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Good Morning - it's Friday and it's beautiful! I'm snagging my kiddos and heading off for a hike to ...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 27, 2020:
I have never gone out on a Black Friday that l can remember. Of course l forgot today is Friday. I thought it was Saturday until this post.
Silver lining? Had he been a better president he would have done more damage long term.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 27, 2020:
He might have. We will never know.
Third parties, even Ross Perot’s well-funded Reform Party in 1992, have failed to upset ...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 26, 2020:
So you have two parties that can't agree. Lets throw in a third. It would only work if they took enough House and Senate seats to be able to act as the swing vote. Then again they could turn out like the Freedom Caucus, the former Tea Party, and just fuck it up even more.
Christian Astrophysicist Has 5 Unconvincing Reasons She’s No Longer an Atheist | Hemant Mehta | ...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Education and intelligence are not always mutually inclusive.
I hope he wins the Republican nomination in 2024 so he can lose Georgia again!
Sticks48 comments on Nov 25, 2020:
Sounds like most of his business transactions.
Had to share this.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 25, 2020:
I have and do experience 6 7 8 9 13 17 19 & 21...I actually do own a comb. Oh the memories.
Pennsylvania's Democratic Lt.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Our Lt Governor is right up there with McTurkey as far as being an despicable, evil, piece of shit.
REMINDER; oUR next ZOOM CHAT is still Thursday, 11/26, Thanksgiving eve at 7:00 PM EST USA.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Wed is Thanksgiving eve. Which is it?
Guess the boss didn't care for that photo
Sticks48 comments on Nov 24, 2020:
I was in advertising before playing music full time. They know. A lot of times the creative department like to slip one in there, so to speak. Some times you get caught and sometimes you don't.
Seriously? Can she really be this clueless? []
Sticks48 comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Of course she can. Look at the gene pool she swims in. Actually, the gene pool she wades in. It isn't deep enough to swim in.
Helicopter pilot finds strange monolith in remote part of Utah.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Well they don't have monkeys in Utah! That would be weird. 🐒
Can a conservative News outlet survive if they speak in facts?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 24, 2020:
Probably not. Years ago conservative radio to shows learned if you can keep the stupid pissed off and afraid, even if you have to misslead and even lie, you could hold an audience. Murdock picked up on this and TA-DA Fox News. Fox is on cable because they are out of the reach of the FCC, which means they only have to worry about advertisers.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 23, 2020:
I have done a show with both Augie and Freddie, and I met Doug once. I loved this band. Ernie is one of my favorite drummers.
Is there any scenario where a guy would say "you can ask me out on a date?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 23, 2020:
It sounds like he would like to ask you out, so he is doing a little fishing, looking to see how you would respond. Asking women out is not easy. Men have to build up a layer of armor over time from rejection since it is generally up to us to do the asking. Sometimes even the most confident of men can feel a little timid if he is REALLY interested in someone. Or I could be completely wrong. :)
Talk about lost in translation.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 23, 2020:
Jim Bakker: A Couple of Years Ago, It Was Illegal to say “Merry Christmas” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 23, 2020:
Bakker is such an ignorant, smarmy, cry baby little motherfucker! Those are the most positive things I can say about him.
I've just never understood this.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 23, 2020:
I knew a guy like that when I lived in Taos. I'm somewhat cold natured, my average temp is around 97 degrees, so I used to marvel at his wearing shorts even when the temperature was in the teens or lower.
Trump Atty Suggests MAGA Supporters Not Partake In Georgia’s Election Run-Off - The ...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 23, 2020:
That'll show us!
The Christians Making Atheists
Sticks48 comments on Nov 23, 2020:
These folks mention Jesus twice a year at Easter and Christmas. The rest of the year they lean on the Old Testament which isn't even their book, but in that book they can find all of the support for their hate in its writings. Hypocrisy is the new foundation of their beliefs.
all I have is a buck 50 .
Sticks48 comments on Nov 23, 2020:
The young are soft and not so chewy.
Giuliani Fires Conspiracy Theorist Powell After Insane Press Conference President Donald J.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 23, 2020:
Makes you wonder, just how difficult is it to become a lawyer? 🤔
My aunt is one of those morons who gets her "news" from Facebook.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 22, 2020:
I have always known there were a lot of bad and stupid people in this country, but Rump's Presidency has exposed a level of stupid and evil in numbers that are stunning and scary.
What would you define the word agnostic to be?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 22, 2020:
For me it means I do not believe in any of the Gods human beings have created, which would be all of them. I certainly do not know, and neither does anyone else, why we are here or if there is a reason we are here.
