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I'll just go ahead and admit it, since I retired, I never know what day it is unless I have to do ...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 14, 2022:
FREEDOM! Freedom was the driving force behind my making a career move from advertising to music at the age of 25. Freedom is a wonderful thing. 😁
Since I got divorced, they all stay up.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Believe it or not, we sit too, we really do. The difference is, and we learned this at a very young age, WE LOOK!!! 😁
Born on June 14, 1909 in Hunt City, Illinois.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 14, 2022:
He was a fine actor. I just watched him yesterday in "The Big Country" with Gregory Peck and Charlton Heston.
Shit birds and scumbags []
Sticks48 comments on Jun 14, 2022:
People act like all of this abuse is recent history. They have been doing this for centuries!
In response to a recent post: "try to reach trump supporters without belittling them" You cannot...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Never forget, 49% of the people have double digit IQs. It may not explain everything, but it does explain a lot.
There were some concerns in 1966.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 14, 2022:
And we were right. The "Jesus Loves Me" song never cracked the Billboard top 100.
Marjorie Taylor Greene Claims Tampon Shortage Fueled by Transgender People
Sticks48 comments on Jun 14, 2022:
That level of stupid is very difficult to achieve. It takes effort to avoid information most people soak up just because they exist.
Never forget that the reason for the warnings on products is that some did it, the most likely sued ...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 14, 2022:
Most warning labels defeat the purpose of natural selection.
What is the pettiest reason you won’t date someone?
Sticks48 comments on Jun 14, 2022:
When it comes to dating, there is no such thing as petty. It is very subjective. I could list a few things and they would seem petty to some and some of those things would be important to others.
Paul Cézanne L'Hermitage at Pontoise 1881
Sticks48 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
A favorite painter of mine. Thanks for posting.
The following is a plea to try to reach any Trump supporter without belittling him or her.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
If one supports Trump, they are either stupid, racist, which means they are evil, or they are the greedy rich. Some are a combination of the three.There are no other reasons for following him. Anyone who thinks other wise is incredibly naive, or just hasn't been paying attention.
Trump Loses It Over Riot Hearings []
Sticks48 comments on Jun 13, 2022:
Losing it is part of his daily routine.
Tough spot to be in.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 12, 2022:
There is a private group of clergy who are one time believers, and have become non-believers. They stay in their jobs because it is all they know how to do.
A nun, badly needing to use to the restroom, walked into a local Hooters.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 12, 2022:
There was a bar in San Diego that had one in each bathroom. The lights didn't go out, but there was a light that would blink.
TikTok Star Taylor Frankie Paul's Mormon Swinging Scandal Explained
Sticks48 comments on Jun 12, 2022:
I don't know about Mormons, but during the over 20 years l was on the road playing, l found Christian women to be incredibly randy. God bless'em. 😁
"The parents of Alexandria "Lexi" Aniyah Rubio, one of the victims of the Uvalde school shooting, ...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
Governor Shorty is one of the worst two or three governors in this country.
Opinion: The US and NATO Helped Trigger the Ukraine War.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 11, 2022:
What bullshit. All Russia has ever had to do is take care of it's people, something it has never done in it's entire history, and work on fair traid with the rest of the world. That is really what all countries need to do. Someone tell who in the Hell has ever been a threat to attack Russia since the end of WWII, NOBODY, that's who.
Did anyone else watch this on Saturdays.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
That and Sky King, Fury, Gumby, and Howdy Doody among others.
Horrifying footage shows arrest of black, transgender woman put in a spit hood and later died
Sticks48 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
This country has always been fucked up, but this is the worst l have seen in my lifetime. We could fool the rest of the world through marketing, the one thing in which we excel, but with the internet, the rest of the world is starting to see who we really are.
The power of soju 😅 🇰🇷 • Soju is a clear, colorless distilled alcoholic beverage that...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
What does it taste like?
Donald Trump was asked " what is 2+2"?
Sticks48 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
May mga bagay na mas ok ng ikaw nalang ang nakakaalam, self comfort yan ka naman palage eh 🤗 ...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
I couldn't have said it better. Actually, l couldn't say it at all! 😁
Lots of babies were made from a car.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 10, 2022:
At drive in theaters! 😁
Just so U know...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 9, 2022:
As you should! 😁
Remind you of anyone you know of?
