take him.
Do not take this personally, no donuts were harmed in the making of this meme. @pralina1 lol
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Run over them in the parking lot after work. NEVER FUCK up donuts. My God man, what are you thinking? You can never get those back!
I ve just got home from easy " next door aweful Italian my eye " place to eat .
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
It doesn't surprise me at all that you would do that. You made him laugh because you are truly funny. Good for you, sharing that with him. I know you have a good heart.
When is it okay to say "I love you"?
Sticks48 comments on May 8, 2019:
I just go with how l feel.
Can't you just FEEL the fuckin' love !? []
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
I don't give a fuck how you were raised. If you are not smart enough to figure out this attitude is wrong, you are too stupid to live.
HB 481: Georgia law criminalizes abortion, subjects women to life in prison.
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
I believe these states are trying to and passing these bills is to force the Supreme Court to take one of them up in hopes the Court will overturn Roe v Wade. They feel this court will do just that. I'm not so sure.
Heartbeat Bill in Ohio.
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
We are a country of ignorant hillbillies.
What's the difference between a church and casino?
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
The entertainment is much better at a casino.
Catholic League On Predatory Priests: It’s Not Rape If The Child Isn’t Penetrated | Michael ...
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
That is some sick shit.
Would you raise your children religious just to fit in?
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
I didn't have children. If I had children I would have steered them away from religion.
Funniest thing i saw on the road this past weekend while driving my brother ...
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
I have seen them in Texas. Is it really any wonder so many women think men are knuckle dragging morons. The guy who thought these up must have an IQ bordering on the upper 50's.
Incoherent to the max
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
Amazing, ain't it!
Camp, Fire, Wood
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
I'm just happy with wood. ;)
why can't a seated president be indicted?
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
My question exactly. Their is no law protecting a sitting President from being indicted. Our democracy is being threatened in so many ways. If most Americans think this is impossible, it shows and unbelievable level of arrogance and ignorance.
UK: 'We need to save his life' - Pamela Anderson after visiting Assange in prison - YouTube
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
Fuck the douchey little bastard. He is not a journalist.
“Show me your hands! Drop it!” Holcomb said, firing four shots in rapid succession.
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
And cops wonder why they get so little respect. When good cops protect bad cops, that makes them bad cops. Since we never hear any cops stand up in protest to bad cops, that means they are all bad cops. FUCK'EM!
My Opinion of "Blocking".
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
I have blocked 165 people. Obviously we don't agree on this subject. :) It cuts way down on the useless alerts I have to wade through on a daily basis. There are over 80,000 members here. In the real world if you only found 165 people you didn't like out of 80,000 people, that would be amazing.
I got blocked some time ago.
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
I have blocked 165 people. My criteria is simple. Gender bashing ( either gender ), over zealous gun owners, believers, racists, homophobes, and Trumpsters. I have blocked 22 woman ( mostly male bashing ). I don't want to hear their crap because they don't want except responsibility for the choices of men they have been involved with. I have never blamed other women for the bad choices I have made in my past relationships. They were my choices. That leaves 143 men I have blocked, mainly for being really fucking ignorant on too many subjects to list, including all of the above. It cuts way down on the number of alerts I have to wade through on a daily basis, and I could not care less about what these people have to say. If they feel the same about me, they should feel free to block me. I really don't care.
I put this concept right up there with the sickest of the sickest, warped ideas I've ever heard ...
Sticks48 comments on May 7, 2019:
No wonder God doesn't like me. I have abused the hell out of "his" dick.
Who here has dealt with depression from a firsthand experience?
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
We grow... we realize.. we find love, when we really know we love ourselves!
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
I have never bought into that. Every person I have ever known that loved themselves were self centered assholes. I like people who know themselves and like themselves.
Georgia City Councilman: Interracial Marriage Makes My Blood Boil, That's Not How Christians Should ...
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
It is strange how "Protestant Christians" ignore the words of Christ, and hold on to the Old Testament, an old Jewish book, which has nothing to do with their "Savior". These goofy motherfuckers can't get anything right.
I like being alone but I want someone to be alone with, if that makes sense.
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
Yes it does.
Would you rather go.