Does anyone vote green?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 22, 2020:
Nope. People voting Green (Nader) in the Gore v Bush election gave us Bush. If Gore won there is no war in Iraq. There are thousands of more people who would not have died, and many thousand fewer refugees. We wouldn't have spent over 6 trillion dollars and counting in Iraq and Afghanistan. Third party voting usually puts the person in office those third party voters like the least. If you don't like either major party candidate, vote for the one who will get you closer, even if it is just a little bit, to the things you want, otherwise you help put the person in office who takes you farther away from what you want.
Someone posted this on Facebook as a retort to a tRump follower.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 22, 2020:
I really try to avoid cheesy humor.
Religion is at its best when....
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020: doesn't exist.
Are you ready to reduce your carbon footprint?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
I don't fly, eat beef or pork. I live in a travel trailer, and never had children. I am definitely not giving up my car, hot water, heat, AC, or my clothes. It is against the law to run around naked in Texas.
Scott Baio claims he may move to Utah to run against Mitt Romney
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
What a douche!
Is it true that you get a new Ferrari when you reach level ?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
I think there has been one person to reach level ten and she joined three years before the site came on line. I have been stuck at 9 twice as long as I actually was 9.
I just had to laugh at this one 😂
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
She might be disappointed to find out it is a vacuum cleaner!
Beer bottles in a whole new light.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
With winter coming on I need to get one of those little green caps, not too little though. :)
This may have been posted many posts ago but it's worth reading again - the very last sentence is my...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Spot on!
Are social media companies controlling or influencing our beliefs?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
The stupid and intellectually lazy for sure.
There seems to be a question floating around about whether President elect Joe Biden should ...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
As long as McTurtle heads the Senate, no. Those two Senate seats in Georgia are SO important. If the Dems don't win those it will mean four more years of Executive orders and little or no legislation. I am tired of paying these people to sit up there and do nothing in the Senate.
Someone's mind is in the gutter.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Yes it is, much of the time anyway.
Didn't know this was a problem there
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
What about squirrel? 😁
I'd say the answer is yes.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
Damn it!
For the last few weeks,  I've been feeling some kind of way.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 21, 2020:
You look awesome. He did a great job with your hair. I admire what you do. Nurses are the heart and soul of hospitals. I know. I spent a month in a hospital in the 90s and the nurses were amazing. Stay safe.
When prophecy fails, evangelicals freak out. []
Sticks48 comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Evening out listening to some great Reggae with great company!
Sticks48 comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Sounds fun. Enjoy.
It's been suggested and seconded that we do a homage, via one post each, of an artist we feel life ...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 20, 2020:
For anyone who dies too young it is a tragic thing. Artists are not special in that way, for me.
It’s 4.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 20, 2020:
He is my favorite guitarist and one of my favorite writers too.
Where is Cutiebeauty? Haven't heard from her in awhile.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 20, 2020:
I was wondering that myself.
Who's with me?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 20, 2020:
Love the meth eyes!
I took these shots yesterday when I was on my way home! ❤🧡💛 Somewhere in the New ...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 20, 2020:
A Modest Proposal For Centrist Democrats: Join the Republican Party.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 19, 2020:
I am a liberal. If the Progressives were taking over the party, Sanders would have won the nomination. He got less support than in 2016. The Democrats need to get better at messaging. "Defund the Police" was terrible for the Dems, and I know it cost them many votes in Senate races they thought they would win. The Republicans are very good at messaging and have been for a long time. The Democratic Party is the most diverse and complicated party in the world of politics in the history of the world. We are a moderate country, probably because of the strangle hold religion has on so much of the populace. Until our country reaches a point like most European countries and put religion in a proper perspective, this conservative bent will not change in my opinion. Our divide is most definitely urban/rural. It shows clearly in the maps of the voting patterns in 18 and 20, and I don't know how you fix that especially given the power of the social media.
Collective soul - shine []
Sticks48 comments on Nov 19, 2020:
My favorite 90's band.
Happy Thursday Everyone! What's a pet you've always wanted, but never had?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 19, 2020:
A skunk would be cool. I almost bought one once, but it was too expensive for me at the time. They will use a litter box. My brother had a small monkey once. Monkeys do not make good pets.
‘Extremely aggressive’ internet censorship spreads in the world’s democracies ...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 19, 2020:
The social sites will could well be our down fall. If they all went away I would be okay with that. One day it will have to be regulated. Everything has to be regulated concerning human behavior. This is why we have to have laws. This has to be because HUMAN BEINGS SUCK!
Squirrel Nut Zippers "HELL" - A gem from the 90s. Enjoy! Also has anyone heard from @CaroleKay?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 19, 2020:
Yes. She seems to be doing ok.