Sticks48 comments on Jun 8, 2022:
The one guy is a blood sucking pig! Who is the guy on the left?
Hanging a horse's shoe above a door is supposedly meant to bring luck.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 7, 2022:
Kyle Rittenhouse Lauded as Husband Material at Women's Leadership Summit
Sticks48 comments on Jun 7, 2022:
Kyle has been bragging he is going to attend Texas A&M, but the university's administration has said, not so fast boy.
Anyone, citizen or Supreme Court judge, who even suggests that our founding fathers would have ...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 7, 2022:
Even in the 1800s, there were gun laws, including towns in the wild, wild West. We are one really fucked up country.
[] A long read but full of fascinating history of Nixon and trump
Sticks48 comments on Jun 6, 2022:
It said an error occured, so l can't read it. I will try going to the source.
I spit out my drink just now...😂
Sticks48 comments on Jun 6, 2022:
This is why she and l are no longer together. She just couldn't get weird enough for me.
AwakenDawn []
Sticks48 comments on Jun 5, 2022:
We live in a very sick, misguided country. I see nothing which will change this.
I love this native Hawaiian’s voice.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 5, 2022:
Gary Morris had the first hit with this song, and did it much better than Midler. This a better version than hers also. I love this man's voice. His version of Somewhere Over The Rainbow is the best ever, IMO.
COVID risk is high
Sticks48 comments on Jun 5, 2022:
When l go to the VA, we all wear masks and should. For those who don't understand how hospitals and medical facilities work, this is on you, not them. Wake up and smell the dead people!
So, I did a thing yesterday. I married someone I met online. We've been dating for three years.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 5, 2022:
Congratulations! 🥂 l wish you both much happiness. 🤗
Hey, It was a joke already!
Sticks48 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
It is not funny. It is fucking genius! 😁
I believe it.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 4, 2022:
I'm pretty sure l am one of the remaining 4. I just can't figure out if that is a good thing, or a bad thing.
Four can fit in one car, two in the front, two in the back.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 3, 2022:
Sure, like elephants can read. 😂
WATCH: Marjorie Taylor Greene's Promises For Christian Nationalism Are Truly Chilling
Sticks48 comments on Jun 3, 2022:
This is what happens when the really, really stupid vote for the really, really, really, really stupid.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 3, 2022:
Gomert represents the first Congressional district in Texas. The first district is located in far East Texas. Far East Texas is full of some of the most backward hillbillies in this country. Enough said.
[] Yay! Putin has advanced pancreatic cancer!
Sticks48 comments on Jun 2, 2022:
Lets not celebrate yet. He has lived without a heart, so who is to say he can't get by without a pancreas. Just sayin'.
Just heard this for the first time, and I think it's beautiful.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 2, 2022:
He is one of my very favorite guitar players.
Might want to rethink that name.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 2, 2022:
Perfect name. You won't forget it. Marketing 101.
It’s time for my teatime treat…and I thought with all the festivities and celebrations going on ...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 2, 2022:
One of the most underappreciated bands of all time.
.. and things are still shrinking. (especially on my body!) 😂
Sticks48 comments on Jun 2, 2022:
This why l wear large pants with many pockets! Though it is starting to get really fucking heavy.
Kirk Cameron Gets Schooled After Wild Rant Full Of Right-Wing Talking Points | HuffPost ...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 2, 2022:
In the words of Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon"!
My grandparents had one on the back porch, but in the summer they moved it into the backyard under ...
Sticks48 comments on Jun 1, 2022:
When l was four my brother got his hand caught in the rollers.
It doesn't hold much and doesn't draw very well.
Sticks48 comments on Jun 1, 2022:
If l can make a pipe out of tin foil and the card board insert from a roll of toilet paper, l know I can make a pipe out of that. 😎
This story made my stomach turn! []
Sticks48 comments on Jun 1, 2022:
White people are the most dangerous people on the planet and have been since the Europeans learned how to navigate the planet.
Well... in his defense, he didn't have GPS
Sticks48 comments on Jun 1, 2022:
Maybe that is where the name of the plant "Wandering Jew" came from.
Looks are not deceiving
Sticks48 comments on Jun 1, 2022:
This is an insult to idiots everywhere. I think she might deserve her own branch on the tree of human development.
Are any of you home alone with nobody to chat with or check in on you?