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
Mine would be Shelby 🚘
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
A 69 Lincoln Mark lll
What would you do if you had the fattest kid in the world? Whose fault is it? []
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
Since I am 5'11" and 155 pounds, I would have to assume he isn't mine. I would file for divorce as this would be cheaper than feeding the big bastard.
motivation :D
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow.
Is there a word for the feeling that you're not particularly good at something or the other, but, ...
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
I can fuck up basic math with a calculator. People are amazed I can do that.
Meghan Markle has given birth to a baby boy
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
whoopee. i have never been so excited.
Nearly Half Of Donald Trump's 2020 Campaign Contributions This Year Came From Female Donors
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
It is hard to fathom. Is it because he's such a stud muffin?
What is happening?
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
Block! It is one of my favorite features. I block and have been blocked. It is quite painless and most effective. :)
‪this man got the medal of honor today!‬
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
I am disappointed in Tiger for accepting this honor from this President. This is a "see, I like black people" moment heading toward 2020. Pathetic!
So, an acquaintance that you run into every week posts THIS; "Muslims HATE pork, beer, bikinis, ...
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
I don't eat pork ( no gall bladder ). I don't like beer ( beer is for people who like to pee ). I don't wear a bikini ( my bikini days ended in my 30's ). I have never met Jesus ( I'm sure he was a fine fellow, though his father is a dick ). I do love dogs, but according to this, I should be deported for not being American enough. Who knew?
Oh my dog has some winter weight to walk off. My vet says he's a chunky monkey
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
At least it looks like he has worked out a plan to lose the weight.
Lethal Injections: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) Published on May 5, 2019 []
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
I love Oliver. He did a great job representing the argument against the death penalty. I believe the 4% number for executing innocent folks is low. There are definitely cases where evidence has disappeared either before a trial or there was no DNA evidence available at the time. We stay so far behind the modern world in health care, the separation of church and state, and the death penalty. Other than having the most money, the most powerful military, and having the highest percentage of our population in jail compared to EVERY OTHER COUNTRY ON THE PLANET, what do we lead in?
Smoke vs. Eat. What do you prefer?
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
Husband kills wife, then himself in what family calls 'mercy...
Sticks48 comments on May 6, 2019:
This should never happen in the richest country in the history of the world. America seldom fails to disappoint.
Happy Sunday! []
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
Sex is a hard habit to break.
Students create 3D crosswalk to force drivers to slow down at their school |
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
What a great idea.
Coffee! It's my
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
It's my prick fuel. Great stuff, coffee.
Crazy/Stupid Republican of the Day: Augustus Invictus
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
Are you sure he isn't Biggus Dickus?
It's been a long time since I had some holy rollers come to my house .
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
Well done.
Los Angeles Renames Street After Barack Obama
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
Hopefully this will happen around the country. I don't believe most folks appreciate the weight he carried being the first black President. If he has one major scandal, who knows how long it would be for another black person to even get a shot. Being sandwiched between Bush and Trump will show him as a shinning moment between two dark periods in our history.
Would you rather spend eternity exploring the ocean or space?
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
Neither, I want to keep exploring the world of music in night clubs and bars. They are always changing, coming, and going. I have met way many more interesting people in those establishments than anywhere else by far. I have met and hung out with blue collar, white collar, no collar, no shirt, doctors, lawyers, politicians, rednecks, hippies and drug dealers. I have shared the stage with the famous, near famous, young people, old people, men, women, black people, brown people, gay people, and a couple of folks I'm not quite sure what they were. That would be the best.
Sorry no Trivia Group tonite.
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
Good luck in court. Is this the final time you have to go to court over this?
I just managed to resize an expandable watchband from watching a video on YouTube.
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
Perhaps atheists need religion to exist to justify their position.
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
Maybe Jacques should start a band, because that statement is really stupid.
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth ... [m.facebook.]
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
That is some very sick shit!
Good Sunday morning! Seems like no one got notifications yesterday .
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
Maddening foot injury prevents hiking
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
I'm sorry. I know how much you love to hike.
Baltimore brothers set free after 24 years in prison for wrongful murder conviction - Baltimore Sun
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
Which is why I am against the death penalty. There is no telling how many innocent people have been put to death in this country, which in itself is technically murder. When they find misconduct on the part of the prosecution or law enforcement, those people responsible for that misconduct should have to spend the same amount of time in prison. If that were law, I guarantee, there would be a lot less "misconduct".