What else would we expect in 2020?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Devil's Food? MMMMMM..GOOD!
Wait what's happening everyone is wearing their mask situation is suppose to be under control.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
There is nothing under control in this country. That is why we are where we are. The level of stupid in this country is unfathomable.
In 1955 a black and white film was released about convicts in a prison.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
I did not know that. Great song.
America’s largest militia says it will refuse to recognise Biden as president and ‘resist’ his...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
Just goes to show you intelligence and education are not always mutually inclusive.
A South African Couple Has Turned Elephant Dung Into Award-Winning Gin - Gastro Obscura
Sticks48 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
At $45 a bottle a trunk full would be pretty pricey.
Life, Philosophy, and Everything In-Between: Jesus the Great Moral Teacher
Sticks48 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
They don't bring up the crazy shit in either book in church and they know the majority of "believers" will never read either book.
I read this and immediately changed my mind on the subject. [] Thoughts?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 18, 2020:
I am hoping he can pardon himself. This is one of those deals where Biden can't win. If he doesn't go after Trump the left will lose their minds. If he goes after Trump the right will lose their tiny little minds. Biden will have enough on his plate to deal with, maybe more than any President since Roosevelt. Let the states go after him. NY will probably not be the only state that goes after Trump.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 17, 2020:
FB put me in FB jail because I said so many Americans are stupid. FB needs to pay FUCKING attention. Stupid people tend to have more children than smart people which means they may outnumber us some day. Scary, HUH!
Happy Tuesday everyone! (For me, TEQUILA! )
Sticks48 comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Any cheap liquor or any cocktail with sugar, either simple syrup, colas, fruit juice, or sweet liqueurs.
Should Trump be stopped from laying a "mine-field" for the Biden administration?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 17, 2020:
That is what the man/boy does. Fortunately Biden has been there a long time. Biden has been through two transitions, one going in and one going out. He knows how to get most of the information he needs by going around many of Trump's people. The most dangerous thing they are keeping from the Biden team are the daily security briefings. That ain't right and I don't know what they can do about it. Harris sits on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs so she will have access to much of the information. Who knows what information Trump and his people will destroy.
Can agnosticism be expanded to include all knowledge because nothing can ever be proven?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 17, 2020:
There are things that can be proven. It is a fact you can't throw a potato chip far!
Sticks48 comments on Nov 17, 2020:
That is because they are so busy trying to fuck the country!
If the average IQ is 100 then what do you estimate is the average IQ of contributors to this website...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 17, 2020:
I know my IQ. I don't know the lQ of others on this site, but l would guess the majority are above 100. I have blocked 171 people here and l would guess the majority of them have double digit lQs which is why l blocked them. The others were just assholes. Just a guess.
Public service announcement.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 17, 2020:
Stupid is as stupid does... F. Gump...This is not about policies, this is about character and morality. Fuck Trump supporters!
Do you remember when you thought like this? After 2020 I'll never buy this idea again.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 16, 2020:
I have never believed that. I am responsible for some of my catastrophes and things out of my control have been responsible for others. It is called life.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 16, 2020:
I doubt it. He will keep saying this to keep his followers behind him. He needs their money. I don't think he wants to gamble on losing twice. He would not be able to handle that.
You can't argue with that.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 16, 2020:
So many ways to respond to this! ;)
Paul Gauguin (French, 1848-1903) Houses in le Pouldu, 1890
Sticks48 comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Love Gauguin
News Anchor Suspended For Asking Why 2020 Took Trebek and Not McConnell [god.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 16, 2020:
Kentucky should be removed from the union. Seriously.
Many of us old folks remember this
Sticks48 comments on Nov 16, 2020:
In Memoriam to our friend Coral Anderson (Coralisthree).
Sticks48 comments on Nov 15, 2020:
This is so sad. 2020 just sucks. :(
Melania Tells Trump It's Over
Sticks48 comments on Nov 15, 2020:
You know she never wanted this life anyway. She is probably as happy as we are he lost.
While this seemed even tempered if you read her reasons all seem to boil down to "They're idiots"...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 15, 2020:
Other than those greedy bastards that vote only because of lower taxes, if you vote for a racist, misogynistic, lying, amoral, immoral POS, I can only conclude that you are also a POS, period! This of course makes one really stupid, evil, or both, none of which is a good thing.
‘Good Lord, congressman’: Devin Nunes receives hilarious lecture from Lou Dobbs on Fox Business...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 15, 2020:
That makes more sense than anything Lou Dobbs has said in decades!
I wrote a question to an ex boyfriend about his kids.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 15, 2020:
I really have no idea. I have never understood this phenomenon.