Sticks48 comments on May 31, 2022:
Yes, but part of me is ever hopeful and part of me sees no hope. We will see.
We live in troubled times.
Sticks48 comments on May 31, 2022:
If you keep him away from a mirror, it should be okay.
I'll start... An Atari 400 game machine.
Sticks48 comments on May 31, 2022:
Barf bags?
Try B, C and D for their durability to see if any of them is good enough as a lightsaber. 😆
Sticks48 comments on May 31, 2022:
I used them to fuck with the dog by talking to the dog from one end. The long ones from wrapping paper were the best for this.
Racial Hatred is not a new thing.
Sticks48 comments on May 31, 2022:
I grew up in Oklahoma, and had not heard of this until a few years ago.
Just a reminder. It is summer vacation family road trip time.
Sticks48 comments on May 31, 2022:
That is a 60 Chevy wagon. We had a 59 Chevy wagon, which had even larger fins.
I wonder if anyone with kids in school worries about this.
Sticks48 comments on May 30, 2022:
When l was a kid, they had us do this to protect ourselves from atomic bombs. This seems to be their answer for everything to protect children. 😠
Democrats making fake hamburger meat for Bill Gates! Republican Rep.
Sticks48 comments on May 29, 2022:
Who would have believed someone in the Congress would make Louie Gomert look smart. I feel like l am living in an alternate universe.
Nah. Let them be mysterious and attractive. 😆
Sticks48 comments on May 29, 2022:
This is fiction. No one understands women. They don't even understand each other. Just love them, appreciate them, and enjoy them for wonder they are. ❤
Love is patient and understanding 🥰 (charaught😅)
Sticks48 comments on May 29, 2022:
Scary, good scary, but scary none the less.
In case I haven't convinced you to go vegetarian.
Sticks48 comments on May 28, 2022:
ET phone 911!
When push came to shove
Sticks48 comments on May 28, 2022:
Deputy Fife would be an improvement!
Are you wondering ?
Sticks48 comments on May 27, 2022:
This is why l sniff my dollar bills. Stripper dollars are gold!
Remembering two film actors on their birthday, May 27, who have more in common than just their ...
Sticks48 comments on May 27, 2022:
I grew up loving their horror movies.
The world of rock/pop music throws up some really weird people, a great number of whom have died at ...
Sticks48 comments on May 27, 2022:
It is about the playing for most l think. It is for me. Some need the excitement of those big shows. There is nothing else that feels like playing for a live audience, no matter the size. Some of those bands from the 80s, not the Stones, John, or McCartney, need money. The money they used to make from sales and publishing, has dried up because of the internet. There are many reasons, but mostly because it is really fucking fun. 😁
Shaken Greg Abbott Describes Moment of Terror When Beto O’Rourke Talked to Him | The New Yorker
Sticks48 comments on May 26, 2022:
Shorty is one of the two worst Governors in the U.S. I'll give you three guesses who the other one is. 😁
Philippines Street Foods 😋 🇵🇭 • Giblets • Entrails • Kikiam • Fishballs • ...
Sticks48 comments on May 26, 2022:
I didn't know squid and fish had balls. One never stops learning.
Sticks48 comments on May 25, 2022:
To quote the dean in the movie Animal House, "Fat and stupid is no way to go through life".
Watch: Beto O'Rourke Confronts Texas Governor At Shooting News Conference
Sticks48 comments on May 25, 2022:
Governor Shorty is in a wheelchair because he deserves to be in a wheelchair. Our Lt Governor is just an evil, ignorant, redneck!
Gunman kills 19 children, 2 teachers at Texas elementary school | Reuters
Sticks48 comments on May 25, 2022:
Sadly, we live in a backward, hillbilly nation whose leaders only care about power and money.
Trump-appointed judge claims doctors are changing babies’ gender as reason to block Obamacare rule...
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2022:
I have known many doctors. Think of them as body mechanics. The ability to study and pass tests has nothing to do with the ability for critical thought. I am sure you have known people with a college education who you knew were not that intellegent, just as you have known people who haven't gone to or haven't finished college, who you were impressed by their intellegence. They are not necessarily mutually inclusive.
Divided Supreme Court limits access to federal court review in death penalty cases
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2022:
The other Western nations eliminated the death penalty decades ago. The only thing that seperates us from many third world countries is money. Over the history of this country an untold number of innocent people have been murdered by the state, and murder is the proper word for it. 😠
Well here I am on Monday morning back saying hello again after a disappointing weekend in Oslo…a ...