Civility evokes respect and civility in return.
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
Sometimes being civil just doesn't get it done. I can live with the anger, resentment, and the condemnation. Not a problem.
I'm a middle school Science teacher.
Sticks48 comments on May 5, 2019:
Maybe they are just smarter than you were at that age.
What's something popular you've tried to enjoy but just don't. For me, it's Breaking Bad.
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
I couldn't get into BB either. I have grown weary of shows about people fucking each other over and how many ways you can kill them. BORING. I haven't watched a minute of GOT.
Should The World Go Cashless?
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
I like having cash and cards. I like options.
Why do men lash out at women after a polite rejection?
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
A real sweet talker.
Evangelist Declares White House To Be "Holy Ground" And Commands "Demonic Networks To Be Scattered" ...
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
The deep South may be full of really stupid and ignorant folks, but the Southeast is full of CRAZY MOTHERFUCKERS!
Against cheerfulness: Practising the Greek virtues of wisdom and courage is one thing.
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
Truth. This country was founded under delusion and nothing has changed.
The most important thing that I look for in a relationship is trust.
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
As I already have a truss, I really don't need someone to bring one into a relationsh...Oh TRUST!... Sorry.
Without naming your city what is the city closest to you famous for?
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
Music Large State University State Capital
Your inspirational quotes for the day 😂
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
"Inside every silver lining is a dark cloud"
May the fourth be with you all! First time I have EVER remembered to acknowledge May 4th.
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
Trump Admin Has Quietly Lifted Ban To Allow Importation Of Elephant ‘Trophies’ - The ...
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
I have run out of expletives to describe my contempt for this less than human being and his cohorts.
Ohio congressional map tossed out for partisan gerrymandering
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
Like you said before, small victories. Hopefully, they will add up.
Is there a quote that guides your life?
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
BALTOSAKET...Blind Ass Luck Triumphs Over Skill And Knowledge Every Time.
No one wants a person half full. Bring your A game or don't bring it at all.
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
I must be OK. I have been told more than once I am full of it. COOL!
Denver Could Decriminalize Magic Mushrooms on Tuesday [] WTF?!!!
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
What is the longest amount of time you have ever gone without sleep?
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
Three days, a couple of times, fueled by scotch and speed back in the 80's.
My happy place, with some of my kids
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
Nice pics. Great looking kids.
Happy Naked Gardening Day!
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
Is that you? :)
Women over 50, coloring their hair purple, how childish.
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
Go for it.
Trump To Pence: Because Of Me, People Are Mentioning God More - The Intellectualist
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
God-fucking-damn is my go to.
Between pessimism and optimism is being.
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
Between pessimism and optimism is being stoned.
There are few things more disheartening than going for a fresh cup of coffee at work, only to ...
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
That is reason enough to fire someone or drag them behind your car in the parking lot at the very least. Seriously.
If you were God, what would you do about this? []
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
There would be no this.
VB lawmaker 'stunned' by Northam veto of bill allowing murder charge for dealers after overdose - ...
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
You are so right.
I can remember going to bed at night without worrying about "what fresh hell" I'd be waking up to ...
Sticks48 comments on May 4, 2019:
It is exhausting. I am hoping Trump fatigue will drive people to the polls.
With absolute certainty I can say I will never date anyone who is religious!
Sticks48 comments on May 3, 2019:
I would date, have dated, and even lived with believers. They were no different than the non-believers I know, but I most definitely would not date a religious person.
Liking her.
Sticks48 comments on May 3, 2019:
She was great at the Senate hearing.
Please use your turn signals when driving
Sticks48 comments on May 3, 2019:
Always! You can't read my mind and I can't read yours. It is that simple.
What is worse?
Sticks48 comments on May 3, 2019:
There is no such thing as a 100% honest person. If they exist they are riding unicorns.
I had a visitor today. Isn't he a beauty?
Sticks48 comments on May 3, 2019:
Beautiful. l have always liked snakes.
People always ask why my ex and I broke up and I always say that it’s because I stopped believing ...
Sticks48 comments on May 3, 2019:
I always say the age of reason and an above average IQ.
EDIT: I put this in the relationship forum.
Sticks48 comments on May 3, 2019:
Why would you care how you compare. That is for folks in their teens and twenties.


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