Failures in packaging
Sticks48 comments on Nov 15, 2020:
I'm sure the people I don't like would leave a bad taste in my mouth.
For a kinder, gentler Sunday morning, here's 4 year old Claire Crosby and her Dad singing, "You've ...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 15, 2020:
I love this.
A South American mouse is the world’s highest-dwelling mammal | Science News
Sticks48 comments on Nov 15, 2020:
And l thought l was the highest dwelling mammal. Back to work. 😎
Over 74K alleged sex abuse victims file claims against the Boy Scouts
Sticks48 comments on Nov 15, 2020:
And those are the ones who will come forth. How many won't come forth for whatever reason?
Donald Trump does drive-by past Washington supporters chanting 'four more years'
Sticks48 comments on Nov 14, 2020:
I hope he gets at least 4 to 10 years.
How to get rid of trump permanently...Follow instructions!!!!!
Sticks48 comments on Nov 14, 2020:
I would pay to see that. l would like to be at the bottom to see him splat.
Collective Soul The World that I Know [] Just added this back to my favorites List
Sticks48 comments on Nov 14, 2020:
My favorite 90s band .
Alabama's new senator struggles with the basics of WWII
Sticks48 comments on Nov 14, 2020:
It is ALABAMA! Nuff said.
No, I Will Not Be 'Reaching Out' To Trump Voters, Now Or Ever. Here's Why. | HuffPost
Sticks48 comments on Nov 14, 2020:
I feel exactly the same. This is not about policy differences. This is about character and morality. Those I have excommunicated from my life will stay there. I have been disappointed in my country many times in my life. I have never bought into our false claims of greatness. These claims of greatness were based on marketing and self promotion. To have this many people vote for an immoral, amoral, lying, misogynistic, racist, ignorant, coward is more than disappointing. I doubt at my age I will live long enough to see this country attain greatness, and this makes me sad.
Six Reasons Why Google Maps Is the Creepiest App On Your Phone Google knows where you are, and so...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Cool, because most of the time I have no idea where I am!
Helloooooo! Greetings my friends.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 14, 2020:
6 to 7 hours of not very restful sleep. I nap maybe once a month and only for maybe 30 minutes. I wish I was a napper, but I never have been.
Gee, I wonder why he can't get a date?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 14, 2020:
His shoes? They really don't go with that outfit.
These people are nucking futz.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 14, 2020:
Dan Patrick, not the sports guy, is cut from the same nasty piece of cloth as the Rumpster. Texas has some of the nastiest politicians in the country, Gov. Abbott, Cruz, Cornyn, Gohmert, and the list goes on.
Happy Friday! What is the last thing you do before sleep?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 13, 2020:
Turn out the light.
If people often get your name wrong, would you still correct them or get tired of it?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 13, 2020:
I have had people call me Larry, Lawrence, Lars, hey you, asshole, dick head, son of a bitch, and motherfucker. I will answer to any of those.
She's not wrong!
Sticks48 comments on Nov 12, 2020:
To be a racist is stupid as fuck!
Paula White Asks God to Override ‘Will of Man’ and Keep Trump in Office; Her Son Urges God to ...
Sticks48 comments on Nov 12, 2020:
He already has. He sent us Paula White!
Which Democrat campaign promises should take priority?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 12, 2020:
It all depends on who controls the Senate. If it's McTurtle, not much except for executive orders and foreign policy.
Hey guyses! When is the last time you felt disrespected? How did you handle it?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 12, 2020:
I run over them with my truck!
Raul Malo and The Mavericks for the families of victims in mass shootings. []
Sticks48 comments on Nov 12, 2020:
Love the Mavericks!
WATCH: Jon Voight Suggests "Leftists" Are Working With Satan.
Sticks48 comments on Nov 12, 2020:
If you know much about this man, you know he is not bright. He is a good actor, but he is also a moron.
Are we becoming a Banana Republic and getting set up for a coup? []
Sticks48 comments on Nov 11, 2020:
It is would be almost impossible to pull off a coup in this country. Even if you had the military behind you, that in itself would be impossible, we are so large and diverse I don't see how it could be done.
Happy Tuesday! What is your one most essential kitchen tool? Just One! Chef's knife for moi!
Sticks48 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
The refrigerator!
Is 45 planning to attempt to suspend the Constitution and declare himself a dictator?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
As soon as Biden takes the oath he is in command of the military, the secret service, and the nuclear codes automatically change. He will be gone even if they have to escort him out which would really be fun to watch.
Will the President’s Lawsuits Overturn the Election?
Sticks48 comments on Nov 10, 2020:
Yes, and tomorrow I will wake up with bangs! :)


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