Sticks48 comments on May 23, 2022:
So sorry you didn't get to hear a-Ha. Im happy for you that you got to spend time with Neil. 🤗
Little break w my work daughters at Asheville .
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2022:
You really needed this. Good for you. 🤗
Seems to be working!
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2022:
I excel at mistakes. It is so easy.
They really messed up.
Sticks48 comments on May 22, 2022:
There hasn't been enough good music for them to play in over two dacades.
A biblical infection!
Sticks48 comments on May 20, 2022:
It is good she caught it in time, before it actually started talking to her.
Memorial bench plaque: 👇 Me: Fair enough. 😆
Sticks48 comments on May 20, 2022:
My brother and l worked on shrimp boats one Summer , taking a break from the band thing, and we spent much of our time when shrimping, cussing at sea gulls.
A Village That Forbids The Presence Of Men
Sticks48 comments on May 20, 2022:
Good for them.
‘I mean Ukraine’: Former U.
Sticks48 comments on May 19, 2022:
What a surprise.
Uh oh. Somebody's in trouble.
Sticks48 comments on May 18, 2022:
Yep, some guys will stick their dicks in pretty much anything. 🤤
Tonight at bedtime I’m posting this song which I really love from Gary Moore who is a real guitar ...
Sticks48 comments on May 18, 2022:
Have a wonderful trip.
Wow, I guess I could drive this.
Sticks48 comments on May 17, 2022:
1957 Renualt
The Gypsy Kings - Hotel California []
Sticks48 comments on May 17, 2022:
I have loved this band since the first time l heard them.
One crazy language, eh? 😆
Sticks48 comments on May 17, 2022:
Never make fun of an immigrant who struggles learning this clusterfuck of a language.
I am finally all packed for my first trip to the Portland area in over 20 years.
Sticks48 comments on May 17, 2022:
+ All spring, summer and fall, we would act like a pack. What was you pre social media ritual?
Sticks48 comments on May 16, 2022:
My ritual was, I ACTUALLY HAD A LIFE!!! I don't know what the fuck happened to it.
I went down the street to bay front hotel , private beach , nice restaurant bar / view , I just went...
Sticks48 comments on May 16, 2022:
I wish l had been there. 😁
Probably not the right group for this but why can't we make oil companies produce more oil?
Sticks48 comments on May 15, 2022:
From what l have read, the oil companies are reluctant, as the last time they did, they got burned. The price per barrel dropped faster than expected. All of the oil goes on the world market and OPEC controls the price per barrel.
By 2026 all American automakers are required to equip cars with drunk driver test capabilities
Sticks48 comments on May 14, 2022:
I always buy old cars and trucks, so it won't really be a problem for me.
The Greatest Things Anyone Has Ever Achieved While On Drugs
Sticks48 comments on May 14, 2022:
I did speed and acid at the same time. The only thing I got out of it was an incredible heart rate and the desire to play songs way too fucking fast that night. I only did that once.
Parents Sue Son, Daughter-in-Law for Not Producing Grandchild
Sticks48 comments on May 14, 2022:
Ignorance knows no borders.
Hello 👋 heathens (my favourite people in the world 🥂 😆) what is your fave time of day?
Sticks48 comments on May 14, 2022:
The night time.
2 for me.
Sticks48 comments on May 14, 2022:
Clarence Thomas says abortion leak has changed Supreme Court
Sticks48 comments on May 14, 2022:
That fucker is a waste of skin!
Fred Ward passed.
Sticks48 comments on May 13, 2022:
I always liked him. ☹
Texas Supreme Court allows child abuse investigations into families of transgender teens to continue...
Sticks48 comments on May 13, 2022:
The only thing that keeps this place from being a bigger Alabama is money.
Boz Scaggs was a high school friend of Steve Miller in the early 60’s in Dallas, Texas.
Sticks48 comments on May 13, 2022:
Love me some Boz Skaggs!
California rock group Weezer released an album of covers titled TEAL in 2019.
Sticks48 comments on May 13, 2022:
The only Michael Jackson song l really liked. All of his other songs were just old rehashed Motown riffs.
Yes, well...
Sticks48 comments on May 13, 2022:
I will celebrate it next year or the year after, for sure.


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